Friday, April 28, 2006


[SERVICE] Updated blog

Ho aggiornato anche Rapace's Side , che dovrebbe aver trovato la sua veste grafica definitiva.
It 's a very simple template plug in the network, whose code was only marginally changed ( shit ... of little importance) and respect for the author's original material for my inability .
To be sure the second reason is of paramount importance ... -___-;;;

Painting A Real Handgun Gold

2 [SERVICE] Updated blog

Completed templates Raptor's Sight ( and opened with some photos taken that day in Berlin ... )

I'd like to be able update another blog in the evening. Even

raptor's sign needs further restyling ... I'll see what can be done!


Scissor Jack For Hidden Blade

That mysterious thing ...

The law, the means by which the state (understood as a collective) announces its will to its members, use a different language from that spoken by the Italians. We professionals call it jargon. Assuming the opinion of the writer stating that the technical language should be reserved for the judicial and extrajudicial acts and doctrine and jurisprudence, because the law can not express their authority until the last of the members of that community which is aimed is unable to comprehend the predicate, we must recognize that many times it's fun. Forgive the length of the previous period ( promise not to do it again, in this post quaontomeno ).

The fun is in reading circles as the technical language to explain things in Italian outerwear current are perfectly in a nutshell ... praltro without success. Where the language of law becomes even exhilarating, and when combined with a deep-seated shame addresses topics related to the sphere of sexuality.

Take for example the sex offenders. One time our criminal law that the concept of "sexual intercourse "(translation: oral copulation, vaginal and anal sex or masturbation)," indecent [ other than sexual intercourse] "(translation: any conduct involving sexual contact between two or more subjects, such such as fondling of breasts or buttocks) and " seduction" (translation: sexual intercourse with a minor or take it to masturbate).

These definitions with precise meanings that I have described, remained in our code until the beginning of 1996 (Articles 519, 521, 526).
Until 1996 if a girl calls you "seducer" you could choose whether to denounce injustice, instead of blushing embarrassed by the compliment.
In February 1996, the technical language has taken a leap forward: in the transportation of the sex offenders by Title IX ( crimes against morality and decency ... giuridichesi than the other two concepts made sense clear from the words ) Title XII ( crimes against the person ... this is also the case that it would be legal expression to translate into Italian ), the legislature, which is what writes the laws (which is not the same person and is never one person, but usually it is a committee of graduates in giurispreudenza relatives, friends, family, friends and / or Friends relatives of elected members), had a brilliant idea. Messed up even more things . Disappears "sexual intercourse" (a typical time behavior of the crime of "rape"), disappear the "indecent" and makes an appearance ... the rape. What is sexual violence? To explain the technical language invented a new expression of giuridichese " sexual act." The act is any sexual contact between two subjects in which eros comes into play in one or both parties. E 'then "sexual act" is sexual intercourse (of any type) that the groping. But not only. In the new definition, the legislature sought to take into account not the normal average person's conception of sexuality, but sexuality of the subjects of personal . So if a person considers his elbow an erogenous zone, insisted that anyone who touches the elbow is doing with that person a sexual act.
Here's how a fight, if at sadomasochistic from brawl becomes orgy.
If a leather fetishist goes around licking your shoe is a jerk ( should not even be a crime to affirm free ), as we all agree, but then if this asshole licking your shoe until your foot is still inside, it becomes a rapist. At this point you can not even denounce! If you finish the paper denounces it as "a victim of sexual violence " ... and the Italians who do not speak giuridichese you think you are fucked.

Now think of the most becere, repulsive and terribly creative sexual perversions that you heard about them or smell ... we are? Any of it, even if it provides a contact interposed by some aid to the Italian law is a sexual act.

In Italian but the sexual act is a wonderful thing: it is the thing that lovers do, and through which babies are born. In Italian, the sexual act is something that brings people together, regardless of orientation, faith and ideologies.

giuridichese In the sexual act is something dubious, equivocal, repulsive or despicable that comes into play only accompanied with violence or abuse.

E Pacciani is seductive.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

What To Do With Malt Powder

Raptor's Blog

New organization of the blog.

As promised here is the new organization of the blog.

Raptor's sign is the blog of " dissertations and ruminations of a lawyer to tie "
Basically everything that comes into my head. Not straight-talking, except for those
pubic female course. It 's the blog is not sweetened a bit' raw. If you are interested,
council to take a look once or twice a week.
will be joined to the main blog of blogs specialist will become part of
specific circuits. It 's the only way to avoid awkward pigeonholed: choose yourself
drawer that much easier!
Raptor's Sight is a blog dedicated to travel reviews, travel tips and stories
in Europe and Asia and many photos taken around. It will be primarily a blog dedicated to the great journey of life
every day and, as a kind of "reality low cost", with forward a
frequently kidnapped images and feelings around the street, among my own kind, humble and
presumptuously so. This is also the only blog where not only publish but also post my
other travelers. Aware of the guilty nepotism, on this blog owners
blog linked on Raptor's sign have the highest priority. The intention
I update it a few times a week.

Raptor's Side is a pornographic blog. Its function is to translate and cable news outlets
here and there, inappropriately commented on, as well as various kinds of fun stuff. It also speaks
politics, Law e. .. Well all those things that maybe you would want to discuss
. In short, is the container for everything that is not part of Raptor's Sign. For each blog title
way forward well partigianissima
starting position of its content. Will be updated at least three times a month.

Raptor's Taste is one of the blogs that I prefer: it is a kind of ultramagazine where ebb
impressions, suggestions and reviews of the undersigned and his better half on film,
videogames, anime, rpg and so on, with a special focus on those works
little or nothing is known. Ah ... I forgot! Every two Post a depict a seductive Idol (trad:
beautiful gnugna Japan). Of course, the blog will host all the news concerning the topics mentioned
, except that the argument is that gnugna attributable to Raptor's Sign.
Updating the blog will be clear very fluctuating, with peaks of up to three days after the
and sometimes long silences.

Blogs mentioned should be operational within a few days.
That's all for now!

Monday, April 10, 2006

What Rci Hawaii Resorts Are Best

BLOG --- PENDING --- Finally

The blog, as you may have noticed, is temporarily closed .

Raptor's sign riaprirà il giorno 13, dopo la chiusura dei dibattiti politici.

Rapace's Sign è anche un blog fortemente politico, liberal - democratico dove la parte liberale è preponderante: tale parte è fortemente minacciata dalla situazione politica contingente. Il fango quietato sotto la superficie è riemerso.

Comunque vadano queste elezioni, un settantenne cattolico prenderà il potere con una maggioranza irrisoria e una crescita di potere delle frange più estremiste della sua coalizione. Questo porterà alla crisi di governo nei primi 18-36 mesi e ci riporterà alle urne prima dei campionati mondiali di calcio del 2010 .
La vera vincitrice di queste elezioni sarà la coalizioni che andrà all'opposizione, dato che dopo il crollo del prossimo governo otterrà un 10% aggiuntivo di voti di protesta nelle elezioni anticipate che seguiranno, conquistando quindi una maggioranza stracciante in grado di garantire la governabilità per i successivi cinque anni (fino al 2014 - 2015). Morale della favola?
Tanti soldi buttati.
Il 13 annuncerò il nuovo trend del blog e presenterò la sua suddivisione specialistica, al fine di superare l'attuale censura di contenuti ( per chi non lo sapesse questo è stato indicizzato con un blog a luci rosse, stante il carattere sessuale di circa il 10% of his post).
In the meantime I offer you my best wishes!
--- Sign: aka Raptor Jerushalaim ---