Friday, December 31, 2010

Halter Wedding Gown And Bolero?

Dieta dimagrante con il kefir di latte e il kefir d' acqua

Dieta dimagrante con il kefir latte e kefir d'acqua - é una dieta indicata per chi vuole imparare a nutrirsi in modo sano, purify and gradually lose the extra pounds.
The week begins with a cleansing day on which there is a drastic reduction in calories (only 600). In the following days until the Saturday following controlled diet based on food choice and common sense, but without the need to weigh all foods with the menu bilancia.I Sundays are free. And so for two months. It is called the diet on Monday and its main purpose is to purify the body, but also to lose weight in a BALANCE, learning to eat properly.
Calories: about 600 on Monday, on other days of normocaloric settimanaQuanto lost: 4-5 chiliDurata: 2 months to the person is suitable for: those who want to learn to eat healthy, purify and gradually lose the extra pounds.


progromma The diet, consisting of the menu of the day on Monday and dietary advice to follow for the rest of the week until Saturday, to be followed for 2 months. Weight loss expected, about 4-5 pounds, is gradual: the fastest in the first 20 days, then gradually slower but costante.Alla end of 2 months to reach two objectives: the loss of toxins and the acquisition of healthy eating habits that followed consistently, permitted to remain in line for a long time without diets mantenimento.E Sunday is considered a "day off", this means that you can do some digging regola.Come all cleansing diets, particularly at the beginning, even This could lead, in susceptible individuals, symptoms of various kinds such as headaches, rashes, muscle aches. These symptoms should not be alarmed, should be rather interpreted as a sign of effectiveness of the cleaning treatment adopted.

On Monday, the day of purification, the calories are supplied mainly from plant foods and drinks from property diuretic, detoxifying and riequilibranti.Dal Tuesday to Saturday, without weighing their food .. is necessary to avoid certain types of food (sweets and sausages esemipio) and favor the consumption of vegetables, fish and alimenli integrali.La Donen, considered "day off", you can, remove qualcbe whim but not too small, making the always prevail common sense and moderation on here golosità.Di following the diet for 8 Monday and purifying the ground rules for the remaining days: advice on cooking methods and more suitable for general guidelines on the foods to be preferred and which to avoid.

The day of diet provides approximately 600 calorie.I weights are considered to be raw and less any scarti.I condiments are allowed in the day consist of one tablespoon (10 ml) olive oil, for flavor dishes you can use spices and herbs to taste personale.Il morning, just lzate, drink a glass of water at room temperature with the addition of lemon juice.

FIRST MONDAY ' - milk kefir
tea, 2 cups of milk kefir natural 100 grams Snack: a glass of grapefruit juice not zuccherataPranzo: 150 g salad of mixed vegetables of your choice with 120 g of raw potatoes Snack: a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of purifying mieleCena: 200 g fresh fruit stagioneDopo dinner: a cup of tea sweetened with a purifying teaspoon of honey

SECOND MONDAY ' - milk kefir
a jar of milk kefir natural blended with 100 g zuccheroSpuntino an apple without the addition of: a glass of vegetable juice centrifuged Lunch: 150 g of lettuce and 40 g of bread integraleMerenda: purifying a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey Dinner: a bowl full of soup, mixed vegetables without pastaDopo dinner: a cup of purifying herbal tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey


Breakfast: Unsweetened a smoothie of an apple and a pear with water and two glasses of kefir ' s water

Snack: a glass of tomato juice Lunch: 30 g 150 g of boiled rice with boiled vegetables Snack: a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of purifying honey Dinner: 250 g of raw vegetables in either a salad After dinner: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele


Colazione: un vasetto di kefir latte naturale da 100 g frullato con mezza banana senza aggiunta di zuccheroSpuntino: un bicchiere di succo di mela non zuccherato Pranzo: 150 g di fagioli colti in scatola con 150 g di insalata di verdure miste Merenda: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele Cena: 250 ml di frullato non zuccherato preparato con frutta fresca e acquaDopo cena: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele


Colazione: tè; 2 vasetti di kefir latte naturale da 100 g Spuntino: un bicchiere di succo centrifugato di verdure Pranzo: 100 g di lattuga in insalata e 40 g di pane integraleMerenda: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele Cena: minestra preparata con 200 ml di brodo vegetale e 140 g di carote lessate nel brodo, frullare e condire con olio e un cucchiaino di formaggio grattugiatoDopo cena: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele

Colazione: un frullato non zuccherato dì una mela e di una pera con acqua e due bicchieri di kefir d' acqua

Spuntino: un bicchiere di succo di pomodoro Pranzo: 100 g di patate e 50 g di porri cotti al vapore Merenda: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di mieleCena: 200 g di cicoria in insalata e uno yogurt magro Dopo cena: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele


Colazione: a jar of 100 g raw milk kefir half a banana smoothie with no added sugar Snack: a glass of vegetable juice centrifuged Lunch: 25 g pearl barley boiled, seasoned with olive oil and a teaspoon of sauce soybean and 100 g zucchini vaporeMerenda: purifying a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey Dinner: 100 g of raw bean sprouts with 2 crackers integraliDopo dinner: a cup of purifying herbal tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey

EIGHTH MONDAY '- milk kefir

Breakfast: a jar of milk kefir natural 100 g smoothie with no added zuccheroSpuntino an apple, a glass of apple juice without sugar Lunch: 2 biscuits with a cup of coffee full of barley stained with semi-skimmed milk Snack: purifying a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey Dinner: 2 slices of fresh pineapple (250 g) After dinner: a cup of purifying tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey


facilitates the treatment of liver and intestine. Ingredients: 50 g buy herbal nettle leaves, 50 g of artichoke and 50 g of plantain (these doses are sufficient for different teas.) Preparation: Take a teaspoon of nettle leaves, a teaspoon of artichoke and a teaspoon of plantain leaves. Put them in a saucepan with a quart of cold mineral water, bring to a boil and let simmer over low heat for 3 minuti.Tenere the pan covered until the tea becomes lukewarm, then strain and drink as indicated in the diet.

FROM TUESDAY 'A Saturday Kefir d' drinking water to purify and strengthen your body

Although there are set menus as for Monday, for the success of the diet Tuesday-Saturday è indiapencabile seguire alcune regole alimentari di base. Si tratta di semplici norme di corretta nutrizione che in generale dovrebbero essere sempre seguite da tutti.Masticare lentamente e a lungo, tenere in bocca ogni boccone almeno 7-8 secondi. Bere circa 1 litro fuori pasto di kefir d' acqua .Per dolcificare utilizzare solo per il periodo della dieta dolcificanti ipocalorici. Dopo la dieta dolcificare con moderazione con zucchero, fruttosio o miele.Alcuni alimenti sono da evitare: zucchero, dolci e dolciumi ,alcolici, gelati, olive, sott'oli, bibite, salame, coppa, mortadella, patatine fritte, cracker e grissini, formaggi stagionati e fermentati, fritti e snack salati.Moderare il consumo di: pane bianco, pasta e riso raffinati, patate, formaggi, condimenti, panna, frutta fresca dolce come uva, cachi e fichi, legumi, carni, prosciutto crudo, cotto e bresaola.Tra gli alimenti quelli da preferire sono: latte scremato, yogurt magro, cereali e derivati integrali in modiche quantità (biscotti secchi, fette biscottate, crostini, riso, posta e pane integrali, pesce, uova, insalate, ortaggi come biete, spinaci, pomodori, carote, cetrioli, sedano, zucca, zucchine, porri e verze, frutta fresca, in particolare gli agrumi.Per condire sono permessi 3 cucchiai d'olio di oliva al giorno. Per insaporire si consiglia l'utilizzo di spezie ed erbe aromatiche, come aglio, peperoncino, basilico, salvia, origano eccetera.


Anche il modo in cui si cucinano i cibi può influire sul loro contenuto calorico,sulla ricchezza di nutrienti che rimangono disponibili e sulla leggerezza del piatto finale.Per questo motivo è bene preparare carni e pesci alla piastra o ai ferri, al forno o in pentole dove è possibile cuocere senza l'utilizzo di condimenti grassi, al vapore, al cartoccio oppure con il forno a microonde.Le verdure in generale dovrebberoessere cucinate al vapore non immerse nell'acqua oppure stufate.


To facilitate the selection of foods and vary the menu that is balanced, here is a simple and practical list of foods to favor among cheese, meat, fish and salumi.Formaggi: cow's milk ricotta and mozzarella, smoked cheese, primosale, robiole and fresh tomini of fine latte.Carni: all meat should be eaten with no visible fat, the chicken is preferred over the chest to the thigh, and skin must be eliminated, avoiding meat selvaggina.Pesci: hake, cod, sole, trout, dogfish , octopus, squid, snapper, squid, seafood mare.Salumi: they can be incorporated in daily diet, only the defatted raw or cooked ham and dried beef.

BENEFITS OF DIET assisting with Kefir
Research and medical experiments have shown that, by maintaining the correct weight limits you get a drop of diseases (degenerative soprottutto those as Partmiosderosi) and an average increase of the vita.Per this conditions for the diet program proposed here allow you to learn to give preference or healthy foods, rich in elements which contribute to maintaining health and that is just minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins and essential fats and here the rich in vitamins and kefir minerals and 'very important to keep the body in full and in good physical efficiency salute.Alcuni food, poor because of these substances, or too rich fat or sugar are not recommended. A maximum allowed them occasional consumption, and they are: sweets, soft drinks, spirits, fermented cheeses, fried foods, preserved and horns offumicate as hot dogs, canned and cured meats.

After two months under the proposed diet is important not to resume old habits, returning to eat incorrectly, choosing the wrong foods or quantities superflue.Lo purpose of this diet program is also to teach definitively to change their eating habits, ie eating more healthily low in fat and sugar semplici.Due mesi di alimentazione equilibrata e calibrata hanno abituato l'organismo a bruciare ogni giorno un certo numero di calorie: ritornare a mangiare male e troppo, significherò dunque recuperare peso velocemente, accumulando adipe nelle cellule.


Può accadere che dopo un primo calo significativo, pur continuando il regime alimentare, il peso non vari più così tanto, anzi sembri essersi stabilizzato.Se si stanno seguendo con attenzione le indicazioni date si tratta solo di un arresto provvisorio. La pazienza e un po' di attività fisica aiuteranno a far scendere ancora l'ago della bilancia.Qualora non not operate at all can be changed for a few days at most 5, his weekly power favoring protein foods, namely meat, fish and eggs to force your body to draw from adipose tissue, ie the fat mass, the energy needs. These days you must be careful to drink water kefir more than usual because the animals produce larger amounts of protein metabolic waste tossiche.Il block weight, sometimes, can be determined by a period of constipation . In this case, you should try to regulate bowel function through a given stricter consumption of kefir d 'water, whole food, higher amounts of fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked as well as liquids (water and herbal tea) taken during the day. And increase physical activity.

probiotic foods - the potential 'of kefir

The man lives with a variety of microorganisms that inhabit their digestive tract, where they are in their natural "dynamic equilibrium", it produces a biological barrier can to effectively prevent, for "competitive exclusion", the settlement of harmful microorganisms, usually unrelated to this particular ecosistema.Inoltre this set of micro-organisms through the expression of their biological activity, account for almost one organ to supplement the physiological potential of the human digestive system, through the production of a variety of enzymes and metabolites can, in particular, to reduce the unfolding of processes that produce putrefactive accumulation and subsequent partial absorption of tossiche.Queste latter are able to affect the proper functioning of the 'digestive system and can initiate degenerative cellular processes with serious reflections on the health of the human organism. From then highlight the significant stimulating action of the system immunitario.L 'alteration of this delicate balance influenced by inappropriate diets, to states of tension and stress, assimilation di inquinanti d'origine ambientale, può compromettere il benessere complessivo dell'uomo.L'assunzione di alimenti ricchi di opportune associazioni di benefici fermenti vivi ed attivi, rappresenta accanto a diete equilibrate, il mezzo più efficace per la salvaguardia ed il rafforzamento dell'ecosistema microbico presente nell'apparato digerente e lo mette in grado di esprimere al massimo le sue potenzialita'.

Facendo riferimento a queste premesse che noi abbiamo brevemente richiamato, riteniamo che il kefir rappresenti l'alimento probiotico più adatto ed efficace. Questa bevanda , ricavata dal latte, con fermentazione acido-alcolica, veicola infatti una molteplicità di fermenti benefici costituiti da lattici, lieviti, acetici in associazione naturale stabile da millenni ed in grado di automantenersi in questi naturali equilibri se opportunamente governata . Tali caratteristiche rendono questa coltura adatta a presidiare l'alimento che avanza durante il progredire del processo digestivo;si rendono inoltre disponibili oligosaccaridi e polisaccaridi che sostengono lo sviluppo delle componenti microbiche saccarolitiche presenti nelle sezioni più distali del tubo intestinale, capaci di produrre un' efficace attività di contrasto dei deleteri processi putrefattivi.In sintesi i fermenti attivi presenti nel kefir, con la loro azione facilitano e stimolano alcune fra le fondamentali azioni svolte dalla microflora dell'apparato digerente:· Effetto "Barrier" against pathogens and potentially dangerous. · Effect of stimulation of the immune system located in the digestive tract, with effects on general immunity. Putrefactive • Control processes with the effect of reducing the absorption of toxic waste for the body. But the benefits do not stop there, since 'the release of specific enzymes, is produced on the components of milk, improved digestion, which makes them perfectly tolerated and advantageously assimilati.Vogliamo recall notice as an emblematic and evocative as the kefir will probably have been the drink that the patriarch Abraham gave three notable pilgrims, welcoming them under his tent in the desert Negev.L 'interest in the role dei lattobacilli nella salute umana risale almeno al 1908, quando Elia Metchnikov osservò che il consumo di latte fermentato aveva effetti benefici sulla popolazione umana. La sua teoria si basava sull’idea che i lattobacilli fossero in grado di eliminare i microrganismi produttori di tossine normalmente presenti nel tratto intestinale. Da allora, molti studi hanno prodotto risultati contrastanti riguardo al beneficio derivante dal consumo di latte fermentato con batteri lattici. Alcuni di questi contrasti sono dovuti molto probabilmente all’uso di tecniche microbiche inadeguate. L’intuizione di Metchnikov sull’uso di microrganismi nella dieta alimentare si è evoluta in un concetto più ampio, detto probiosi, che comprende quell’insieme di azioni positive per la salute svolte da colture batteriche vive e vitali, generalmente appartenenti ai generi Lactobacillus e Bifidobacterium, ingerite in quantità sufficente a superare la barriera gastrica e insediarsi nel tratto intestinale. (Fuller, 1989; Morelli 1998). I probiotici sono definiti come integratori alimentari costituiti da microrganismi vivi che apportano benefici all’animale ospite migliorando l’equilibrio della microflora intestinale. La flora protettiva che si stabilisce nell’intestino è infatti molto stabile, ma può essere perturbata da alcuni fattori alimentari e ambientali, quali la dieta, l’eccessiva igiene, la terapia antibiotica e lo stress. I probiotici risultano potenzialmente utili in quelle conditions involving an imbalance of microflora naturally resident, their beneficial effects may be direct, due to their metabolic activity, or mediated, due to an antagonistic effect towards specific groups of organisms or to stimulation of the immune system. The probiotic microflora during growth in the various places of the intestinal tract accumulates metabolites of considerable biological significance. In particular, we can mention the production of lactic acid, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, enzymes, antibiotics, bacteriocins that determine, among other things, a change in the redox potential and a lower pH value. The probiotic strains selected for use must be safe from the point of view hygienic and sanitary. Finally, caution must be extremely dutiful attention both from academia and industry in the use of genetically modified food, as probiotics in food. Currently, there are only a few bacterial strains with probiotic properties are well documented, which are used in milk products, yogurt for the bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) It is argued that any probiotic activity, contrary to popular pensato.I probiotic bacteria are resistant to gastric acid and bile and thus arrive in more distal sections of the digestive tract. Once in the digestive tract they can adhere to epithelial cells in order to provide a physical barrier that also prevents the adhesion of probiotics patogeni.Ceppi any well documented (Lee and Salminen, 1995):
effects reported in clinical trials
Lactobacillusacidophilus LC1
Improvement of immunology; adjuvant in vaccines, adherence to human intestinal cells, balancing the intestinal microflora.
Lactobacillusacidophilus NFCO1748
decrease of faecal enzymes, prevention of diarrhea due to radiation therapy treatment of constipation.
Lactobacillus GG
prevention of diarrhea associated with antibiotic therapy, treatment and prevention of diarrhea caused by rotavirus, treatment of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile, prevention of acute diarrhea, relief of Crohn's disease; antagonistic effect against cariogenic bacteria.
Lactobacillus caseiShirota
Prevention of intestinal disorders, balance of intestinal bacteria, fecal enzyme activity decrease; inhibition of bladder cancer.
Lactobacillus gasser (ADH)
reduction of fecal enzymes, survival in the intestinal tract.
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Treatment of diarrhea caused by rotavirus, balancing the intestinal microflora; treatment of viral diarrhea.
Streptococcus thermophilusLactobacillus bulgaricus
No effect on rotavirus diarrhea, no improvement in immunologic status during rotavirus diarrhea, no effect on faecal enzymes.
Saccharomyces boulardii
Prevention of traveler's diarrhea, prevention and treatment of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile.


potential effects of probiotics on human health have been grouped into three categories. The most reliable effects include: - reducing the symptoms of lactose intolerance - stimulation of the response immunitaria.Tra the likely effects are mentioned: - reduction blood levels of LDL cholesterol - preventive action in relation to colon cancer - increased resistance to infezioni.Vengono considered are potential effects: - a realignment of the microflora of the digestive system through the administration of probiotics - the administration of probiotics patients with autoimmune diseases, may attenuate the manifestations patologiche.Esperienze In vitro experiments have also shown that the inhibitory effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus held in respect of micro-organisms of the genera Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Bacillus and Vibrio

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2011 HAPPY heart ......

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Many Water Births Happen At Miami Valley

Marley's Mellow Mood, functional herbal drink natural and relaxing, stress-relieving el 'anxiety

In the blog there is an air of celebration, so it's good arguments deal with a little 'lighter. I wonder if any of you will remember Bob Marley ? He was a singer when I was a teenager was the most popular, known for bringing reggae music to be known and appreciated throughout the world, however, was known in the popular imagination as a consumer 's erba (non erba medica per intenderci), un pregiudizio nei suoi confronti sicuramente.
La prima volta che ho visto Marley's Mellow Mood ho pensato come tutti voi adesso, sarà un'altra bevanda alla cannabis ? Invece No, tutt'altro , Marley's Mellow Mood , il cui nome deriva da una canzone di Marley "Mellow Mood" è una bevanda funzionale anti stress e anti ansia alle erbe di camomilla , passiflora e valeriana . Chissà cosa ne avrebbe pensato Bob Marley?

are four Marley's Mellow Mood
- Black Tea (green tea, peach, raspberry, passion fruit)
- Green Tea (green tea, honey)
- Berry (drink carbonated - berries)
- Citrus (fizzy drink - lemon)

These drinks from my point of view have the wrong notes, as well as being too sweet, green tea seems to me that the only more pleasant to my taste , as can be shown to have a relaxing drink? One should drink more easily quench rather than relax. In addition to the mix valerian , passion flower and chamomile there is also a little surprise melatonin (this will be that relaxes?).

I fit into the categories of psychosomatic drinks because it was necessary for me to emphasize more on composition of the herbs in the beverage and their natural properties valerian, chamomile and passionflower.

The company instead chose to use the image of Bob Marley , that image is not very reassuring in this regard to the general public in the sense that if I see my son with a drink with the image of Bob Marley, perhaps wrongly I worry, if I see my son who drinks a can with a picture of Orietta Berti I care less, this does not alter the artist Bob Marley and to his music and "ownership" of positive drink.

In any case, drink at least according to the website, it promotes all the positive values \u200b\u200b the music of Bob Marley the protection of the planet and the environment to support nonprofit projects.

fact these days it was announced a raise positive image of Bob Marley , whose name will be linked to a brand of coffee, sports, articles electronic, was also founded the brand Marley & CO , environmentally friendly products for children, the new company directed by his son Rohan Marley ago had revenues of $ 600 million in 2010, this is the only company that will have right to grant use of the mark Marley T-shirts from the drinks!

If until recently the business you were the celebrations of the artists passed away, now have become the brands, to be affixed to any product, since the CDs are sold less and less, a business apparently music's most profitable.

Marley's Mellow Mood formats S cans 355 ml, M bottle 475 ml, L 950 ml for the "most tested"

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dark Spots Tanning Bed

how to reduce salt and sodium in their daily life after a stroke, the experience of a reader Antonina G. From the mundane communication

This blog has always room for the readers of your questions because they always came the best things I've ever written and the activities of the commentators in the blog are free to supplement and improve the 'information, this is a wonderful thing, is a result only possible with your participation is a thank you I wanted to do for a while '. After

The Post wrote about how to reduce salt consumption I received an email from a reader Antonina G., I decided to publish a part because it explains very well how in reality it is difficult to reduce salt , the difficulties of putting into practice the advice of the physician and as the consumption of salt is rooted in daily habits that are difficult to overcome.

In recent months, consisting of national commission on how to reduce the salt with the proposed rules, the commission also inside the ' Union Euro pa,' s WHO , for my to see how often they are only theoretical committee who sits down with little practical experience, are rare cases of competent people, but the practical experience of the reader believe that offers of food for thought very important.

few months ago, my husband had a stroke and the doctor advised me to therapy reduce salt consumption, so I had to change the way you prepare lunch and dinner, not only for him but for the whole family.

It was a difficult mainly because you do not know how to do discover that salt is everywhere I first started to read the labels but I could never understand how much salt there, only after time 'by dint of reading I realized that meant sodium salt, is trivial if you want power, so I had to learn how to calculate grams milligrams percentage Today we laugh, but if you are not an expert, it is not easy to tell if that product is average salty, very salty or lightly salted or unsalted .

In the kitchen are not a cook but I had to go to the search of salt-free recipes, cookbooks, newspapers, websites. Because the real problem is learn how to give a flavor, I had to change cooking, change the pots, learn about herbs and spices, because eating also means pleasure of taste, then a spice an 'herb helps a lot but it comes with time and especially so many tests not always guess and sometimes frustrating as the substitution with soy or rice vinegar, not suitable to our taste.

In my refrigerator there are many cheeses, lots of meats, ready meals at all. I picked up the habit of going to market where I take a lot of fruits and vegetables is not easy as it sounds if you work, you need to take advantage of the pause time, ie skip lunch and run with shopping bags all day. I found the salt in many products that I did not think like frozen, I learned to make the broth and no longer use the nut. For the bread was the hardest thing I had to shoot a lot until I could not find a baker who had customers who need to eat salt-free he could do for me, but it was the other side of my city, so I learned to do it myself .

this experience has brought me the unsalted bad things and good things. The worst thing is that my husband and I feel isolated , We can no longer go out to eat from simple pizzeria to the restaurant, I invite friends home, because you can always add salt but otherwise I can not accept invitations to other home , where no malice, are accustomed to use products with salt, not knowing that they contain, do not add salt but maybe you bring to the table an smoked salmon.

The most beautiful aspect however is that this experience has led us to be more aware the way we eat but especially lose weight without realizing it, to me that I was always on a diet was a big surprise and a great achievement.

What I mean is that it is difficult to reduce salt is a gradual work you change the habits of life, it takes time, would like greater collaboration by all stakeholders from the pizzeria at the supermarket, you know that there is a pizzeria with pizza with a little salt and supermarket labels clear that you do not have to bring your calculator to find out how much salt is in food! Thanks for the information you gave me even though many of these are due to learn on its own!

Say Thanks Antonina to reduce salt consumption , I tried to give some helpful information knowing well that some of these were already known, are simple tips, a low salt diet also helps to follow a more balanced nutrition, and that's why you lose weight more easily. From the standpoint of food I do not think we need more laws and regulations in the tables indicate the nutritional content of salt is one thing I do not think so hard, some do already, is an optional data , would help a lot , it only takes goodwill. Possible that there is a restaurant and a pizzeria "salt free" no one has still think of that? A menu salt free, partly because the group of people will more and more people can be an alternative idea for a new opening.

For Antonina
  • low-salt regime per apporto di 1,5 -2 g di sodio al giorno

    Raccomandazioni generali

    - Frequenza dei pasti, fare tre o quattro pasti al giorno, non saltare i pasti
    - Mangiare lentamente con calma, e masticare correttamente, tra un piatto e un altro prendersi anche una pausa di dieci minuti.
    - Bere poco durante i pasti e bere di più tra un pasto e l’altro, bere almeno 1,5 litri di acqua al giorno
    - Evitare di fumare a stomaco pieno e avviare un programma per smettere di fumare
    - Avere un alimentazione varia con cotture semplificate e evitare piatti complicati e ricchi di grassi, prediligere le cotture “a vapore” o con padelle antiaderenti
    - Controllo del peso, pesarsi at least once a week, on the same scale, at the same time

    Foods to avoid

    Add salt at the table
    dry smoked fish, shellfish, caviar, smoked or dried meat

    vegetables in brine or vinegar
    Cheese savory (allowed small portions 25 g) Conserve

    Salted butter, margarine

    prohibited foods

    Mashed Potato chips ready
    instant mashed
    Frozen blanched in salted water or ready
    Soup frozen dried fruit for snacks

    Products Desserts: chocolate milk, sherbet ready-made biscuits and ice creams on the market

    Mineral waters rich in sodium tomato juice

    sparkling fruit juice or soup nuts ready
    Fish soups ready
    Condiments and sauces usually mayonnaise-based foods authorized

    Petit suisses

    Portions of whole milk cheese in limited quantities
    25 g white meat: chicken, turkey meat alternatives such as language and
    Fresh fish and seafood that is fresh water

    Eggs Potatoes Pulses

    green vegetables raw or cooked pasta, rice, tapioca,
    homemade soups without added salt
    Chestnut honey

    sugar cakes without yeast
    herbs for cooking low sodium mineral water

    all products low in salt and sodium as biscuits and butter

restricted by low-salt regime 0 , 4 to 1 g of sodium per day

General recommendations

-Make three or four meals a day will not ever skip meals
Eat slowly-slowly, and chew properly, between a plate and take a more even a break of ten minutes.
-drink little during meals and drink more between meals, drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day-
Avoid smoke-Have
a simplified power varies with cooking meals and avoid complicated and high in fat, prefer cooking "steam" in the oven, grill, wok, baked or try to use non-stick pans
-Weigh yourself every day, for example, all morning

Foods to avoid
are all those foods that contain a proportion of more than 70 mg sodium per 100g food high in fat or here

Salumi Meat: liver, heart, kidney, tongue, brain
Pesce d ' fresh water with sodium superiroe to 70mg/100g
Fish seawater with sodium above 70 mg/100g
Crustaceans with less sodium 300mg/100g
Whole Egg

milk powder goat milk cheese
above 500mg/100g
Fats: lard, butter, margarine
Pane. white bread wheat bread
Legumes: chard, beets, celery, fennel, spinach, watercress Olive green

prohibited foods

Mashed Potato chips ready
instant mashed
bleached frozen vegetables in salt water
Soup ready or frozen
Nuts for drinks
Products Sweets: Milk chocolate, ready-made sorbets and ice creams on the market

Biscuits Mineral waters high in sodium tomato juice

Juices gassed
Bouillon cubes or ready
Fish soups ready
Condiments and sauces generally made of mayonnaise, capers, olives

foods in controlled quantities authorized
are those foods that have a sodium content between 10 and 70 mg per 100g

whole milk and skim milk cheese

fresh white meat: lamb, ox, horse, mutton, pork, chicken, veal

white meat veal tongue and pig kidney
Fish: eel, cod, salmon, race, trout, sole
Egg: The egg only
bread without salt and / or biscuits without salt
Pulses such as peas and beans and legumes, fresh vegetables
as:. carciofi, broccoli, carote, cavoletti bi bruxelles, lattuga erbette, patate dolci, porro, radicchio, scarola, rape, cavolo, lattuga, champignon
Frutta secca
Frutta tropicale
Cioccolato fondente

Alimenti autorizzati

Latte desodato
Yougurt da latte desodato
Pesce surgelato garantito senza sodio
Bisoctti epane senza sale
Pane azzimo
Farina, mezeina, fecola
Prodotti di pasticceria con latte desodato, senza uovo, senza lievito
Patate, purè fatto in casa con latte desodato
Legumi secchi, lenticchie, fava soia
Verdure verdi surgelate sbianchite in acqua senza sale
Verdure fresche come . melanzane, piselli, peppers, green beans, onions, tomato, pumpkin
All types of fruit
Grassi especially olive oil, unsalted butter salt to
potassium salt and herbs, low-sodium mineral water
es sant'anna

a vacation period lightened the whole with a song Mina Celentano and "Water and Salt

Info Eufic how to reduce the salt , Sugar Salt Strategy , Heart Project CeVEAS salt and hypertension in the document. pdf, how to reduce salt consumption on Altroconsumo in English Reduce Salt and Sodium in Your Diet , how to reduce salt and sodium in the diet

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Does Anyone Know A Good Dentist In Brooklyn

.... something new ....

Wishing you the best HAPPY HOLIDAYS ...
I invite you to visit me in Mestre, in Via S. Pio X until the day before,
(hours: Wednesday 22 Thursday 23 15.00/20.00 15.00/18.30 9.30/20.00 Friday 24)
to see touch and wear CaracolNovità ..... Here are some examples

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cute Kid Butterfly Sayings

Panettone, the rediscovery of product quality and local traditions for Christmas cakes

It's Christmas in a few days is the favorite topic of the media is the panettone, a Milanese sweet but widely known throughout Italy and abroad. Watching commercials on television but I wonder panettone communicate well its characteristics? The television commercials are still in the 80s, communication is always the same, Santa Christmas arrives with reindeer, snow, the air of celebration, the family around a table with a father in the middle, or the usual round of goose that is dismayed with air but asks what I have in hand? Oh look a Panettone (What you thought it was, honey?) Then it's Christmas! Communications that do not stand for originality, see one you've seen them all.

Not a word about the city, on the preparation, I understand that in the '80s had to communicate feelings, rather than the quality of the ingredients but today is still valid? The approval of the community's message reflects the approval of the production of panettone Altroconsumo did a 'survey that did not enrage just food companies, but drew attention to a serious problem quality, full mouth companies! Given that equate an industrial product with a pastry is not always right, would be fun to judge now from industrial artisan panettone .

I in my little I did a documented review, I went to take a look at the super there are ingredients that have made me amazed by his eyes flavorings (flavor of cake?) to glucose syrup - fructose not only flour, yeast, eggs, sugar, butter, raisins and candied fruit, choose a cake that has only these ingredients, if you can, could be a difficult undertaking! I have many doubts about the nutritional tables seem very truthful in relation to the ingredients used, if you use 20% of candied fruit you can not have a lower number of calories! A word of advice look at the weight of the packs for the price are not 750 g 1 kg. Maybe cheaper but because the weight is lower . Altroconsumo but I would not be hard to pick one.

The problem of cost is addressed by the Roberto Pira on ilfattoalimentare indicates that it is running as the sell-off in super, it is curious that the range of the price range from € 2 to get to the artisan panettone from 30 € per kg, but who assures us that we are spending well if the ingredients and information is not exposed even in pastry? Not only do supermarkets make the posts for some companies, even if they do make the pastry by other laboratories (hopefully not from the industry). There are still steps on steps that have a cost and difficult to understand who makes and who sells, in short all the appearance is deceiving and nothing seems to justify the price. In Switzerland at Marnin Locarno CHF 30 per kg. The port in Lugano 29 CHF in Italy in Milan often sells for 30 euro per kilo is a high cost , approximately 30% more, which puts it at the level of shellfish, fillet of veal, scallops sought after. Many

best to read and listen to the advice of Robert and Lydia tzatziki for breakfast to prepare a cake at home as they do their , that good that envy!

To compensate for the lack of communication quality Panettone : we are thinking bloggers, providing detailed information useful and best of all gli altri media messi insieme, non è solo un gioco come dice questo articolo della Andkronos . gli utenti e le aziende online non giocano come qualcuno vuole fare credere.

In tutto questo ramadan tra giochi on line, offerte speciali e slitte di babbi natale sulla neve , ho apprezzato molto il lavoro di uno dei miei lettori Mauro Ronci , della azienda Vito Ronci il quale per meglio documentare il suo lavoro ha filmato e fatte vedere le fasi di lavorazione del suo panettone fase 1 e fase 2 ! L’ho trovata un idea buona perchè pone l’accento della lavorazione del panettone di quanto è complesso e impegnativo produrre un panettone di qualità. Sono certo che qualcuno l’anno prossimo seguirà il suo esempio . Mi piace perché pone al centro dell’attenzione il prodotto e non quello che gli sta intorno, ma soprattutto quando un prodotto è di qualità va comunicato, spiegato, non si deve differenziare solo per il costo, andate a vederlo Il Panettone a Lievitazione Naturale .

Questi ragazzi Mauro e Valerio hanno chiaramente dimostrato la strada da seguire, non ha fatto così invece il sindaco di Milano Letizia Moratti che vuole proporre panettone milanese 365 giorni all’anno (non sarà un po' heavy?) according Slow food and Autogrill (what a strange gang)! I disagree I find it an unhealthy idea, this is not possible if the communication is still bound to the holiday season, you can also distribute autogrill panettone all year but you have to motivate the purchase and you do at Easter ? Shoot all the doves, p er sell panettone? Celebrate Christmas on Aug. 15? Believe me Letizia with 30 degrees in the shade is much better than going to the beach, do not say this with an ice cream, but with a nice fresh watermelon rather than a cake .

end by a call a bit 'at all, Christmas is the period of tradition in every area there is a traditional sweet Christmas different from pandolce, gingerbread, bisciola, buccelato, here is Gukelhupf almonds and pistachios, I do not say do not buy the cake but cultivate the traditions of Christmas against the approval of the taste and flavors .

forgot you know that the country's largest producer of panettone? Brazil and it is known that in Brazil they eat so much! I have not written and you do not you read!

Best wishes to the next post, I have not finished writing before Christmas, I must respond to a letter Thursday of a reader!

Update December 24 I'm sorry I could not make another post, but I also have inconsistent dinner, preparation, shopping, Santa Claus, the performances of the children are "out of order " I wish everyone a Merry Christmas Day .

The Artisan Panettone Milanese project
Chamber of Commerce of Milan. The cake pastry Marnin Arno Antognini to Locarno was judged the best cake in Milan.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Fold A Future Telling Device Southpark

Caracol ... Christmas ....

tomorrow ... Saturday 18 and Sunday, December 19 ....
Caracol in
Natale in Piazza Pola in Treviso ....

And throughout the week of Christmas
Via Pio X Mestre Ve
20/24 December

HOURS Monday 20 - 9.30/20.00

Tuesday 21 - 9.30/20.00

Wednesday 22 - 15.00/20.00

Thursday 23 - 9.30/20.00

Friday 24 - 15.00/18.30
I'm waiting to make us the best wishes!!

George Vancouver's Boat Diagram

Bulimia visual: to think and see what you want to eat decreases your appetite?

Pensare a ciò che si vuole mangiare ha un effetto saziante, sono queste le conclusioni a cui giunge uno studio , dal mio punto di vista molto discutibile, condotto da un gruppo di psicologi americani che ha ottenuto la pubblicazione recentemente su Science .

I ricercatori della Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania , hanno chiesto a 25 studenti di immaginare di mangiare 30 caramelle al cioccolato ed altri 25 di pensare al rumore di una lavatrice, dopo venivano offerte caramelle al cioccolato , il 50 % dei membri del primo gruppo ne mangiava meno rispetto al secondo gruppo. Lo stesso esperimento è stato condotto sul formaggio, con risultati simili. Conclusion imagine eating affects the appetite and is eating less!

Carey The researcher, who led the study said in an interview "We believe that our results can be sensational used to develop behavioral treatments for obesity, but could help manage the addiction to alcohol, drugs and cigarettes . Carey dear I were you I'd go a bit 'more cautious, or as we say in my country I'd fly a bit' lower.

Because if we follow the twisted thinking of the study we can solve the problem of world hunger by showing pictures of food? Obviously NO! An experiment conducted on 50 subjects for its students is much more restrictive and with some formal defect! A bill is to give something to someone who is satisfied is one thing to offer it to someone who has cramps instead of hunger, while recognizing that a momentary satisfaction but it may be possible but how long can this last?

I think in the society of today we have the opposite problem, there is what I have called Bulimia visual not go on television when it comes to food from news to weather reports, newspaper full of cooking magazines but also those not linger in the kitchen on topics that have food as a protagonist, blogs and websites mushrooming (I also do my small contribution), in the department library is the fullest and most visited, television theme channels, with cameras chef in the kitchen every round of applause omelette claim.

Despite this overflow this overexposure we should feel even more exhausted than satisfied yet the number of cases of obesity are rising as the eating disorders, perhaps the problem lies elsewhere, about the pleasure of something with their hands and at the same time meet one of our five senses, and above all does not mean that this is a problem. See or think of the food is not said that even resize your appetite so far leads to a stimulus in some subjects continue to consume food 24 hours 24.

I say this because these days I would never want someone to open a restaurant where the menu imaginative visual therapeutic me I have to dream, but imagine eating a lobster as I imagine it will cost to eat hake? And the bill? What I guess I'll have to pay cash! Thinking of this study, I was reminded of the scene of the film Laurel and Hardy where they pretended to eat at the table in a guest house of lunatics.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Can Strippers Have Herpes

video .... Caracol

Thanks to Norma de Lucia and his staff Ass. Meetings and Events!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sunday Sport 07-08-94


tonight's exhibition at the T Hotel Cagliari, at 19 inauguration of the Exhibition

Dress T the


Order, disorder and chaos.
Edited by John Otto, by e
T Art Show of the T Hotel more than a hundred works of designers, artists and creative Italian and called to unleash their creativity and amaze with new forms and concepts to adorn the body.

"Dressing up is not an imposition but an inner pleasure, a story that becomes 3D, which makes each of us unique. The wonder of a moment and that moment is all our world. "
John Otto

From 7 December 2010 to 30 January 2011.

T Inauguration Hotel, Tuesday, December 7 hours 19.

be speaking John Otto.

open every day from 9 to 23 with free admission.

Come di consueto il T Hotel si ripropone scenario affascinante per eventi, mostre ed esposizioni artistiche.

In collaborazione con Tramare e T Art, questa nuova mostra apre agli appassionati del mondo della moda: cento e più pezzi unici, ricercati, confezionati per l’occasione da designer, professionisti del costume e geniali artigiani che (re)interpretano l’idea dell’accessorio come must del corpo e dello stile.

La fantasia degli artisti italiani e internazionali è proposta nelle opere (disponibili per la vendita, direttamente al T Hotel) che in questo appuntamento di party also serve as Christmas presents unconventional and successful. The sensitivity and creative experimentation in the fabrics, materials and colors are combined with the personal experiences of the authors contaminating the art of dress in elegant, distinctive visual expression. Wool, cotton, leather, silk, woven from recovery, tabs of cans, plastic bags and paper embody inspiration and futuristic reworking of the vintage style and promoted models of jewelry, handbags, hats, shoes and bras that enhance the collections to be seen walking along the common hall.

value added tax and the permanent exhibition will be the bilingual catalog accompanied by pictures and the artistic background of each participant, that every visitor can take to preserve the cultural memory of the evening. From art ecological Caracol the hand weaving of Silvia Beccaria, from lace of ancient hand-made hats to footwear brand Pierawithlove innovative Elia Maurizi, up to the mantle of a warrior with Dalaleo burqa. These are just some of the prestigious artists that offer a pleasant setting exhibition.

The Christmas event is a candidate to be another appointment from breathing fine and fascinating characteristic of the T Hotel is confirmed that for five years: a privileged stay of tourists vacanzieri e viandanti che si fermano nella città cagliaritana. La costante attenzione al design e all’arte in divenire sposa il carattere in progress di questo suggestivo albergo.

L’ingresso è libero, vi aspettiamo numerosi!

Fra gli artisti partecipanti:

a fault
eleonora battaggia
silvia beccaria
benedetta bruzziches
carlo budroni
veronica calcagno
patrizia camba
alessio carrucciu
stefano Casarola
manuela catania
Nietta Condemi de happy
angela Cotza
collection by alberto
serene flower
de matteo orchard
Anna Deplano
Cosimo Epifani
Francesco Fantini
lisa farmer
jack and Clarabelle
sabina lekumok
Stefano Muzio
emanuela longo
will mancinelli
Francesca Marchisio
elia maurizi
gianluca melis
antonio molinaroli
irene moret
federica moretti
mos milano
one t-shirt
giovanni ottonello
rosanna pagliarini
farah liz pallaro
veronica panati
lucia pietrobon
eugenia pinna
rosa pinna
sorelle piredda
maria grazia rodi
luca sacchi
lucia sammarco
alberto serreli
gianbattista tolasi
francesca torri

Vittoria Mereu
Marketing e Comunicazione

tel +39 070 4740 5068

port.+39 070 4740 7023

fax +39 070 4740 5077

Grazie di cuore a Vittoria Mereu, Giovanni Otto and plot that I have so warmly invited!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Things To Do With Leg Cast

"When the goldsmith's art emerges from lines of traditional ".....

E 'Career Center in December of two thousand monthly cultural information of the Northeast. On page 18
an interview with me. Thanks to Simon
Soldera that contacted me with great kindness and attention.

... for those who want to more easily read the interview ....

We contacted Eleanor Battaggia, artist and creator of jewelry that helps with his research of new shapes and materials to "revolutionize" the idea of jewel of art and design in the traditional vision of modern jewelry, that's how he responded to some questions.

1) Considering his career as a goldsmith and artist, as was the case that the posting of the box "(stereotypes and ordinary?), Which tells in his biography?

E 'occurred through progressive steps of personal research.

I found myself doing the gold and then the teacher goldsmith, almost by chance following my natural instinct to enjoy the world of creativity and art.

I are extremely dedicated, but aware that it was not determining the scope of "technical" when I moved: the important thing was, and is, find the resources and space express myself.

the way he has developed in me a strong rebellion against practices which unnecessarily weigh on the environment. Find that the traditional gold, unfortunately, is very polluting from 'mining and the realization that often behind the hoarding of precious, there are certain death and destruction, he gradually did away classical goldsmith. From the first with a total crisis of rejection and expulsion, then gradually a rapprochement through other avenues. I continued to make jewelry because it is the area where I have more experience, but the decoration is not an end in itself that interests me, not fashion per se. I am interested in the stylistic and technical staff to use as a vehicle to express ideas.

I like to move freely through various techniques. The painting is another area that I love deeply and I use every time posso.

Così è nata “Caracol” la mia linea di gioielli pezzi unici in edizione limitata, realizzati attraverso scelte il più possibile ecologiche.

Da prima ho evitato certi materiali, poi ho cercato soluzioni diverse all’uso di acidi, attrezzature o quant’altro di inquinante, per arrivare inevitabilmente al riciclo, dove al momento mi sento proprio a mio agio.

Mi affascina recuperare e riciclare materiali, cercare e utilizzare ciò che offre la natura senza violarla, to a different location in semi-precious materials to be used for their natural materials.

All this, however, and always learned the attention from jewelry, to the wearability, durability and accuracy.

2) What does "recycle materials and energy" in his mind? How does a craftsman or an artist in front of this issue quite "delicate"? How important are the environmental impact and the question of artistic dignity "in his works?

Per il mio percorso e la mia personalità è impossibile prescindere da questo. L’attività artistico/creativa è espressione del proprio essere, per me non è possibile utilizzare qualsiasi cosa pur di, se va contro i miei principi fondamentali e le mie scelte di vita. Non posso realizzare qualcosa che deve raccontare chi sono, se non tengo in considerazione, per quel che è possibile, l’impatto che la mia attività ha sull’ambiente e sulla dignità umana. Questo argomento è parte essenziale di me stessa, non posso ignorarlo. Secondo me essere coerenti prima di tutto con se stessi, è un modo per demand respect for their work, and seek artistic dignity is too often unrecognized.

"recycle matter and energy" for me is a material resource and soul.

3) Since its first show in 1983, how many opportunities he received in his path? She also went abroad or in "native land" has found new supporters and valuable support for his creativity?

Since my research, I will continuously present many opportunities, I believe that everyone is crafting their own opportunities. I work a lot, experiment and try to improve it: there are countless ways that I can go, I choose from time to time that I feel best for me and allows them to tell me better.

I have not crossed the border in search of other opportunities, to be honest I have not needed it. I am always receiving requests and calls that leave me wondering and that I would never have expected. Things happen that make me realize that I am on the right track, that in cui volevo stare.

Non precludo la possibilità di portare il mio lavoro anche in altri paesi, infatti avrò la prima occasione di uscire dall’Italia nella prossima primavera, sono stata invitata in Svizzera.

Al momento sono soddisfatta del riscontro che ho e fatico a realizzare abbastanza da seguire tutte le opportunità che mi si presentano.

4) Quali sono i colori, i materiali e le tecniche che ha abbandonato e quali come novità mantiene for his creations and his style?

I would say that I have not abandoned any color, even every day enriches my "palette" of colors and new combinations that arise from an atmosphere, an emotion, a trial or anything else hit me or I want to talk.

I abandoned all precious metals because they do not believe that a matter is valid only if it costs, but if it is good and meets the requirements of durability and use. Furthermore, as already mentioned, to extract some materials used in jewelry, as in other activities, we do enormous damage. We want to talk about diamonds? No one doubts their beauty, but behind its use, there are deaths and abuses rather a clever use of a fine "bottle bottom" that has the added bonus of recycling and for me the most interesting and stimulating creative point of view.

I have left those that involve the use of pollutants as possible, at least, as human activities, unfortunately, can not be separated completely from this. Seeks to inform and understand, to minimize the negative impression of my actions.

Right now I'm working almost exclusively with tissue recovery and recycling, dresses, ties, upholstery fabrics, used or scrap processing, metals from industrial waste, steel, aluminum and copper in particular and also other waste materials that would go to landfill while still in good condition, material that would be a waste to throw and then produce new. I also like to think that in my every piece there are many stories lived in the materials I use. Ideas do not need a specific material for strength and even factory fresh, but the idea that energy, just leave it free to use and interpret the means it has available.

5) The people how they react in front of his works? Captures perplexity, surprise, admiration, and a strong desire to purchase or even envy?

A bit 'of it all. There are those who smile, think (and say) that are just rags and imagination. Sometimes it also reflected a degree of envy, but I do not know.
Most however, are surprised and admired, and almost the surprise was I find much in the approval and success. I found a personal way to express myself, first of all to myself and to ascertain the appreciation of the people is rewarding: I can finally make this my full time job. My "babies" are accepted and worn by many people and this gives me a great pleasure, because I think I may pass on and share an idea, my.

6) There are other artists like her to devote themselves to a new way to perhaps make handcrafted, jewelry or art? Share your everyday experiences and ups and downs? He dreams or projects that will see the realization in the future?

There are many artists who are working in different fields and alternative, I know and admire many, it is a ferment of new ideas and new life and put himself in front of the art. This, too, love my work, the opportunity to meet many beautiful free minds. With some I made a bond of affection, confrontation and support, is a joy of life share the beautiful moments of enthusiasm and success with those who you can fully understand and also a great help to overcome the inevitable problems and annoyances. It 's a constant enrichment.

I have a thousand dreams and a thousand projects, such enthusiasm and passion, ideas and desire to achieve them.

Step by step I'm reaching my goal, to live immersed in my world, my husband, without which this would not have been possible. It 's a lifestyle choice, it impossible for me to be somewhere else if not with great suffering.

7) In what ways are evolving art and culture in your opinion? There are people still willing to take the "Vie des Arts"?

My personal opinion is that art and culture in our country do not have much space at the institutional level: despite the gloss coatings, the industry only if there is a possibility of doing business. And in that artists are often exploited.
The way I see it, it's clear right from the school reform, reduce the hours of art history in many schools and gradually disappear all laboratories. And if there already since the formation is difficult to construct an idea of \u200b\u200bart and understand the context, hard to enjoy it and have respect for art and artists.
Living Art and art, to experience art, is a challenge that often can not be chosen, you simply can not help it. Many capabilities, predispositions and temperament suitable for full immersion in a life devoted to art even at the cost of great sacrifices. And they do it, go ahead despite the difficulties.

For what I see there is a world full of new ideas and perspectives that arrabatta daily to resist and assert their own dignity.

The hope is that in periods of economic and cultural crisis like this, multifaceted and experiments that tell the life of the arts can be a valuable resource, and they can continue to find free space and free evolution without necessarily being cataloged in schools or currents of thought. The artists have pledged to seek a better world and better world is also one in which the individual can be free to make himself and give back, help others participate.

8) If you had to rank the countries and nations where art lives better arrangements of the various European lands, extra Europe and Italy?

I believe that most of the countries the art of living better than Italy, which even has an artistic and cultural heritage second to none, but this story is known. For me it is the countries of northern Europe have a better view of art and artists and so the United States.

remains that the people in spite of all the artists goes on, can not do without. Interprets, develops, analyzes and dissects returns beauty and image of a society for better or for worse, perhaps should be re-evaluated and accepted, or we may even see migrating these "brains".