Monday, January 31, 2011

Maybeline My Fit Blushe Swatches

Alessandra and her "BolleViola"

.... a series of collection "and its recycling ... ... - ... the bubbles "Alessandra
made for ....

Copyright: All Rights Reserved
Registered: Thu Jan 20 08:05:37 2011 UTC

Alessandra is an actress / costume designer / creative (hence the blog), in short its a nice personality ....
and you can clearly see in this picture

Average Length Of Deodorant

The best new business ideas from the food and not, new ideas for restaurants del 2010

Both during the year beginning to point out the best business ideas that I sometimes see when I go around ( London, Paris , New York), many bloggers I get advice on developing new business, remember the original idea but it is equally important important place and manner in which it is developed and realized. New ideas last year but have not yet superarate of new things have come, are some ideas you can take and that there are in your country that is Italy Switzerland, interesting new concept of the new classical and fast food , places open all day, which are becoming more specialized to meet the growing demand for new products, but also of healthy eating, new ideas of service to people and new ideas Green Economy.

fast food classic

A Toutes Vapeurs, Restaurant with steam

A formula of fast food that has the feature to suggest only cooking steam, anti meals, main dishes, desserts. A nice selection of preparation with great creativity, many fish dishes paired with vegetables to pasta, healthy food with good value for money. For those who think that eating steam is not pleasant, change your mind. Target undifferentiated by the student employee, who at midday or in the evening want to eat healthy and balanced. Open this year 's we are already at the second hole, two more are planned in early 2011. For fans also Facebook .
Info: A Toutes Vapeurs , 2 Rue de l’echelle Paris e 7, Rue de l'Isly - Paris

It Mylks yogurt , Lo yogurt nella ristorazione veloce

Un idea semplice forse piuttosto banale secondo molti, ma gradita, aperto nel mese di Aprile 2010 sull’imitazione di un famoso locale di Frozen Yogurt a New York. Un negozio di yogurt fatto in casa, latte da azienda certificata 100% locale, 100% biologico. Il locale offre sia da consumare sul posto che da portar via yogurt con frutta, cheese cake, milk shake. Il primo è stato aperto nell’aprile 2010 il secondo questo autunno, un idea che piace molto,per gli appassionati anche su Facebook .
Info : It Mylks , Odéon - 15 rue de l’Ancienne Comédie Paris, Citadium 3eme étage 50-56 rue Caumartin Paris

Oh poivrier
Invece utilizza per differenziarsi la cosiddetta bruschetta gourmand come piatto principale con diversi abbinamenti , la fetta di pane abbrustolito o come meglio la chiamano qui tartina in versione di lusso potremmo dire, alcuni esempi tartina con tartare di salmone erbe aromatiche insalata, limone, pomodoro, fagiolini oppure tartina con carpaccio di bue, becon, insalata, pomodoro, cavolo e frutta secca , la bruschetta diviene cosi un piatto completo, forse in Italia è banale ma all'estero l'idea piace molto.
Info : Oh poivrier

Les cocottes by Christian Constant

Solo cocottes, al ristorante per mangiare solo prepararazioni in cocottes, è una preparazione tipica francese ma che oramai è divenuta patrimonio comune della cucina internazionale, adatta a tutte le stagioni e per tutti i palati, nella grande offerta dei locali per ristorazione meglio orientarsi a specialty known and recognized.
Info: Le violon dingres, 135, rue Saint-Dominique, Paris

tarts Kluger
only sweet and savory pie, takeaway or eat in combination with d 'salads and fruit, local throughout the day and at all hours, even though much frequented at lunchtime and in the afternoon, the pies are 16 € for 4 people and € 28 for eight people, each cake is abbianta a bottle of wine, optional some examples of pie zucchini, peas, artichoke and rocket matched with Galet-Pineau d'Aunis rouge or a sweet passion fruit cake, hazelnut meringue and lime peels Caribbean with Chardonnay Macon Blanc. For fans also Facebook.
Info: 6 rue de Forez, Paris tarts Kluger,


Instead only salads, salads made to measure, we start from a type of salad lettuce and then combine ingredients from olives, cheese, bacon, carrots and many other ingredients. Turn the salad into a complete meal is an individual choice, offered a somewhat 'limited, but is aimed primarily at students and very young boys. Winking to a healthy diet, an alternative to McDonald's, not only in the menu but also in space and furnishings. There are already a dozen eateries in one year.
Info: Jour

Rice to Riches
rice milk that for dessert paired with many ingredients to choose from fresh fruits, dry fruits, spices and a thousand other variations. I never bet a euro on this idea, but I do not know why it works, it will be the desire for a return to comfort food, rice with milk in the mother, an idea very much in the USA.
Info: to Rice Riches 37 Spring Street New York

Vousavezchoisi , Choose one of the lunch menu
A website allows you to choose the menu of the restaurant and ready to find it in store or with a small price is directly taken office. Cooperate twenty signs of takeaways. The concept is simple the consumer does not lose time, locally creating a new distribution channel.
Info: Vousavezchoisi

Geldrive a method of buying frozen
Also on the speed of service and utility the formula geldrive at home with your computer after a few minutes passed and ordered to withdraw your order, by car. The idea is to Valerie and Vincent Spoiler Matta, nobody would have bet much on this idea but also by selection of brands and products ready, it is an idea that has been successful, maybe not so much how to buy but the quality and easy to utility supply. They are also on Facebook ..
Info: Geldrive

Fast food trend: Mexican and pasta

Fast food Mexican
Chaak and Chipolte , these are two brands that offer fast food Mexican, with burritos, salads, tacos and other strong flavors and very spicy. From November 2010 114-116 Charing Cross Rd London London, UK WC2H 0JR

Great success always fast food instead of pasta as I pointed out long ago: half of dough , Francesca , Nooi , MeccaPasta , (when we will see a real Italian?)

food company

Good Gout
Just three months of existence, the company had turnover of € 40,000. The company was founded by two young parents concerned about their children's food, no one responded to their needs, so here is a range of baby food for weaning children under 3 years. Done very well with the right assessments according to the taste and ingredients, especially the gradual introduction of foods, it is surprising I swear I tried them! They are very good. 100% organic, 100% attention to the environment already in a hundred stores in France.

Green Economy

Obtaining energy from walkways
E 'reading journals that three students have decided to create Agora Energy, a company that creates electricity with the passage of pedestrians. Railway stations, shopping malls, discos and all places of high traffic. It creates energy that can be used both as self-consumption, such as lighting or billboards or for different purposes.
Info: Agora energy

The Legal Concierge
is known that lawyers have a high cost but they may not always be necessary so there is this fast service at 75 and 85 €, how to close a bank account, small but simple advice to solve troubles insurmountable for consumers. Info: Conciergeriejuridique

Sail Bags
Recycle sailboats and turns them into bags, because the sails are not easy to have invented a new use as a cloth to make bags.
Info: Sail Bags

Heat Pump Running No Heat

Kefir - Finding kefir grains - Click here

you want to live a long time, possibly enjoying good health?

Well, in the expectation that science should develop some therapy genetic engineering, you just need to imitate the people del Caucaso che da millenni bevono kefir d'acqua.
Forse non lo sapevate, ma uno dei luoghi sulla terra dove la popolazione è più longeva è proprio quella zona che sta tra il Mar Nero e il Mar Caspio. Il segreto? Il kefir d' acqua, una semplice bevanda fermentata a base di latte o d´acqua che in quelle regioni si beve da millenni. Leggenda metropolitana, direte voi.

E invece illustri studiosi ( Prof. Drasek, Prof. Menkiv ) tra cui anche un premio nobel il ( Prof. Metchnikov ) hanno documentato come gli abitanti delle regioni caucasiche non conoscano tubercolosi, cancro né disturbi intestinali. Merito soprattutto del kefir che, stando ai loro studi, guarisce i catarri delle respiratory tract, stomach cramps, inflammatory bowel diseases, those of the liver, biliary tract disorders and diseases of the bladder.
Read more about the therapeutic properties of this beverage, Caucasian, we turned to Dr. Smith of Cremona. To him parola.Il Kefir is a fermented beverage containing lactobacilli bulgaria, thermophilic streptococci, yeasts, bacteria, propionic, carbon dioxide, various enzymes, ethyl alcohol, various vitamins (group B, C, PP) simple sugars, water or milk.
In fact, there is a milk kefir and water kefir a : this' last however, appear to have more therapeutic properties . By virtue of its ferment kefir works by rebalancing the intestinal flora, preventing the decomposition and putrefaction of the bolus in the gut.
This drink then stimulates the intestinal immune system with beneficial effects on the immune system of the body.
kefir, kefir
Kefir water can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of various diseases:

diseases of peripheral nerves
gastric and duodenal ulcers, bronchial catarrh

arteriosclerosis ipercolesterolizzante
Liver and Biliary Diseases

renal diseases of the stomach and intestines

Constipation Diarrhea Eczema

should be drunk every day with a dose of one liter. Kefir water is a liquid, less dense yogurt, sweet flavor and crisp as that of the grape must. You can also drink it at meals instead of water
------------------------------------ -------
HOW TO PREPARE water kefir

Ingredients for water kefir:

A glass jar of the capacity of 1 liter, which is closed with a cap
3 tablespoons of kefir ferment d '
water 2 tablespoons sugar 2 dried figs or prunes

lemon possibly biological
a colander

Preparation of Kefir d 'water

Fill the container of water and add the yeast Kefir d' water, sugar, fruit and lemon. Mix ingredients well and cover with the bottle cap.
2 days left to ferment at room temperature. Keep in mind that water kefir fermented for 24 hours has laxative effect still rich di glucosio e saccarosio, quello fermentato oltre 48 ore sino ad un massimo di 72 ore ha invece un effetto astringente poiché più acido.
Ogni 24 ore mescolare gli ingredienti. Il contenuto di carbonio aumenta di giorno in giorno.
A fermentazione ultimata, spremere il limone, eliminare la frutta e filtrare la bevanda con il colino in una bottiglia. La bevanda va tenuta in frigorifero fino al completo consumo. Il preparato va bevuto ogni giorno.
Lavare molto bene il vaso e il fungo che nel processo di fermentazione sarà aumentato di volume. Per una nuova preparazione del kefir d' acqua, rimettete nel vaso solo 3 cucchiai di fermenti. Il resto potete regalarlo o utilizzarlo come fertilizzante organico.

Some useful information for the kefir 's water

In the preparation of kefir' s water is recommended to treat very hygiene. Kefir d 'water should be consumed fresh because it is a drink that may be contaminated if not prepared facilmente.Anche Kefir d' water, the fungus remains alive for several days as long as you keep it in sugar water. In addition, the water kefir grains should be completely renewed at least once every six months. This is to maintain the healthiness' and maintain all the benefits of the drink.

In addition, some internationally renowned scholars have devoted much of loro vita allo studio del Kefir :
- Il Prof. Drasek , medico tedesco, ha confermato scientificamente l'effetto prodigioso del Kefir ancor prima della grande guerra. Il Prof. Menkiv, studioso di biologia, afferma che gli abitanti del Caucaso non conoscono, tra l'altro, la tubercolosi, il cancro ed i disturbi intestinali.
- Il Prof. Ilya Ilyich Metchnikov, premio Nobel, ha appurato che con il Kefir si guarisce il catarro delle vie respiratorie, i crampi allo stomaco, le infiammazioni croniche intestinali e quelle al fegato, i disturbi alle vie biliari e le malattie alla vescica.

Nell'assistenza all'infanzia il Kefir può essere usato come coadiuvante del latte materno , anche contro allergie cutanee dei neonati; durante la gravidanza allevia i disturbi femminili al basso ventre poiché è fortemente anti infiammatorio . Esistono possibilità d'uso del Kefir anche nella cura di : malattie dei nervi, ulcere interne, catarro bronchiale, sclerosi varie, infarto del miocardio, biliosi, malattie del fegato, dei reni, dello stomaco, itterizia, diarrea, stitichezza, anemia, leucemia, allergie varie ed eczemi. Inoltre il preparato è particolarmente indicato per la regolazione del ciclo mestruale, durante la convalescenza dopo interventi chirurgici impegnativi e gravi malattie.

L'azione benefica del Kefir is essentially to prevent putrefaction in the intestines of substances ingested, previously digested by the stomach.

If you also want to check the veracity of these claims requires some 'Kefir ferments.

Kefir is a fermented drink containing Lactobacillus bulgaria, thermophilic streptococci, yeasts, bacteria, propionic acid, carbon dioxide, various enzymes, ethyl alcohol, various vitamins (group B, C, PP) simple sugars, water or milk. In fact, there is a milk kefir and a kefir with water: but it seems to have more therapeutic properties. Under dei suoi fermenti il kefir funziona da riequilibratore della flora batterica intestinale, impedendo la decomposizione e la putrefazione del bolo nell´intestino.

Questa bevanda stimola quindi il sistema immunitario intestinale con benefici effetti sul sistema immunitario di tutto il corpo.

Il kefir contiene una combinazione di numerosi microrganismi probiotici vivi e benefici, unica nel suo genere. Inoltre contiene tanti elementi nutritivi fondamentali per il nostro organismo: proteine,minerali e vitamine.

Il consumo quotidiano di kefir può aiutare To:
1) Kefir regulates intestinal functions ;
Kefir stimulates protein digestion, appetite and peristalsis and promotes salivation and the secretion of enzymes by the stomach and pancreas, stimulating the digestion of other foods, scientific studies suggest that it may help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
2) opposes the establishment of Kefir dangerous germs.
Kefir contains a large amount of lactic acid bacteria which have an inhibitory neiconfronti putrefactive microbes and pathogens;
3) Kefir stimulates the production of antibodies to the gut and improve the immune system.
Thanks to the action of microorganisms, kefir is highly digestible and is considered the milk product more suitable for people with intolerance lattosioIl

kefir is suitable for all:

- To those whose activities are sedentary and wants a balanced and easily digestible food
- Who wants to eat food natural, healthy and nutrients that can strengthen the body and the immune system.
- For people under antibiotic treatment, because in these cases, their gut flora is disturbed or even destroyed.
- For the guys who will be eligible for food energy, digestible, palatable, healthy and able to counteract the negative effects of the many "junk" that today can eat while taking many elements as the key to development calcium, potassium and many vitamins.
- Women waiting for the content of folic acid essential for the development of feto. Durante lo svezzamento anche ai loro piccoli, per la capacità del kefir di aiutare a colonizzare l’apparato digerente con batteri “buoni”con tutti i benefici che ne conseguono.
- Per le persone anziane, i convalescenti e chi ha la digestione in subbuglio.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Constant Use Of Chapstick


I am very happy to announce that I will be present to
Milan fieramilanocity dal 25 al 27 marzo 2011

Quello che rende ancora più speciale questo avvenimento è che condividerò lo stand con due amiche/artiste speciali Mae/CARTESSENZA  e Chiara/CHIMAJARNO  !!!!

Ci lega la grande passione per il nostro lavoro, le scelte eco-sostenibili e una grande amicizia nata grazie alle nostre attività e crescuita negli anni condividendo sogni, intenti, impegni ed eventi.....
Abbiamo partecipato insieme a molti eventi, per citare gli ultimi due Ecopink 2010 Milano e La mostra di artisti del riciclo e riuso - gennaio 2011 a Roma.
Naturale arrivare a progettare di condividere un'evento come questo.

Fa’ la cosa giusta! è la più grande mostra-mercato sul consumo critico e gli stili di vita sostenibili in Italia; il punto di incontro per tutte le realtà che in Italia promuovono l’economia solidale, il consumo consapevole e la responsabilità sociale d’impresa. Ci troverete nella sezione "Critical Fashion" - accessori ed indumenti che coniugano stile, progettualità e sostenibilità: dalle griffe di giovani designer, ai capi vintage, ai tessuti biologici o realizzati con fibre naturali.

Segnatevi l'appuntamente in agenda
 vi aspettano!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spectrum Gym In San Antonio

A Las Vegas i cereali si illuminano, Kit Kat Nestlè sposa le mostre d'arte, Starbucks aumenta la capacità dei bicchieri di caffè!

After a serious issue and important as the analysis of pasta gluten-free , Roberto La Pira thank for having published the magazine The fact food, it takes the lightest of the arguments that we do a little 'smile without taking itself too seriously.

During CES, the annual meeting dedicated to innovation in U.S. , was presented with this fun new innovation on the shelf, cereals that light pardon the cereal boxes that light up like an amusement park, in very simple words do not know how surprised and perhaps as a trim, do not hold out against the cereal boxes great sympathy, you see?

Breakism Have a communication campaign is last instead of Kit Kat, the chocolate bar of Nestle , at an art exhibition in Holland, has decided to "surprise" visitors in an original way "Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat"

Starbucks instead decided to introduce a new glass "thirty" 916 ml, enough? The press release specifies that it is only reserved for cold coffee and iced tea, yes, but they are always 916 ml of coffee, almost a liter. That is no small thing, I suppose, or at least I hope you will share!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pathophisiology Of Pernicious Anemia

Come scegliere le paste senza glutine, confronto tra ingredienti, marche, valori nutrizionali, calorie e prezzi

The number of people who discover they are intolerant or gluten intolerance is increasing, so that the demand for gluten-free products is growing. In Italia secondo i dati dell'Associazione Italiana Celiachia, gli intolleranti al glutine diagnosticati sono circa 60.000, ma si pensa che il problema dell'intolleranza al glutine riguarda un numero maggiore che và dalle 400.000 alle 500.000 persone in quanto circa il 90% è affetto da malattia celiachia asintomatica . Un target che inizia ad essere interessante per le aziende, tanto che negli ultimi anni ci sono stati dei miglioramenti nella qualità dell'offerta e più persone si avvicinano ai prodotti per allergici, tra cui i prodotti senza glutine, per la ricerca della sicurezza nei prodotti alimentari . Così la pasta senza glutine da prodotto per la salute che era possibile trovare solo in farmacia, Today we can find at the supermarket.

'Where is the gluten?

Gluten is a protein group content in some cereals such as wheat, barley, barley, oats, spelled, kamut, rye, and there result in all food products and preparations such as bread, pasta, pastry products and several unexpected products such as ready-made soups, sauces, instant mashed potatoes, sausage, chocolate.

Cos 'is exactly the ' intolerance to gluten?

In some susceptible individuals the ingestion of gluten causes an inflammatory response that alters the intestinal wall and can not assimilate nutrients. The disease can lead to absorption deficiencies of important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins. Symptoms vary by the level of intolerance, there are no typical symptoms, ranging from digestive problems to symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, it is not uncommon to find patients who discover late in life their intolerance (celiac disease silent), there therapy but prevention, or rather a eslusione diet that is to identify and remove products containing gluten from the diet.

How are gluten-free pasta?

The pasta is made from durum wheat or better durum wheat semolina, which contains both starch and gluten, the combination of starch and gluten can make a paste with a good consistency. To make pasta without gluten flour is used by cererali gluten-free, are now frequently used corn flour and rice, sometimes only rice, corn or sometimes just blended in different percentage, sometimes with the addition Buckwheat flour , sometimes with meal of lupins are underway for new formulation with added flour quinoa (secondo me la più adatta) ma anche sorgo , fonio , amaranto , manioca e miglio . La farina di riso da alla pasta elasticità e colore bianco mentre la farina di mais da compattezza alla pasta , il mix delle due farine fornisce alla pasta una compostezza molto simile alla pasta di semola di grano duro. Risultano più gradite quelle paste con una maggiore percentuale di farina di mais rispetto alla farina di riso.

Nella lista degli ingredienti ci sono i mono e digliceridi degli acidi grassi , (E 471) cosa sono?

Sono degli additivi alimentari o meglio un emulsionante estratto da olii vegetali, il loro ruolo nella pasta senza glutine è favorire una maggiore tenuta della pasta. A onore del vero su di loro pesa il sospetto che siano prodotti da olii vegetali proveniente da colture Ogm.

Perchè si usa la farina di lupini?

La farina di lupini viene usata per dare sia consistenza, colore e sapore, è priva di glutine, ha un buon contenuto sia di proteine che di fibre, è un emulsionante naturale. Viene inserito come in ingrediente nel tentativo di ottenere una pasta molto simile dal punto di vista nutrizionale alla pasta di semola di grano duro. He, however, one aspect is highly allergenic then you need to go in small doses, because usually those who are already intolerant to a food can easily be intolerant to other foods even though for now the cases of intolerance between the two findings are few, but there. Usually combined as an ingredient in gluten-free pasta are the pea protein flour together with the lupins.

How does the cooking? Directions for cooking

Warning this is the most important, always read the package because most I analyzed the paste, provide indications different methods of cooking and baking different times, I have also found packages without prompts, and then maybe start with a brand new caution times vary and depends on the dough, the size , an extra minute makes all the difference between a pasta al dente and cooked too much pasta!

Table 1 Comparison of spaghetti: Riso Scotti, Coop, The blinds of the Mill Iron and Biaglut

has the same nutritional profile of durum wheat pasta?

The gluten-free pasta, as we see from Table 2, are less rich in protein, bit 'more than carbohydrates but depending on the brand, the people I interviewed have made me understand those who prefer pulp where there is more corn flour.

Table 2 Comparison Ds Schar, Riso Gallo, Diald normal durum wheat pasta source Inran

There's naturally gluten-free pasta?

In our western food culture is difficult, I am reminded of the " Soba " the Japanese noodles rather than spaghetti noodles you could define only buckwheat flour, I remember once having found in the Haute Savoie in France crozets corn flour , are made of buckwheat and cornmeal , not all I would recommend the normal crozets are made with whole wheat flour mixed with buckwheat, read the ingredients. In the East, I also come to mind rice vermicelli and soy Chinese. Always remember that the product should be the mark of the crossed-out ear that is a gluten free product.

If invited to a house are gluten intolerant?

I say often that you get a call and alert the owner to cook gluten-free pasta, you can find in front of a nice dish of the Valtellina are pizzoccheri known to be made with buckwheat , if we look carefully we find that the label ingredients is mixed wheat and buckwheat therefore not suitable for gluten intolerant, the same thing pastes kamut flour, pasta made with attention flour rye or barley flour are you meal alternatives but it is said that they are free of gluten in fact they are not at all, so remember that gluten is not only in other cereal crop.

What are the Italian companies that make gluten-free pasta?

ARNABOLDI ( ready meals gluten-free) as penne and fusilli with seafood and mushrooms.

BIAGLUT , line Pasta Mia : include different types of pasta including: pasta, lasagna and pasta only Mais

bio-alimentation classes , pasta formats from classic and regional, including rice flour dumplings.

COLUSSI mark Measure the size of penne pasta, spaghetti and fusilli (79% corn, 19% rice)

Coop, Coop line gluten-free pasta like penne and fusilli with

DIALCOS , line diald gluten-free products, (67% corn 33% rice)

Dietary mark Pandea

DR. SCHÄR , full line with pasta, gnocchi and lasagne, a mix of corn and rice
DS by Dr. Schar Gluten Free


FARMO , corn pasta, pasta, rice, corn and rice pasta


WINDOW ON THE SKY , pasta di solo grano saraceno, solo riso, solo mais

LEILA PHARMA FOOD , pasta bio e tradizionale con mais 80% 20% riso, con 80 % riso e 20% mais, con grano saraceno 25 % mais 60%, Riso 15%.

MOLINO ANDRIANI , pasta di riso, pasta di mais, pasta bio riso, pasta bio mais

MOLINO DI FERRO , la linea Le veneziane , 100% mais

MOLINO RIVETTI , la linea il pane di Anna con spaghetti di mais, strigoli di grano saraceno, strigoli di mais

MONNA DE' LIZIA Line egg pasta with corn, rice, soybeans and xanthan gum


NUTRITION & SANTE 'ITALY , cereal line a full line of gluten-free, original ingredients for pasta: corn starch, corn flour, rice flour, pea concentrate, concentrate lupine, emulsifiers: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids.

PASTA LENS , 4 lines of gluten-free pasta: corn 100%, 100% rice, maize and rice, 100% whole grain rice (the original)

PASTA ZARA , line Harmonies


PLADA vedi Biaglut

PROBIOS , 51 prodotti senza glutine, pasta solo mais, pasta di riso, pasta mais e riso, pasta di riso integrale.

RARIFARM , linea Le sorrentine,

RISO GALLO , linea 3 cereali con riso, mais, grano saraceno.

RISO SCOTTI, linea Pasta riso di sola farina di riso.

SARCHIO , buckwheat pasta, rice,

Tomasello, Sicilian company
Where are gluten-free pasta?

past few years the gluten-free meals can also be found at the supermarket, although many people prefer specialty stores and pharmacies, because they have a larger sample of products.

How much gluten-free pasta?

The price is one of the most negative note of the product, and cost much more than ordinary paste the lowest price I found at COOP € 3.44 per kg, (+ 100% compared to a paste normal) a product with good value for money, the higher the brand but do not say € 11 per kg in nearly 1000% more than regular pasta, gluten-free pastas are certainly the special pastas but I think they are only in special price, and then evaluated the relationship pleasure of taste and price per kilo of pasta.

can be purchased online gluten-free pasta?

Yes, many companies offer online sales, is well understood that are interesting to buy large quantities because prices do not differ much from those of normal despite venidta points with the online sale of their lower costs, I maintain that vendita on line dovrebbe essere di almeno – 30% del prezzo di un altro punta vendita, altrimenti non è conveniente poichè dovete aggiungere anche le spese di spedizione.

Le paste senza glutine fanno dimagrire?

Le pasta senza glutine è stata studiata per venire incontro alle esigenze di una popolazione un po' speciale. Non basta mangiare un diverso tipo di pasta per dimagrire, non è un alimento di per sè che fa dimagrire ma una dieta equilibrata associata ad uno stile di vita attivo che includa un esercizio fisico costante. Le paste senza glutine hanno qualche caloria in più. Consiglierei di prestare attenzione più al condimento che alla pasta! Le persone celiache sono known to be thinner because they balance the lack of fiber in some foods with more fruit and vegetables and then maybe that will also stay away from cakes and pastries because of their intolerance!

The future of gluten intolerance

nowadays there is a wide range of gluten-free products and as much as 90% of patients on the exclusion diet can have a normal life, with the wealth of products you can have a varied and tasty food. However, many studies are focusing on the Nuvo PEP enzyme, ie propyl endopeptidase EP 32, which increases the tolerance to gluten, other studies trials are in progress, is expected to be used as a drug that fits into the food

said that mine is a beautiful theory , because I ate a few times a gluten-free pasta is my preference goes to those with at least 70% of corn is a very personal taste, any of you has tried?

Info: Asssociazione Italian Celiac, Celiac Italy

Asked by Andrea G. Patricia S. Julian T. Giorgia S.

List of companies and gluten-free products in Canton Ticino

Paolo Bassetti (corn flour, chestnut flour)

Bakery & Pastry - OTTO FISCHBACH SA

the Coop found Schar pasta

the Migros wide range under the brand Aha, Aha gluten-free pasta with corn starch, corn flour, rice starch, rice flour, pea protein, lupine flour, E471

From Special Food Pasta gluten-free products such as pasta blinds 100% corn flour

certified gluten-free Restaurants in Canton Ticino site , celiac group of Italian Switzerland

Airolo: Gotthard Dairy Restaurant 091 869.11.80

BELLINZONA : Restaurant-Pizzeria Bar Square Stadium Stadium
Snack Bar Pizzeria La Terrazza by Via S. Teo Gotthard 091 2 825.60.64
Restaurant Penalty Via Daro 6 091 825.99.96

Catel Peter S: Grotto Loverciano 091 646.16.08
Chiasso : Hotel Mövenpick Touring Independence Square 1 6929 091 682.53.31

Country Trattoria Via Castelrotto
Tel 091 751.99.47
Le Gourmet Catering
Piazza Grande 28 091 .. 31 751.13

Restaurant Hotel Du Lac "The Tapestry" Riva Paradiso 3
091 986.47.48
Hotel Federale Lugano Via P. Regazzoni 8
091 910.08.08

Coronado Hotel Restaurant "La Locanda" Via Borromini 10
091 630.30.30

Restaurant Source porch from Sura 18
091 996.23.01

Info Switzerland : GlutenfrieEssen , Swissmedic , always on site celiac disease, there Call the list of drugs that can contain substances derived from gluten .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kates Playground With Raven

News .....

Con piacere vi informo che sono stata invita ad esporre
all'Atelier Bijoux e Accessori di Abilmente ed. Primavera
3/6 marzo 2011

Thanks to the staff of the studio I have invited a recognition for my work really liked.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Do You Call A Squashing Fetish

Consumi alimentari 2008 2009 2010, miseria e nobiltà, quando la mela è più esotica dell'ananas

First post on new trends food business for the new year, let's see what has happened over the last three years. Put one day at lunch with a buyers in a chain of modern supermarkets, my fellow elementary reading about trends and statistics for 2011, which we prefer, however, the horoscope of the Divine Otelma, we do not believe it same but at least we enjoy ourselves more. So

between half-jokingly went to see what products which recorded the largest increase volume in sales over the past three years. key statistics divide the food categories are too coarse and do not allow us to understand what the other hand, within the category has changed. The rankings for that particular trend instead of public concern are the trend setters who represent 10% of the population, very moody and often wrongly taken as a reference point.

We wanted to see the other what to buy 90% more , this is a real part tied to a single distribution chain of 50 supermarkets, which for obvious reasons I can not think, so not an overall figure but provides interesting data.

What are the foods and food groups that had the biggest increase in terms of sales in the three years 2008 2009 2010 Be A Superhero?

1) Beans
do not know if it's a good or bad news in the past three years, the biggest increase in sales of the beans were dry or already prepared analogously to the chickpeas, all at a glance the pulses had an increase in sales compared to previous years. They are an excellent source of fiber, both soluble and insoluble good source of protein, containing discrete quantities of iron, calcium and potassium. Two most credible hypothesis, consumers have learned to eat healthy or the economic crisis has been felt and consumers are turning to their portions of protein and fiber to food at low cost. In my opinion a bit 'both, although I prefer the chickpeas and beans.

2) Sausages
The sausage is a food that you not talk much, since it is considered noble not composed of pork and spices. A sharp increase in the purchases are the order of 20% to be understood. When we talk about sausages we refer is to fresh sausages sausage then saws, sausage Mantua, sausage knife tip, lucanega, but also to mixed beef and pork sausage of pork, turkey, chicken. Each region has lavortazioni typical and traditional. The interpretation we have given is that it is a food with a good value for money but also a food rich in flavor, comforting that tickles the taste and that also gives pleasure, dare I say a pleasure flights .

3) Potatoes
Regardless of the types of potato, the potato of Bologna to Selenella , pasta yellow to white pasta, potatoes ready even if the increments about the sacks of potatoes. A food has always been considered very noble. They are an excellent source of potassium, and our interpretation is that this is a very flexible product fits all for all, all the cooking at all matches, remember it is not true that makes you fat dressing depends on the two lots pounds has the better of self-service sales.

4) Onions
Red onions, white onions, spring onions spring onions, leeks, bitter or sweet taste all that fades with cooking. Consumers' choices are oriented in the vegetables on this item un acquisto frequente. Un acquisto storico anche perché forse pochi sanno ma nel periodo di guerra il piatto principale delle truppe era costituito da patate e cipolle, di entrambi gli schieramenti. Al di là dell’accostamento storico patate cipolle sono un cibo corroborante soprattutto a basso prezzo.

5) Noce moscata
Dato curioso, se tutte le spezie hanno fatto registrare un aumento, la noce moscata molto più delle altre, difficile dare una spiegazione, non sarà che ultimante sia stata diffusa la notizia che sia afrodisiaca? Chissà se qualcuno ne sa qualcosa, ci informi. Già abbiamo la crisi economica che incombe non possiamo mica farci mancare anche l’eros?

6) Snack cakes
I know this is a trivial since you say, but a considerable increase, increased both the volume and sales price, whether at the level of packaging is insignificant, the price per kilo instead of the is often also pay a fine packing paper. But in times of crisis you want to give up even a small daily pleasure? Chocolate a go go as it were. Judging by sales several times a day, this is clearly a fact that raises some concerns regarding the health and especially obesity.

7) snacks
are no longer just chips every possible variation, but also savory shortbread, crackers, breads and savory. This increase in the snack points out that in fact people have the habit of eating between meals and that despite all the things we say on the consumption of regular meals and healthy food does not matter to anyone, have more fat, more salt is better is!, Want to give wrong business? How do you do with such a plebiscite?

8) and the East in the kitchen Saffron
Sales also increased for saffron, I doubt it is just for the risotto alla Milanese, the use of saffron, especially in Asian cuisine, I think this is a given due more migration that leads other dietary habits, increased for soybeans and other products.

9) Fish
Finally a positive note, I was coming from the gloom, a small increase in the consumption of fish, both fresh and frozen ready, eat more fish, that is more affordable deals even if the swarms bass and sea bream the main farmed fish, good pattern for anchovies and sardines, fish a nutrient-rich blue and with a high value for money.

10) The tropical fruit
Since there has a little 'stunned, though in general the sale of fruits and vegetables decreases (5 servings all right, less!) in the application of exotic fruit is purchased, but as a period of crisis in the exotic fruits best-selling? Notaries considered noble in the sense of more expensive it seems counterintuitive, but if we look at the prices Pineapple 1 euro per kilo of the apples 2.00 3.50 -2.40 or as in the picture, the litchi 1.98 , another example grapefruit from South Africa 1.30 1.90 Sicilian oranges. is given a unique but also exotic fruits if not all costs less than fruits Km do not say zero but closer , a new phenomenon. The Last year, given the crisis of apples their price was much lower, this year also had a soaring 20% \u200b\u200bto 50%), the consumer responds by making choices of convenience, why should we give an exotic touch to the table every much? Judging by the data even more than occasionally, a gesture that is becoming daily! In short less than Apple and Pineapple.
The story of course opens up a discussion of prices as it is possible that an apple that comes from so close it costs almost twice as much as a fruit that comes from so far away.

What emerges from this analysis is that absolutely partial Misery and Nobility contraddistinuguono spending and consumption, alternating rational choices and irrational but to have the largest increase in consumer products and food are basic, good value for money, a sign that the consumer makes choices constrained by economic, crisis c 'and is in sales and feels this has changed consumption.

As I announced in several post last year, food prices at the Chicago Stock Exchange were having an irregular surge in particular sugar and cereals, following the news of floods in Australia and South America, prices the stock market soared in the poorest countries and this has translated immediately into increased price and in a malaise, the reprisals of the road, in politically unstable countries already, keep in mind that more than 40% of the population in these countries is under twenty years of age and that it is countries employees in most of staple foods, a blind policy has made him give up the independence food trend now difficult to reverse. One of my personal

doubt we are confident that increases in food prices is only due to weather vagaries, (you could also call greenhouse him to have forgotten?) And not the ' increase in demand of basic foods undifferentiated common to all countries around the world, so globalized, there is little to be happy!

NB: In the coming years by the 13 to 14 million households in Italy disporanno a monthly income just above the poverty line of about 1,500 Euro (data center studies Catholic University ), I do not think the food industry you're gearing up to meet this new extensive range of Italian and foreign consumers

Related Post food crisis solutions exist , The rise in sugar prices , Speculation finziaria Grains , Crisis apple ,

General Info : EFSA European Food Consumption Database synthetic, the crisis Newsfood reduces food consumption,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Anyone Know Houses That Rent For Prom?

Salmone affumicato selvaggio o salmone affumicato d'allevamento, confronto tra valori nutrizionali, Omega 3, Sodio, etichette, prezzo.

Last month I wrote a post on salmon, within a few days was the most post visto del blog nell’anno 40.000 visite da tutto il mondo Canada Norvegia Scozia , dove si rivolgevano a Google traduzione per tradurre il testo, ancora oggi non ho compreso bene questo interesse, non mi è sembrato di dire nulla di così strano e originale, ma le aziende non hanno gradito, me lo hanno fatto sapere, ma questo non è un blog nato per le aziende, hanno altri mezzi di comunicazione per fare valere le loro ragioni per spiegare e informare i consumatori.

Però io rispondo personalmente e pubblicamente, sulla provenienza del salmone ecco qui la tabella pubblicata da Eurostat da una ricerca fatta in Norvegia, per sapere in Italia da dove si importa il Salmone, Having regard to the large amount of Norwegian salmon labeled as to what could not understand Norwegian salmon there in Italy, if they do not capacitive them, we imagine!

In fact as you can see from the table the smoked salmon from Norway is 11 °, only 11 tons , nothing compared to 2558 in Denmark but twice the Ghana, have you read that right in Italy is imported smoked salmon from Ghana, for that matter even from Greece, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium. I n part the reasons are due to the fact that the fish are reared in Nord Europa , surgelato e poi le successive lavorazioni in altri paesi, dove forse la manodopera costa meno, certo non per fama di grandi affumicatori, non voglio neanche pensare ad altre ragioni!

Quando noi andiamo al supermercato vediamo solo Salmone Norvegese, Salmone Scozzese, Salmone Irlandese, dall'origine delle materia prima, difficilmente vediamo il paese d'importazione o della lavorazione del pesce, questo lascia perplessi come per es. il Ghana è un percorso diciamo molto originale o meglio dire “ l'hanno presa un po' larga” . Sarebbe più corretta la dizione per esempio di "Salmone Scozzese affumicato in Portogallo". What I mean is not said that is negative because of smoke in a place other than fishing, but rather than hide it, explain it is much better motivate .

I personally find questionable the fact that salmon do all this "round" but now we have fewer and fewer certainties, dioxin scandal in Germany teaches , (but you have done? "I can not believe!). That reasons must be different if different phases are scattered all over the world, certainly in the risk safety and quality of the product is spontaneous.
There are also transportation costs? In terms of CO 2 as it cost? From my point of view, the story remains me little reasons and bad, possible that the Norwegian, Scottish and Irish do not know more than smoke and dry the fish? Always had a very strong reputation on this topic.

It's like saying Parmigiano Reggiano milk of Parma but made in Greece or Poland, is equal to say, I have to believe? I will be picky, but some doubt before you put in your mouth I'll send it to me!

Over Christmas I had free time so I have been busy in the supermarket looking for the smoked salmon comparing labels, I never laughed so much in my life, most of all, There are good ones and serious, but not too many, in fact many not indicate anything, say anything, it's nothing to criticize, for example, some smoked salmon bio, it was not possible to check the nutrition label to say nothing of ingredients, just as well that are organic and certified.
Or Smoked salmon from the most Norway, which means my friend? And in the lower part where, sorry?

Kv Nordic : Labels and diction of the ingredients are among the most complete, indicating what types of Omega 3 are content in fish, the most fat also has the highest percentage of Omega 3, are a bit 'lower values \u200b\u200bthan others, will be a farmed fish that moved a lot (on a positive note). I just found that sodium values \u200b\u200ba bit 'too high for my personal taste and I did not understand well why the Scottish salmon is more expensive than 40%, because it will be better, because there will be more omega 3, will be because it is Scottish?

A French brand Labeyrie always indicates the origin of the smoked salmon but claims that in France, is a bit 'species that independently dalla provenienza e dal taglio le etichette sono tutte uguali, forse hanno un sistema di qualità per cui i salmoni che scelgono hanno tutti delle caratteristiche identiche. Proprio per queste non ho compreso la differenza di costo tra il salmone Norvegese e Irlandese, quasi il 30% in più, sarà forse che il Salmone Norvegese è affumicato con legno di faggio e ontano e l'Irlandese con legno di faggio e luppolo ? ( ma quanto costa il luppolo?)

Fjord invece una marca tra le più note in Italia, con una grande varietà di prodotti di affumicati, ha tabelle nutrizionali diverse a seconda del taglio se è baffa intera, se è pre-sliced \u200b\u200band depending on the format, I assume that there are other reasons for the differences. Stand out for their high percentage of Omega 3 in particular the pre-sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the 10th grams with precious woods, rich woods that they are having 2.8 grams of Omega 3 (as I checked several times)? Surely another, but in my humble opinion better value could be argued that important.

FishCo , a brand of French Kritsen , while we have the declared values \u200b\u200bof the salmon products in Europe, on the one coming from Alaska we know only the fat, sodium and nothing more, a little 'little, little information sull'affumicatura.

wild smoked salmon flying over the labels on many things, certainly not all as the Red King Salmon Canadian Montreal imported from Lariunione is very complete, the omega 3 are few but proportionate to the number Fat is the most expensive with 88 euros per kilo, while the Ocean King of Salseafood shows that wild salmon was a bit 'lazy like all sockeye salmon.

addition to previous post indicating that the salmon can be a occcasionale purchase for consumption, purchase must be evaluated:

1) Species diversity of of salmoinoide
2) The type of fishing and / or whether wild or farmed fish
3) The fishing area or the type of breeding place,
4) Specify if smoked frozen product
5) The type and location of smoke smoke
6) Date
7) Preservation
8) Barcode for product traceability
9) complete with nutrition labels indicating the amount of fat, Omega 3, Sodium and Salt

10) logo participation in the company participates in ricilclaggio packaging.

11) Sodium is better to have a value around 1.2 g/100 g or less

12) Omega-3 between 1.2 and 2.2 g

13) There should be no smoking in the ingredients otherwise indicates an aroma! smoking is a working system is not an ingredient.

one with less sodium Canadian wild salmon is 0.8

The one with the most Sodium are the Nordic Fjord and Kv 1.9

The one with the most Omega 3 is the Norwegian Fjord Smoked Salmon with wood fine of 100 with 2.8 g of omega 3

those with less omega-3 is Canadian Wild Salmon with 0.5, but is a characteristic of wild salmon have very little fat, and less omega 3.

The cheapest FishCo the Irish € 22 / kg

Il più caro il Salmone Affumicato Canadese 88 €/kg

Per i miei lettori allergici: Il salmone affumicato in generale ma verificate sempre le etichette

non c'è soia, sesamo, sedano, glutine, senape, lievito, grano, lattosio, uova, noccioline mentre

non è indicato in coloro che devono ridurre l'apporto di sale, l'apporto di colesterolo, vegani e vegetariani

Le mie ricette per il salmone : Tartare di samone marinato all'arancia , Carpaccio di salmone o salmone affumicato alle mele verdi con vegetables with saffron , Borekas salmon , Quiche salmon and fennel , avocado salad, smoked salmon and egg ,

Related Post: fresh salmon, smoked salmon wild or farmed , farmed fish or wild fish , sustainable fisheries and responsible consumption , few too many omega 6 and omega 3 promotes obesity through the generations ,