Monday, October 22, 2007

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Reflecting years later on Forza Chiara ... Reflections on marriage Abstinence

I thought of Forza, that the debut of the Web 2.0 in Italy. I ran through your head: " As it turned out the story? ", " What happened to the protagonists have done? " and "Who will claimed ownership rights over the video for commercial exploitation? "
So I tried a bit 'on the net and I discovered then that the rumors are the same as today. Then there are also all the various underground legends of the case. There was also a question about Yahoo Answers and the answer, as always, despite the good data does not indicate any sources, would type in awaiting trial.
For those who recently entered the network and for two or three lurker of the blog who have not seen the famous amateur recapitulate a bit 'what you know is true and certain on the matter. There is a video network that runs a long time and will run until the network exists. It 's a video image a little' blur, shot with analog video camera and recorded on tape. The video shows a blonde, curly hair, thin, pretty enough, which is covered with a pillow naked, appearing from time to time to the room only to express their reluctance to be resumed.
The girl runs naked ( except for a pair of socks that they still give me nightmares ) For the living room of a small apartment. The girl from the other has a tattoo down the back, which is a variation of my symbol, the symbol of Raptor , which runs the network since '96 and that was echoed by other tattooists ( us I wanted to say ). This is a bird of prey with its wings full of holes. The situation heats up a bit '. The girl and the two hint at some convincing sexual intercourse in front of the room. The boy has erection problems and it seems pretty clumsy or inexperienced, however, she makes the best shape.
In the movie there is also a frame of another video where you see the boy and some friends celebrate: probabilmente i due amanti hanno registrato su un nastro già in uso.
Il ragazzo chiama la ragazza Chiara, Lei lo chiama "amore" e basta. Il video è finito in rete.
Questa è la storia. Qualsiasi altra cosa abbiate sentito vale meno del gossip: sono voci senza fondamento che girano per la rete. A cominciare dall'età della ragazza. In rete leggete 14 anni, 15 anni, 13 anni, ma in Italia all'epoca dei fatti non era possibile tatuare un minore di anni 16, così come oggi non è possibile tatuare un minore di anni 18.
Il titolo del filmato è Forza Chiara da Perugia, but we have no evidence to say that this is really Perugia, if not a few guys on the net who claim to know the two guys in the video. There were some posts which said that the girl had cut her veins and who saw the girl walking around with bandaged forearms ( but who was he? Ken the warrior? ). Some say that the boy has put the video online for revenge after the girl left him. Others say that the boy shared by mistake while Sharia law in the network. Yet others argue that the video they have put together the boy and girl together, and finally, a last core of the usual unknown, said that the amateur was a joke shared by some friends of the boy without his knowledge.
Uff. Finito. Lo so che ho già parlato di questo amatoriale, ma sono incuriosito dagli esiti della vicenda. Oggi le ragazze che condividono propri filmati xxx in rete ( volenti o nolenti ) sono innumerevoli. Nessuno ci fa più caso. Viviamo una realtà mediatica, fatta di tette esibite in classe davanti a tre videofonini in ripresa e via discorrendo. Le Chiare di oggi alzano le spalle e fanno "pazienza", magari scrivono un libro, fanno la scena di pianto davanti a i genitori ma finisce lì. Alzi la mano la ragazza che oggi non ha mai avuto un rapporto sessuale in chat per mezzo di videocamera! Chiunque può trovarsi in rete e nessuno ci fa più caso. Chi condivide, download and search for amateur cares greatly on who is actually the person on the other side of the video and certainly does not put in to investigate. He makes some great blowjob, but I do not want to know more. E 'common stuff.
the time of course not, was not so. She was the first in Italy. At that time we have no thought of p2p and the problems of privacy. No one was aware that once the circuit of the network, a file can not be removed ( becomes part of the whole, essentially ). Those two guys were really unique. They were really alone. Inside of me I have the belief that persons who have placed online the movie at the time, had not really aware of what it would be this widespread.
Even today apsiranti imitators of Clare ( or would-be imitators of those who violated his privacy ) use nominate their home videos with Force + + name their city of origin . Also in this Clare was revolutionary. He innovated the formula overwhelmingly linguistic field. If today I say "Come on Joan," my interlocutors know that I am not encouraging an athlete, but I am referring to a movie amateur erotic or pornographic.
Another revolutionary feature of Forza Chiara case is that for the first time the gossip is not born or rotated intorno a qualche "VIP" o ad un caso di cronaca. Persone comuni che compiono atti comuni, rese celebri dal mezzo della loro diffusione. E' stata anche la prima volta nella storia italiana in cui un fatto attinente alla rete ha fatto parlare la televisione.
Dovremmo volere tutti un po' bene agli autori di Forza Chiara. Più di chiunque altro hanno dato spazio ai contenuti degli users nel web italiano.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ver Online Brent Corrigan

Fino a una ventina di anni fa il matrimonio in Italia aveva significati e finalità diverse da quelle attuali. Per molte ragazze era il modo per mettere piede fuori di casa ed iniziare una vita propria, il transition from "child" to "mother" without transition "woman." For both spouses coincided with the transition from youth to maturity, then periods of life and almost antithetical opposite. Before people began to study the history of their own religion and know its origins, was the consecration of the vote of love between spouses. The marriage was also the oath of eternal love and indissoluble, when the divorce was a young institution and scandalous. It was the conditio sine qua non of proliferation, when children born out of wedlock was the fruit of sin. It was then the feast of two unrelated families that became a single body or join to a boundary made by erecting new spouses and their traditional core.
Oggi, cattolici e non, nessuno crede o professa la religione cattolica nella integrità dei suoi precetti, dogmi e principi. Gli italiani continuano a sposarsi in chiesa, ma concepiscono il divorzio come una possibilità in caso di fallimento ( ??? ) del matrimonio. E si sposano in chiesa dopo aver convissuto nel peccato ( ??? ), magari avendo già dato vita a uno o due figli ( chi è oggi così incosciente o ricco da mettere al mondo più di due figli? ). Ad ogni litigio minacciano la separazione o comunque prospettano una serie di ipotesi dalle quali scaturirebbe il divorzio ( senza prospettarne not one from which to restore the marriage ). But it came too late (?? ) at the wedding, that is, after several failed relationships, and after reaching the and economic stability have already materialized marriage through cohabitation. The families do not connect more with the marriage because they already have done and undone and other unions are looking with suspicion the new couple.

Then marriages are impossible to celebrate. Her parents or he or both are divorced, maybe the second or third marriage or living with other people and so maybe the grandparents. If all goes well, the celebration will be present not two but three, four, five or even six families that they hate or tolerate badly. Organizing people in church and tables at the restaurant is more complicated than having carrarmatini territories and on the board of Risk.
The true guests of honor are not the parents and relatives of the couple but friends. The couple has grown and matured into a group, in a newsgroup or a chat and not within the home. The witnesses are hardly ever married couples. They are sweethearts to the first or second arms may each go its own way within a few months.

Say the truth today is done for the wedding gift list. The ticket was bought with marital megashow exotic appliances and kitchen facilities. And rightly so. In short, there are these 200 or 300 people, after stag and hen parties (?? ) have endured an hour and goes to church service, admiring the bride's dress from 3,000 € ( first and only opportunity to admire ) and machine (or carriage ) figosissima that will lead the spouses to a restaurant to enjoy delicacies beyond satiety superfine in a sort of resort with swimming pool in a handful of miles from the church. To dance and get drunk till evening. To messing with the newlyweds in their new home or staying in the room where before leaving for their honeymoon. No one says it openly, but everyone knows through side roads, which cost the food is between 80 and 150 € a skull and clear, it is appropriate for their contributions in wedding list is at least equal to the expenditure of their solace . But no one would ever be repaid so disgustingly stingy lunch: you pay a bit 'more.

This horrifies some people. And 'the death of love, they say. And 'the manifesto of consumerism, rant. The truth is that the wedding list is the means by which friends and relatives give a hands of the bride and groom to begin their new lives decently. What is pain, difficulties and sacrifices like that of all others, but at least not immediately.
My famous reluctance to marriage, for a variety of reasons enumerable hard, falls in front of the new vision of the event. Those people who are sitting in church is there for the show. Perhaps only a relative or friend you see something particularly intimate more, but the union is already romantic moment. When me and the babe we decided to go ahead despite " who ," the "thing " and " but . When we decided to go to live together. When we realized that we were no longer "his and hers" but "we." It is not so much celebrating and feasting to celebrate the marriage but to find himself, to laugh, joke and get along well, in what is probably the only occasion on which we have around all the people who counted and counts for something in our lives. And show us their friendship, affection and love not only in words ( gossip you know what happens to), but actually giving us a hand, helping to create the "love nest" the furnishings that assisting the most as long as possible that happily we all wish.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Remote Stert 2010 Santa Fe


In questi giorni non sto lavorando. Tutto sommato questa dovrebbe essere un'auspicabile evoluzione dalla situazione precedente, quando lavoravo gratis, ma comporta diversi disagi. L'uomo non è fatto per l'ozio. Guerra, sesso e riposo: uno di queste tre elementi prima o poi occupa gli spazi lasciati liberi dall'opera.

Quando non lavori dormi di più ( riposo ), giochi di più ( competizione, anche con se stessi, quindi guerra ) e fai più sesso. Ma da solo visto che, si spera, nella coppia almeno l'altra metà lavori. E se l'altra metà lavora, fuori dal lavoro dà sfogo solo alle necessità più incombenti del proprio organismo: nutrirsi e dormire.
Non ne facciamo un dramma, in qualche modo cambierà. Ma per il momento... devo farmi embolizzare una palla. La sinistra. Cioè, non proprio la palla, la vena che le passa di lato. Varicocele. Niente di grave, una stupidaggine, anche se va operato perché è di livello massimo ( ho un varicocele di livello massimo e non ho nemmeno un account a World of Warcraft! Che figata! ).

L'operazione è una roba bizzarra che si fa in radiologia. Mi infileranno un tubicino nella vena del braccio che faranno risalire nel cuore e dal cuore riscenderà giù fino al mio scroto. Non so quale sia il principio, ma non sarebbe stato più semplice insert the tube directly in the groin area? O__O;;;

steps as well. For operations must undergo a series of tests, primarily blood and urine. Do not bother me much because I've already dealt with and I have always passed with flying colors ... what troubles me is the sperm.

Spermiogram. Must be some kind of telegram short-range ...

So I have to give me a blowjob.

I know, you know the doctor knows the nurse, the radiologist knows, you know my girl, my mother knows, the sail his companion, he knows the mother of my girlfriend, you know his father, everybody knows that. Already this I break my balls immensely, fracesismo this need to stay on topic.

not be for the blowjobs. We do them all, I have no problem talking about it. I do not like to talk about single blowjob. I do not like people to know the precise moment when I've made one and I do not want to talk about family.

That alone pisses me off so much.

not enough. To get the sperm, you have to abstain from sex and blowjobs for a period ranging from 3 to 5 days. When I was working non-stop from morning to evening, I also spent 3 days without any sexual activity. I think that in some periods of sickness have spent maybe a week without fare sesso. Ma nella mia condizione attuale è un buon successo riuscire a trascorrere 15 ore di astinenza.

Studio perchè venerdì ho l'ultimo esame del mio LL.M. , ok. Ma mentre studio la mente vola. La notte il pensiero va lì. Il giorno quando vado in giro il numero di femmine non appetibili diminuisce progressivamente mano a mano che si allontana il tempo del mio ultimo devertissment.

Credo di essere intorno alle 24 ore e mi sento già al limite. Non vi dico come sto, ma oggi al Tg ho visto Rosy Bindi è non ho provato ribrezzo. Domani potrei trovarla piacevole. A dopodomani potrei non arrivarci proprio.

Poi penso ai film fantasy tipo " 40 giorni e 40 notti "... ma va a cagher!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Where To Buy Redondos Sausages Online

Pissing In The Night Raptor

Qualche giorno fa, mentre perso nei miei pensieri rimiravo l'ambrato e copioso getto riversarsi giù per la tazza, dopo aver compiuto una piega a mezz'aria perfetta come la curvatura della spada di un Samurai, sono stato colto da una irruenta e melanconica rivelazione che mi ha scosso nell'animo.
Gran brutto problema quando vieni colto da un fremito mentre sei concentrato nel centrare la tazza del cesso...

Saranno cinque, forse sei anni che non piscio in compagnia. E mi manca da morire.
Avete presente quei momenti a tarda sera, quando si gira in macchina chiacchierando of shit that do not give a damn about anyone, and two pints of beer in the bladder threatens sedition?

Then look for a less crowded, a country road a bit 'dark and you sharpen along the hedge together, sketches but not so close enough to peck the white smoke than to your right.

Everyone shut up, concentrate fully on what to do and enjoying that moment of absolute catharsis ( that with two pints in the bladder may be better than sex ), issuing just a liberating cry of satisfaction, when a certain point someone in the group comes up with a handful of words, a confidence, an idea, a truth ... something that had to be said that way, and at that time.
And everything is fine. You can go home. You can go to bed because the evening was as it should go. You have received a glimmer, a shimmer of knowledge of the mechanics of life.

not want to sound gloomy or crisis of some thirty years ago but this thing I'm missing. Should be held as group therapy. In all fifty sharp in front of the wall to urinate with the cry of "who does not piss in company ..." ( phrase that is never completed, is part of the ritual ) and talk about the things that come to mind.

When you piss all together we never hear one above the other. Each has its own space, its trajectory. Pools in that direction and follow that speech. You have a duty to sgrollare and one to talk. And while you're listening. It treats and put out together.
A kind of spirit diuresis.

What's cool to pee with my friends ...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Weddingprayer Of The Faithful


Papparapapà ... papappà ... pa para papa ... papparà!

After months of absence ( Oh well, to be exact months are 13-14, a bit 'longish as an absence ... ) I open all my blog, promising among other things, greater consistency.
As I am writing in white on a white background (see the black background mentrevoi ) do not read a ma22a of what I'm writing, so I'm going to nose .... I was at that point? As I made mistakes? Boh.
I said? Oh yeah ... nothing I'm a bit 'stoned, if I pass French.

Rapacesign on the theme and style you know and do not know if you learn to despise it.

On Rapacesight there will be some trivial news, mainly related the introduction of my videos, media is already available prior to Scazzi but I have not linked. Scazzi regret that.

'll tell you what level of pirlaggine I arrived, two minutes ago I thought, " but want to see that if I write in black and then convert the text color instead of writing directly to the white on white background, we understand something? . Until two minutes ago I went to select the text that is typed to peck typing errors. OK. Continue.

On Rapacetaste ... Well what goes on, come on. Which extends only a little 'the theme and I place there also some stuff about Heroes ( che a differenza vostra ho già visto per intero... sto aspettando di gustarmi il primo episodio della seconda stagione, trasmesso negli states il 24 settembre ) e altre serie. E altre robe che hanno a che fare cosi, metto pure quello cose gustose che piacciono tanto a me in versione domestica ed alle pupe in perizoma e topless più romantiche (che non sono necessariamente in perizoma e topless e nemmeno per forza coperte di olio e con la linguetta lasciva semi-esposta, ma se le immagino così riesco a visualizzarle meglio), tipo chiacchiere su come educare al meglio un akita, prendersi cura di un procione o di un maiale vietnamita (un porco italiano che dà consigli su come allevare un maiale vietnamita che ve lo volete perdere?).

On Rapaceside always talk about politics. When and if I feel like it. No more serious than those which are usually ( and those that are usually I like the most, most of the time ).

Ah .... one last thing. Reactivating the whole I found that I also have a fifth blog with one message, prior to those you know. It was my first attempt at a blog and had gone bad or I was lost password or account, and ... I do not know ... there was thrown ... mah! For the moment stays there, then if you create me and I will have some ideas, I'll let you know.
