Monday, February 28, 2011

Bicycle Frequent Urination

How much sugar is in a yogurt? Sure more sugar than fruit! (Test strawberry yogurt)

Once a girl made a comment on a yogurt I had written there is too much sugar I put a worm in my mind, because I knew that yogurt is good that one does not exceed 9 g per 10 g of sugar per 100g, I have a mother-in-law of gold (sometimes) makes me a yogurt home and sweeten with a tablespoon of sugar at the most. Friday while I was in Milan I checked with the Co Op Supermarkets and Esselunga the different brands of yogurt and sugar content.

Until a few years ago someone "age" like me, you remember that the yoghurts were acids, its positive properties were just the addition of enzymes the Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus , which gave him the taste typical acid. In the early '80s, then came the yogolat , that is less acidic yogurt with selected yeasts and the addition of milk with the time you added the cream and without the name labels proteins powdered milk that increase the protein content (often to increase the value when using a milk of low quality). The

yogurt is so moved from a health product with a product as close to a nice creamy dessert and fragrant, where the sugar in a 125 g yoghurt can be 20% of sugar adult day care, from 3 to 4 sugar cubes and yogurt absurd I found several that have more sugar than fruit.

The choice of a yogurt therefore requires particular attention to how those who follow a low calorie diet but also for those who do not not follow all the fruit yogurt are the same. I have looked at

strawberry yogurt, fermented milk the as Activia strawberry, strawberry yogurt cream closer to dessert than to yogurt, because the consumer often fails to capture this difference.


The content of fruits varies from 6 g (in preparation) of whole milk yogurt of Dairy Vipiteno to 20g of Dairy yogurt Merano, a wide gap of 100 g.

sugarmill Sugar content in milk, sugar content in fruit, sugar, but also added that in most cases it is sucrose, but not always contain some small percentage of grape sugar, fructose and sweeteners , In addition to the ingredients list because they often look at the nutritional table sugar is present as a single ingredient in the preparation of fruit. The content of sugar ranges from 7 g of Activia 0.1% but it contains sweeteners such as acesulfame K , and sucralose of which I have already spoken not so positive for 15.8 g. of Yomo Gourmet Strawberry of Granarolo , however if it is greedy is normal that there is more sugar, it is not surprising, is not the most delicious yogurt other species who call themselves skinny but have 13 g/100g.!

ratio fruit / sugar

first difficult to compare because the sugars are not always given in nutritional tables, often only carbohydrates that are in theory 99% of sugar in yogurt, but not indicate it would be better? Another problem the fruit, much fruit is in a yogurt? not indicate it would be better? It may seem trivial, but if I buy a fruit yogurt, I would have a right to know how much fruit is there and what kind of fruit is 10% if I add the sugar, such as fruit I have ever loved? Locate
much fruit is difficult to calculate especially when it comes to fruit preparations containing them in different percentages, found in fruit preparations for yogurt fruit test not only content but in varying proportions glucose-fructose syrup , sugars of various kinds, concentrated lemon juice, carrot juice concentrate, red beet juice concentrate, thickeners, flavorings , che non mi sento di consigliare per acquisto prodotti come Activia, Muller, Coop cremoso.

Quali ingredienti dobbiamo stare attenti?

Oltre alla voce "preparati alla frutta" allo sciroppo di glusosio fruttosio ed agli edulcoranti sintetici dobbiamo stare attenti alle etichette:
Polidestrosio : aumenta il volume dello yogurt senza modificare il valore energetico
Aroma : dona gusto e profuma ma non c’è nulla di naturale
Coloranti es E120 da un buon colore rosa ma può provare in soggetti sensibili eruzioni cutanee
Additivi: E 1422, E 440, E 412 aumentano la viscosità
Ricordate uno yogurt fatto con latte ad alta qualità non è mai liquido, non ha bisogno di addensanti e additivi .

Solo 2 yogurt su 13 hanno più frutta che zuccheri, i migliori

In base ai soli dati rilevati c’è più zucchero che frutta in quasi tutto gli yogurt unica eccezione La latteria di Merano (20 g. di frutta e 13, 7 g di carboidrati) di cui lo zucchero è zucchero di canna e Yomo Naturale 0,1% ( 12 Fruit and 11.7 g carbohydrate) as low-sugar, these products can also be considered among the best in the test.


The sugar content of fruit and is independent of the price that emerges from the comparison, yet they are important ingredients for a fruit yogurt, three with the highest sugar content: Yomo Gourmet , Scaldasole , Granarolo the first two are among the most expensive, while Granarolo is one of the yogurt under € 4 per kg and the three with more fruit. The prices of 13 products ranging from 3.00 to 6.50, remains unclear why the price difference so large, the quality of milk? The quality of the ferments? The number of ingredients? The fruit? Sugar? Verosibilmente a choice of marketing product positioning dictated by a strategy of the brand rather than the quality of yogurt!

An invitation for companies to labels clearer, indicating the percentage of fruit in yogurt, the percentage of sugar very clear, perhaps even the origin of the fruit and sugar in particular can also decrease the amount, there are also various sugars, the sugar cane of Dairy Merano personally do not believe a bad idea.

I hope that these tables will help you make the choice closest to your needs

1) Give priority to simpler products, natural yogurt is better than a flavored yogurt (many companies have selected yogurt whole milk or partly skimmed milk of excellent quality)
2) Avoid products lightweight, light too many additives and sweeteners
3) If you can fatevelo home!

They did the test : of Dairy Yogurt Social Merano , cream of yogurt Farm Scaldasole , Creamy Yogurt Granarolo , Yogurt Yomo delicious with cream and strawberries , Yomo 100% natural fat 0.1% , 0.1% Activia, Activia natural fruit, yogurt Mila , Mila 0.1% low-fat yogurt Wellness , Muller cream yogurt fruit pieces , Dairy Yogurt whole whitefish social Vipiteno , creamy Strawberry Yogurt Coop ,

NI is where it was not possible to retrieve the data because they do not read the label.

To all those who ask yogurt Baik, esiete was not only a test of the photos, do not seek him there.

notice to mariners : I added something in the post on dissolve such as biscuits, I had arrived a bit 'comments in general I have always avoided putting the names of the companies while I was in super for yogurt I made a selection of biscuits also importantly I avoided tutti quelli che contengono sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio e oli vegetale non idrogenati , due ingredienti sicuramente troppo discutibili è emerso delle cose interessanti aziende non famose ma che hanno dimostrato di fare prodotti di qualità è possibile. Chiaro che il migliore biscotto è quello che fate a casa vostra ma quelli che ho segnalato meritano almeno una citazione tra cui il biscottificio Rossi di Novara , biscotti Grondona prima colazione, Gentilini biscotti per la prima colazione , Biscotti Alce nero , Biscotti savoiardi Pinna cuore di sardegna.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cool Leather Jackets -motorcycle

The new agri-food industry trends for 2011. New products to awaken the appetite of consumers in times of crisis

A return to the tastes and pleasures of taste
The new trend in the food sector in 2011, are still influenced by the events of recent years, the financial crisis, soaring commodity prices but also the strong push for innovation. It is innovation the lever on which companies seem to point to exit out of the crisis, but it is an innovation in most cases and sudden research, innovate to stay in business without much conviction. The sectors most affected by innovation by food and dairy foods (24%), beverages (18%), ready meals (13%) supply special child (12%). Every year we launched on the international market more than 10,000 new food half disappears within two years, 75 percent within three years and 99% within 4 years. A quick, short product cycle, this is due to the inability to turn an innovative idea into a commercial success.

But how to turn innovative ideas into commercial success? Innovate to innovate does not make sense any innovation must meet a market demand and should mainly contain and meet consumer expectations, we see what are the trends in the sector over the next few years, what are the innovations in some modo rispondono alle domande dei consumatori ma anche con qualche difetto e molte anzi moltissime riserve.

Trend del naturale (trasparenza e semplicità)

Naturale è una parola molto abusata quando si parla di prodotti industriali, questo genera diffidenza più che compliance, deve essere accompagnata dalla trasparenza e dalla sicurezza alimentare . Una nuova applicazione per iPhone, permetterà di visionare la lista ingredienti e la tabella nutrizionale attraverso la scansione del codice a barre, si chiama Guid'alim , . Il consumatore va alla ricerca dell’ingrediente sospetto, una nuova awareness dictated by new problems by 2020 is expected to 1 / 3 consumers could develop allergies and intolerances. Here is anticipating the timing and nature together, transparency, and security with simplicity Häagen Dazs , has just released the line 5 only five ingredients to make ice cream, it will be fun see how the ice cream because the labels typically have long lists that take up the whole package! As consumers pay more attention because it is in vogue in recent years "clean label" that is how you clean the label, nascondendo gli ingredienti o camuffandoli in una sola voce!

Meno ce ne è, meglio è? I termini "meno" e "senza" sostituiscono i "più" e "con"

Se fino a qualche tempo fa, notavamo solo i prodotti "con" "più" o "addizionati", oggi invece sono i "Senza” e “Meno” le parole a cui porre più attenzione, saranno le più usate sulle confezione e nelle pubblicità, le aziende pensano di valorizzare i nuovi prodotti includendo i claims "senza acidi grassi trans" “senza olio di palma” "sugar free" "without salt" "no additives" , hope that, as usual, do not take the imagination with "milk-free cheese "," bread without flour, "" orange juice without orange. " Innovation leads to new ingredients such as yogurt made from buffalo milk with "less cholesterol" (but something else if I may say). And without the least attention must be true for the substitution a different name and the name will be easily identifiable.

The flop of the promises of health
Health is a sensitive issue, but there is a clear rejection to the healthy aspect of food, too many errors in reporting of sick companies have consumers who are looking to escape the cacophony food and reject all those type of communication campaigns "I love you" , the consumer now has realized that they are merely the result of the interest of those who practice them. Another example of nutrikid Nestle, the schools program, in contrast Instead, with Nestle products with fat, sugar, salt, corn syrup, fructose, glucose, palm oil, the consumer does not feel the consistency , feels mocked and allows the brand to enter the school, shame! . Beware those who are testimonial if the same type of risk is unnecessary mistrust and bullshitting as a scientist of Nobel Prize, all health professionals should remember if a bit 'more often.

So if you want to develop a product for health properties must contain a 'natural' ingredients, safe and benefits are easily understood and shared, otherwise it will become a product easily questionable, likely to be a boomerang strategy that requires a high investment in communication and research that is worth only real benefit and not for dimostare improbable virtues.

Stevia replace the synthetic sweeteners such as aspartame?

Sugar is one of the ingredients discussed, almost as much salt, too much sugar in the diet of developed countries. The action to be replaced as synthetic sweeteners was very controversial, some years after the approval of the FDA the stevia sweetener "natural" that can sweeten 300 times as much sugar has many difficulties to place it in different preparations, looks like sugar, but not its taste . Therefore it is used in combination with other sweeteners. For now, I have found in chocolate , in, yogurt in Vitamin Water and Fanta Still . when his fate is tied to the impact of consumer tastes (personally all products with stevia I've tried I have left a good taste in your mouth!).

coconut water, the innovative ingredient in the beverage industry

coconut water will be the new innovative ingredient, whose properties have become "legend" in a short time, which will be combined with the new superfruits that have come to know over the past years fruit from South America as acai , or additions such as citrus fruits from Asia yuzu in the world in recent months have been about 4000 new drinks coconut water, as Vita Coco the drink with the best known brand (but what's around coconut water? be the whole coconut water? I smell di bruciato Mah!).

Packaging ecologico

Via gli imballaggi ecologici come abbiamo già parlato della bottiglia del latte ASda , innovativo e divertente invece Ananda è il cioccolato olandese avvolto in carta stampata con inchiostro vegetale completamente biodegradabile. Un progresso lo dovrebbero fare anche le acque minerali per ridurre la plastica Lalitro di Levissima con il 25% dal riciclaggio della plastica.

Personalizzare il prodotto alimentare per il piacere del gusto
Sia detto, il cibo è soprattutto una questione di piacere, come more and more proposals to enhance and customize the products. Danone will launch a new yogurt called Fantasia, and it takes a lot for considering an innovative product, is in the form of a jar with two compartments that allow versarte in the yogurt, mix fruit, sugar and chocolate. New proposal to be presented March 7 million in the U.S. is a flavoring for perosnalizzare the taste of water. The proposal is instead to customize the yogurt is Recreasun , a range of preparations in individual portions that can add flavor and texture of natural yogurt. In summary there a great desire for customization by the consumer.

snack box in

It 's a new mode of consumption, size box, fast and maneuverable, it also warms the microwave. Ready at any time at a glance convenience taste better not say.

chef at home
jet Everyone wants to be chef for at least one evening a week, apprentice chef, proud to say: "I've been doing it." Here jumps emulation of chefs to meet these demands, large industry and semi-prepared to make available to the apprentice chef herbs spray which we have already spoken .

One thing is certain, with all these innovations, the consumer will never go hungry ... But we will not know the pocket money to buy them as the raw material prices rising more and more and then will have to use imagination .

The price of these innovative products is too high if they have no hope of overcoming the two-year life of the product that easily translates into an investment for the wrong company.

Sources:,, El pais,, frankfurter allegemeinde, Migros,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Constant Bloating In Dog

The words of Satan


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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Giacinto Auriti infatti, emette la moneta solo prestandola, sicché la moneta circola gravata di debito. Il segno della schiavitù monetaria è data dal fatto che la proprietà nasce nelle mani della banca o, per meglio dire, del banchiere ché emette prestando e prestare è prerogativa del proprietario. La moneta, invece, deve nascere di proprietà del cittadino perché è lui che, accettandola, ne crea il valore; tanto è vero che, se si mette un governatore a stampare moneta in un isola deserta, il valore non nasce perché, mancando la collettività, viene meno la possibilità stessa della volontà collettiva che causa questo valore.

Come ogni unità di misura (e la moneta è la measure of value), money is also a convention. When money was found a nugget of gold who appropriates it without charging toward the mine. Today, instead of the mine's central bank, instead of the nugget a piece of paper, instead of the property debt.

One can not understand how it was possible this historic monstrosity (born in 1694 with the Bank of England and the issuance of the pound) unless it moves from the definition of currency instruments (dung) of the devil. The truth of this definition was felt by St. Francis of Assisi when forbade mendicant receive oboli currency.

We now demonstrate full justification on the basis of the same words that are in the Gospel of Satan. Satan, in the Gospel, he speaks three times.

After the fasting of Christ in the wilderness, Satan tells him: "Through the stones into bread." For the most part, these words are interpreted as a temptation to consider them as Christ was hungry, and eat bread would have been a source of temptation. This interpretation is not acceptable because the temptation is always relative to a sin and eat bread after forty days of fasting is morally irreproachable.

So the justification of Satan's words to be understood differently and those who tell us how to interpret the words of Christ when Satan is really in response to Satan, says (Matt. 4:4): "It is written, not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

What is surprising in this sentence of Jesus is the novelty of the proposal ever considered in the theoretical interpretation, to infer the meaning of words from their literal expression, but from the mouth pronouncing them.

The words were out of the mouth of Satan, so that should be considered to accurately interpret the hypothesis, however absurd, that Christ had accepted the invitation of Satan and turn stones into bread.

In that case could be said to Christ: "You can eat it on bread for my I gave you the advice to turn stones into bread. "

Then Christ would have been transformed from a" master "to" borrowing "of your bread. A closer examination, this hypothesis occurs regularly in the issuance of nominal money.

When the central bank issues money by lending, leads the community to create the accepted value, but the same expropriation and misappropriated the same, just as Satan would have done if Christ had accepted an invitation to turn stone into bread.

If you put the stone in place of paper, instead of bread and gold, Satan instead of the bank, are found in the emission of the sterling-gold paper and all subsequent coins nominally, all the features of the temptations of Satan.

With the establishment of the Bank of England and the system of central banks, people all over the world have been transformed by owners of insolvent debtors inevitably money.

The bank, in fact, paying due on the issue, charging the cost of borrowing 200%. Humanity is thus plunged into a condition lower than that of the beast. The beast, in fact, has the property, but not the debt. It is a long time now that you understand that anyone can lend money except its issuer. The common currency debt

Humanity è stata talmente degradata che non a caso si è verificato il fenomeno del “suicidio da insolvenza” come malattia sociale che non ha precedenti nella storia. Ciò conferma la Profezia di Fatima: “I vivi invidieranno i morti”.

Non si possono valutare esattamente le tentazioni di Satana se non le si considerano nel loro contesto globale. Particolarmente significativa, in questo senso, è la terza tentazione (Mt. 4, 8-9): «… Gli mostrò tutti i regni del mondo e la loro magnificenza, poi disse a Gesù: tutto questo io Ti darò. Se Ti prostri e mi adori».

Adorare prostrati significa mettere Satana sull’altare al posto di Dio. Ciò spiega perché gli Satan worshipers fundamentally and necessarily deny the Catholic Eucharist.

The fact that Protestantism was based on challenging the Catholic Eucharist and has promoted the establishment of central banks as promoters of the debt-money speaks for itself.

no coincidence that the British Parliament approved in 1673 the Test Act: the edict with which it is declared unlawful the Catholic Eucharist and Transubstantiation.

no coincidence that in 1694 founded the Bank of England is issuing the rule to transform the pound symbol zero cost currency, ushering in the era of gold-paper.

no coincidence comes the subordination of power religioso a quello politico quando il re d’Inghilterra diventa anche capo della religione protestante anglicana sovvertendo l’ordine gerarchico del Sacro Romano Impero per cui l’autorità politica era autonoma ed eticamente subordinata alla sovranità religiosa.

Non a caso quando il protestantesimo entra in Europa continentale non fonda una chiesa, ma una banca: la Banca Protestante il cui presidente, il Neker, diventa consigliere di Luigi XIV.

Non a caso tutte le monarchie cattoliche della vecchia Europa si disintegrano perché si indebitano senza contropartita verso i banchieri per la moneta satanica da questi emessa a costo nullo e che gli stessi re avrebbero potuto emettere gratuitamente per proprio conto senza debt.

no coincidence that Switzerland is the rule at a time to be "bankers" and "Protestant."

no coincidence that the essential difference between the Holy Roman Empire and Commonwealth is the British currency. There, the bearer is the owner of the coin, here is the debtor.

Not surprisingly, after having removed God from the altar with the denial of the Eucharist Catholic and founded the Bank of England, the Commonwealth in 1855 reached an area of \u200b\u200b22 million and 750 thousand square kilometers. Today the world is the Commonwealth.

All the world is "monetary settlement". Satan, the prince of this world, is a serious person: it keeps le promesse fatte a fin di male. Dopo che il male è stato fatto concede ai suoi adoratori il dominio su tutti i popoli del mondo. Su queste premesse ci si spiega anche la tentazione di Satana quando esorta Cristo a gettarsi dalla cima del tempio della Città Santa.

Chi è padrone di tutto il mondo e di tutto il denaro del mondo, o perché lo possiede o perché ne è creditore, non desidera sovranità e ricchezza perché già le possiede, ma ha sete di vanagloria. Si giustifica così anche questa tentazione.

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Official presentation of Whataversity Italy

Il Whataversity è un gruppo in lotta per i diritti umani, la giustizia e la libertà di espressione. Ci opponiamo al Nuovo Ordine Mondiale istituito al fine di ottenere il pieno control of the masses.

We hope you can give us support, publicize our work and join us for a better world.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Birth Control Numbness

Why women are more susceptible to cravings for sweets and snacks sudden than men?

Reference Daniela: Gunther excuse the question a bit 'stupid, I have noticed that we women are more taken by the sweet foods especially from snacks, there is an explanation it just me or is fixed in short women are more greedy men, or men better the mask?

Answer: the best camouflage. It is not a stupid question, there are foods for men and women, however, the physiological needs are different. There are reasons related to culture , all ' education and the division of gender roles home and family, until recently women did not even sedavano ate in the kitchen table, but almost hidden at any time between household work and the other, is no longer so, but there are still some distinctive characteristics in the culture of that kind of education.

The momentary appeal is part of a snack as a psychological hunger to find your comfort for which you are attracted by cookies. sweets, chocolate bars, chocolate, ice cream, soft drinks, in some cases, fortunately few, can turn into a disease that leads to weight gain and hunger of seizure. We must not turn the power to calm the nerves or as an antidepressant. There are also cases of people under stress eat less. In both cases we speak of a nutritional imbalance , a good therapist can help you gain a psychological distance between the events of life and eating behavior.

According to Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese medicine you have different explanations on the desires and food preferences. According to some ancient medical texts, it is said that many emotions are directly related to the nature of food cravings that a person can develop. For example, anxiety, stress and feelings of overwork coupled with the feeling that there is no time for themselves can usually lead to sugar cravings. On the other hand, a sense of fear and the fear of an imminent situation poses the need for salty foods and a sense of anxiety can make you want to sour things. Chinese medicine is also about character and claims that people from the quiet and calm temperament are inclined towards sweet cravings, while dynamic and aggressive people prefer salty cravings . Instead, the original and most creative people are attracted to the sweet and sour frugality.

In our modern society, but there are also other aspects more social that create a strong social pressure on women , weight control, physical fitness, not is unusual to see women in caloric restriction, during a meeting at a school for some tests, we found girls of seven and eight years with the first signs of caloric restriction, the use of a snack, which is not only chocolate, but also candy, is also a way to calm the momentary feeling of hunger.

Reading some food diaries on-line, it is not uncommon to see highly disequibrati meals, vegetable soup, fruit salad, a chocolate bar! The stress of dieting is to undermine, and diets too restrictive attention can be counterproductive, it is important to a personalized diet, which does not take into account only the calories of sugar protein and fat and their consumption, but also the approach to food.

Today we all live a life with many stress for both sexes, both with high expectations of ourselves that others impose on us the frantic pace of life and so we are constantly under stress, women's expectations for more the different roles, not only as wife and mother but also successful woman in labor.

Because I like to give a more compete information, I asked for help from a friend of mine Richard Wurtman, a researcher at the University of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an expert in the relationship between the brain and appetite ( rdr mica Lupo Alberto)

people, both men and women, they eat sweet foods, not eat because they're hungry, but because it helps them feel better , it is not uncommon that after a certain period of time when this habit becomes very frequent If you are not helped by a balanced diet and physical activity, you become overweight or obese accompanied by insulin resistance, which means that these people are brought increasingly to eat enough sugar to synthesize serotonin .

Why are women more susceptible than men to desire for sweet?

Women produce less serotonin than a third man. Now, serotonin is probably overused in situations of stress, anxiety, nervousness, women to replenish their reserves earlier than men feel the need to rebuild them. This may explain why they tend to consume more sugary foods in stressful situations.

you think to break this circle, you can do something?

A balanced diet and not restrictive, a better distribution of daily calories, the practice of a sport activity Regular physical activity is also importante poiché aumenta la produzione di endorfine, enfatizzanti naturali dell'umore e migliora la condizione fisica. Le persone sottoposte a continuo stress dovrebbero prendere in considerazione di cambiare il proprio stile di vita, non è sempre facile, ci sono diversi metodi che aiutano ad prendere una vita con meno stress, ad avere un rapporto più equilibrato con il cibo, come il metodo cognitivo comportamentale, tieni presente che la serotonina è il principale messaggio di sazietà che arriva al cervello. C'è in commercio un precursore della serotonina come triptofano o 5-idrossitriptofano (che viene utilizzato per la depressione e l'insonnia), che aumenta la serotonina che arriva al cervello, che potrebbe fare sentire un senso di sazietà precoce, potrebbe aiutare ad evitare spuntini, però ripeto chi mangia dolci non lo fa perché ha "fame", quindi va prescritto solo in casi speciali e sotto controllo medico

Un punto di vista interessante , questo lo ha capito molto bene la pubblicità dove le donne sono protagoniste degli spot e delle comunicazioni, non è casuale che oramai vengono posizionati alle casse dei supermercati, sei in fila magari sei in ritardo che devi andare a casa a fare la cena, a prendere i figli a scuola, una situazione ad alto rischio di stress, è un attimo che ti prendi uno snack al cioccolato.

No one has ever expressed so well the concept of "desire for something good" as the spot 90 years of Ferrero Rocher , She Wrote and Ambrose!

Are there any alternatives?

In these cases, when you take the desire for something good, opt for healthier foods to moderate content of sugar, a banana, an apple, a pear baked with a little cinnamon, a natural yoghurt, carrot, a cetrifugato of vegetables and fruits, do not forget that a mid-morning snack and afternoon snack is physiological and natural, if the cause is stress, however, please contact stress therapies. In summary eat to win stress is not good way especially if you want to have a reasonable weight.

power against stress , What is stress , 7 tips for eating less sweet ,

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fresh Breast Buds Pic

Origini e Storia del Kefir

Il kefir è una bevanda a base di latte fermentato, simile allo yogurt, e si ritiene originario della Russia e del Caucaso. È senza dubbio una delle colture lattiche più antiche e anche una delle più ricche di leggende. I prodotti derivati dalla fermentazione del latte hanno fatto parte dell'alimentazione umana da tempo immemorabile: già nella Bibbia se ne parlava, nella Genesi si fa cenno all'utilizzo di latte fermentato, nel Deuteronomio ne parla Mosè, ed è inoltre citato nella biografia dell'imperatore romano Eliogabolo (204-222 D.C.). Nelle novelle delle “Mille e Una Notte” lo troviamo come parte integrante of Arab cuisine. It was already known to the court of Genghis Khan and mentioned in the chronicles of the Crusades. According to legend, the first mountain in the Caucasus were gifted by Muhammad first kefir grains, for this reason, the kefir grains are also known as "miles of the prophet."
In the High Renaissance, the French king was cured of an intestinal infection from someone who used East, as a remedy, sheep's milk fermented. After healing of the king, these products will gain increasing popularity. Another important date for the fermented milk was 1964, when U.S. researchers began studying the dietary habits of African tribes. Osservando le abitudini alimentari della popolazione dei Masai, registrarono che, pur facendo un uso quasi esclusivo di carne e latte, il loro livello di colesterolo era sorprendentemente basso.
La loro dieta sembrava contrastare con il loro livello di colesterolo. Esaminando con attenzione le abitudini degli abitanti del Masai Mara e del Serengeti, emerse che questo popolo faceva largo uso di latte fermentato, dove il processo fermentativo porta all'accumulo di un metabolita dall'azione ipocolesterolemica. Anche studi dell'Università Cattolica di Piacenza confermano che l'assunzione giornaliera di kefir, in soggetti ipercolesterolemici, contribuisce ad abbassare il livello di colesterolo .

Friday, February 18, 2011

Best Alarm/starter For Bmw

Coca Cola leading the headlines and news (new studies on possible effects on stroke and cancer on all drinks cola?)

not only Ferrero Nutella to be deliberately leading the headlines and news, there is also Coca Cola, the art of talk about themselves without advertising. All media in recent days have spoken on the other, revealed that the formula actually sono anni che ogni tanto arriva qualcuno che svela la formula della Coca Cola . Ad arte Coca cola sà come trasformare le comunicazioni da negative a positive. Un esempio è lo spot Canadese la pubblicità del marchio Coca Cola , dove vengono elencati i valori positivi l'attenzione all'ambiente, l'educazione alimentare, il consumo responsabile, attraverso la voce di un bambino che ha il papà che lavora in Coca cola (più washing di cosi).

La notizia della formula rilevata ha messo in secondo piano due news arrivate dagli Stati Uniti due studi che potrebbero dare più problemi non solo a Coca Cola ma a Pepsi e tutte le bevanda di Cola.

Il primo un report da medici ricercatori presso l'Università di Miami , che collega il consumo di bevande alla soda nella dieta all'aumento del rischio di ictus, studio che è stato consegnato alla FDA .

Il secondo invece più importante formulato dal CSPI (centro scientifico per interesse pubblico )sostiene che il colorante al caramello utilizzati nella Coca-Cola e Pepsi bevande a base di cola rilascia una tossina che è collegata allo sviluppo del cancro.

Il CSPI ha consegnato la documentazione the FDA to ban artificial coloring brown, stating that "the chemical reactions resulting in the formation of 2-methylimidazole and 4 methylimidazole, that in studies conducted in the laboratory showed the development of lung cancer, liver, or cancer thyroid and the development of leukemia.

The CSPI has proposed legislation in California to add the mandatory labels warning that consumption of the product can cause cancer this for Coca Cola, Pepsi and other beverages that contain this substance. There is the attempt by some senators to pass a law that limits this dye to 16 micrograms product, you do realize that a Coca Cola contains 200 micrograms.

Well pointed out that "caramel color" does not mean "colored with caramel" are two different things on the labels.

We'll see what happens, just change the color, but wait to know what will be the opinion of the FDA on ....

I must clarify: I do not want to create a false alarm, I reported how the American media have said, including the ABC news channel , to tell the truth in the evening U.S. firms reject the content CSPI, attached link to press the two institutions, other times the Cola drinks have been the subject of negative studies that the FDA did not pay interest, at worst, by changing the color or the FDA says that studies are not sufficiently robust.

Currently there are four types of caramel color approved by the Food and Drug Administration and the CSPI wants the FDA prohibits the two events with ammonia known as 2-MI and MI 4.

As said Prof. Meristems in the comments and other bloggers, cola drinks, are worthy of attention is on ' use it on' abuse for the content of sugar and caffeine, quindi non parliamo del consumo occasionale ma più che altro dell'abuso, come vi ho fatto vedere nel video del New York heath Department , se volete il
mio invito a portare un po' meno a tavola la felicita degli altri, ma la vostra! :-))

Fonte notizie : Center for scienze in the public interest , Università di Miami Miller School of Medicine , Courier Journal , Time Healthland , Pepsi Cola , Coca Cola ,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nuva Ring And Rephresh

... just a preview ....

It 's a very busy time for Caracol and would say ...
... "when it is not "....
In preparation for many events and new collections ...

Following some shots
some details, some piece
a taste of things to come

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Amtrak Surfliner Train Sumulater

New Activia payable. Danone, Kellogg's, Parmalat, co-marketing difficult and not very credible

Source Photos © Activia / Danone

How of Nutella Ferrero also Activia of Danone invites us to breakfast, with a new formulation, the attempt after the withdrawal of heath claims of ' Efsa to give a new look for Activia. The moment of breakfast seems to have become a place a bit 'crowded by the marks, many proposals are not always guess, if they wanted to be an answer to all those doctors that fill television and newspapers importance of breakfast , they are far from the traditions, culture, customs and often by the consumer health. This new version of

Activia , from 'Autumn already on sale in England, from January sale in France , soon also with us, it is actually an adaptation for consumption on house of a product already known, since in 2009 Danone had already proposed the name of Mon Activia for channel catering, mostly in low-cost breakfasts at hotels.

Pub TV Activia 2011

What's new Activia has to be paid so special? More
liquid closest to that semi-skimmed milk yogurt, a fermented milk with Bifidus with 1.7% fat, so they can be matched with a semi-skimmed milk is available " natural (that mean?) or to taste of vanilla. The most special thing is the lower price per kg no attachments to the health pack of 950 g at a cost of € 2.05 per kg against the normal by € 5.20 to € 6.00 to kg !

The funnest

The pack of about 1 liter tetrapack, it seems that Activia has moved from quality healthy content, which now can no longer claim, the amount , a bit 'as those who maintained that if you enlarge the circumference of the nozzle of the toothpaste is increased consumption, it seems that Danone have thought the same, from 125 g to 950 g not have exaggerated? In the future we expect the carboys or drums and fustoni 5 kg as the detergent? No is not at all comfortable to wear home from the supermarket!

Another fun aspect is a covenant with Kellogg's in communication it is recommended that product should be used with cereals coincidentally Kellogg's in the box also appears the mark in Bellavista, "Activia consistency ideal and unique be associated with fruit and cereals " . I can say that if Activia of Danone wanted after the withdrawal of the documentation from the health claims 's Efsa rebuild a more credible and positive image could have chosen a partner a little' less controversial!

ingredients and nutritional values \u200b\u200bof Activia payable

Ingredients payable Activia vanilla : skimmed milk (80.6%), skimmed milk, cream, sugar (3.4%), thickener: E 1422 (modified starch), E 440 (pectin), E412 (guar gum), lactic Bifidobacterium (bifidus ActiRegularis) flavorings, colorings: E160a (beta-carotene), E 100 (curcumin).

Per 100 g: Energy: 255 kJ or 60 kcal , protein: 3.9 g carbs: 7.6 g, Fat: 1.6 g.

Ingredients Activia payable "natural" skimmed milk (85.8%), skim milk, cream, Bifidobacterium lactic acid (ActiRegularis Bifidus).

Per 100 g: Energy: 209 kJ or 50 kcal , protein: 4.2 g carbs: 4.4 g, Fat: 1.7 g.

Many Activia brand products have a very long list of ingredients that not many places in favor of a yogurt, as well as in this case to be paid with respect to Activia Activia classic is made with partially skimmed milk , particularly Activia vanilla be paid, from my point of view too many thickeners , skimmed milk, the sugar present is very then balanced by the board to add the use honey, yogurt is one of the ingredients and the nutritional table very original, personally not my idea of \u200b\u200byogurt.

For readers allergic : Activia is not recommended for those who follow a diet low in cholesterol, vegan, allergic to milk. There are things worthy of note in the case of other allergies.

Co marketing operations difficult, unhappy and not very credible

If you are not saving but also for those who wish, Co-marketing is a project of two companies come together to achieve a common goal. However, they often remain superficial operations related maybe some funding, there is no real help include and share. They are difficult even when it comes to companies with a good image and reputation among consumers see Illy and Coca Cola , imagine when two companies have a high rate of credibility, is likely to become a co marketing of negativity.

Difficile fornire una spiegazione della motivazione di comarketing tra Kellog's e Danone , ma una forse c'è, si potrebbe ipotizzare che ci sia una Lobby delle aziende agroalimentari in Europa, cioè un gruppo di aziende che si unisce per diversi scopi commerciali, per comunicazione, per fare pressione sulla politica per avere delle agevolazioni. Facendo parte di quel gruppo concepiscono solo l'unirsi fra di loro, una logica di club o di clan che dir si voglia.

Mentre in Francia Kellog's si unisce a Danone, in Italia Kellog's si unisce a Parmalat, che dite dobbiamo toccare ferro?

Il progetto di co marketing riguarda la diffusione della cultura della prima colazione, un progetto decisamente poco originale già fatto dal Mulino Bianco di Barilla , da Nutella di Ferrero e non li cito tutti. Kellog's la multinazionale dei cereali, che vorrebbe come la Coca Cola riempire le case degli italiani ma con prodotti poco vicini alla nostra tradizione, cereali spesso troppi ricchi di zuccheri. Parmalat è un azienda dalla reputazione decisamente compromessa dalle vicende note legate a Tanzi, si presenta sul mercato senza "appeal". Io ritengo che due aziende prima di fare un progetto di co marketing debbano chiedersi chi sono e che tipo di immagine hanno, se per caso non si gode per diverse ragioni di una buona immagine è bene fare un azione di marketing con qualcuno che ha un immagine positiva in modo che uno fa da traino all'altro ma in questo caso lasciatemelo dire è decisamente un' azzardo.

Per saperne di più kellog's e Parmalat : " Il sano principio " , si tratta della solita operazione già vista altre volte, concorsi a premi, di una banalità disarmante, il sito un approccio alla comunicazione sconfortante bambini delle scuole elementari ci avrebbero messo più "verve", when you do not believe in projects co marketing communication is always unconvincing and if you do not believe you because we have to believe us?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Kates Play Ground Movies

natural aphrodisiacs exist?

Happy Valentine's Day to all! many friends and acquaintances ask me but there are some natural aphrodisiacs? even if I do not believe in very difficult times I had written small glossary erotic culinary , help you relax more than anything else to find a certain sensibility, a certain harmony with your partner, in my understanding that the aphrodisiac is the intensity of the eyes of those who stands in front .

But we see the most interesting and mostly harmless " natural aphrodisiacs" I have chosen someone other than angelic, basil, ginger, oats, pomegranate . some time ago I also proposed the Andean maca . What is yours?

woodruff "Galium odoratium"

is a plant with very fragrant flower. A scent reminiscent of vanilla and honey aroma that awakens the sensuality, has a relaxing effect for those under stress and for those who run too, awakens the senses dormant, so you'll be in tune with your him or her your own. It is useless to get lost in the woods in February can be found easily in stores herbal medicine. How

use it: Pour 2 teaspoons of woodruff in a cup of cold water, let soak for 8 hours, then filtered in 150 ml or 1 tablespoon of hot water. Drink from 1-2 cups a day for 1-2 weeks. Instead, the powder 30 minutes before going to bed 1 / 2 teaspoon woodruff thinned with a tablespoon of honey.

In Hungary, it is customary to prepare a wine aphrodisiac called "the wine degli amanti", che si dice aiuti a disinibirsi , vorreste sapere come ci fa? Aggiungere 3 g di fiori di stellina odorosa fresca, ma leggermente appassita, a 1 litro di vino bianco secco e lasciare riposare per alcune ore, una notte è sufficiente o un giorno, si consiglia anche un po' di zenzero, e poi date inizio ....

Il nasturzio , "Tropaeolum majus"

Non per caso viene chiamato il fiore dell'amore. Una pianta officinale ricca di proprietà, contiene ferro, vitamina C, potassio, il suo sapore leggermente piccante la rende adatta ad accompagnare un' insalata. Le stesse proprietà piccanti hanno la fama di risvegliare i sensi.

Coem use it? One tablespoon of dried flowers, infusion 5 minutes in the boiling water cup, drink two cups a day for 7-10 days. or as indicated in the package.


saffron Why? Saffron is a very popular spice in Chinese medicine is known as a sexual stimulant for women. According to legend, Zeus was sleeping on a bed of saffron, the color the Phoenicians lenzuala the wedding night with saffron to wish the new couple a passionate love. In addition, some studies have shown that its effects are normally expected to be an aphrodisiac due to plant sterols and alkaloids present in spices such as crocin, and safranin, although more unstable and volatile.

As the tea, put 14g of powdered saffron for 15 minutes in 1 liter of boiling water (one cup per day for 10-15 days), it is so cheap as the price of saffron.

Did you know? Saffron is also known since ancient times for many virtues. The first of these is to help in the fight against depression in present when the alkaloids leads to a sense of joy and good humor.

A mixture of fermented honey, water, berries and spice is very popular with cultures around the world have been found in traces China in 7000 BC. The ancient Persians believed that the mead stimulated the desire and increased fertility, it was suggested to the bride and groom to drink mead every day for the first month of marriage. In the Middle Ages, people drank mead because they believed that stimulate sexual desire, even if the alcohol content is limited, promote disinhibition and swept away the concerns of poor performance. There is no scientific evidence to support the effects of lust, but is rich in B vitamins, which are necessary for the production of testosterone. Whether or not increase sexual potency, mead is still a very popular drink, especially in Europe Central and Eastern Europe.

The scientific evidence for the aphrodisiac qualities of nutmeg are quite low, but the spice was used as a mild pain reliever and to stimulate the circulatory system and increase blood flow - that certainly can not hurt your sex drive. One study found that ingestion of nutmeg increased mating behavior in mice, but, unfortunately, there is no evidence that the effect also applies to humans. One thing that we do not recommend to do is sniff the nutmeg, it is true that the nutmeg is psychoactive but requires countless amount, certainly not a pleasant way to spend your Valentine.

Source of news: 1
PS follow shortly a list of aphrodisiac substances extracted from certain plants or substances farmalogiche true, slightly less subjective and more scientific.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can You Make A Blu Ray Dvd With A Normal Dvd

New York City Heath Department, spot against the excessive consumption of sugar

La città di New York , ha presentato una nuova campagna di comunicazione per la prevenzione dell' Obesita e del Diabete , con una serie di spot, che hanno come soggetto l'uso eccessivo di zuccheri, se la prende molto con le bibite gasate tipo Cola , è la prima volta che una città, una municipalità decide di intervenire con questa modalità, spot con un linguaggio crudo, cosa dire? Mali estremi estremi rimedi. Rispetto alla solite comunicazioni educative e amene questi spot costituiscono una piacevole novità.

Quello che mi piace di questa serie spot, is not the strong language but that shows how easy it is to take calories in your daily routine without noticing , in this case just a couple of soft drinks can accumulate 93 bags sugar, which at the end of the day can be almost 1400 calories "empty", which may account for nearly 3 / 4 of daily calories for an adult .

Beyond the choice of foods rich in sugar and fat, are those extra calories every day that are the basis 's Obesity , you do not notice accumulate almost without realizing it. A selection of food is important but it is not only strategy, the assumption of correct behavior, physical activity and take into account in the calculation of daily calories also what you drink not only what you eat, are important in the same way. The consequences of ' Obesity prefer not to add anything too explicit images. Other

innovative aspect of the program is not negligible multimedia communication which had a range of media, TV commercials , spot on the subway, print, radio, and a good percentage the web page on youtube , facebook to better share content in a network without restriction. In

first spot, a boy opens and consumes 16 packets of sugar and is viewed poorly by two neighbors chair that actually consume the same "dose" of sugar in a drink but, as is easy mistake!. In

second spot instead of how you see during the day can take 93 bags of sugar.

The label sugars : you must be careful to buy the products because often the method for reducing the amount of sugar is to hide sugars, since the ingredients on the label should be placed in order of magnitude, so that the sugar is the first and second ingredient, are used more sugar, so it seems that there is less not-beginning the list of ingredients, however we must add the names of various sugars, here are indications of sugars

glucose syrup, dextrose , sorbitol, mannitol, starch , raw sugar, molasses, malt syrup, invert sugar , honey, fructose, liquid sugar particular attention must be paid to fructose glucose syrup and use of sweeteners in particular artificial sweeteners.

Related Post: sugar is sugar no , 0% sugar drinks ,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Denise Milani Slipping

you we will give your face? Local producers to zero km to the supermarket, because eating fruits and vegetables in season and local

global products and local products, a subject much discussed, to testify in favor of local products are usually the best guarantee of security , the certainty and recognition of those who produce, transport breve tra luogo di produzione e luogo di consumo, meno è il tempo tra raccolta e consumo e meno c'è perdita di nutrienti.

La consuetudine di consumare prodotti locali aiuta a consumare prodotti stagionali , si è passati dall'esclusivo uso di prodotti stagionali e locali in pochi anni al consumo di prodotti globali grazie ai nuovi sistemi tecnologici di refrigerazione, costi bassi di trasporto, i prodotti arrivano tutto l'anno e da tutto il mondo, possiamo mangiare ciliegie a Dicembre, sono aumentati l'uso dei fertilizzanti in agricoltura ma anche uso di "metodologie" per allungare la vita a frutta e verdura per affrontare i lunghi viaggi in cargo, sistemi non sempre innocui per la salute.

This new globalization of world food brought on the one hand a wider variety of fruits and vegetables , a greater amount but also a new way of farming, leaving only the rich countries productions Affordable and relegated to third world countries renumerative less production and more difficult to cultivate, which to adapt to new market demands and the demands of rich countries, have abandoned traditional crops in favor of fruits and vegetables they know.

today to go shopping at the super market wants to say, the beans from Morocco , asparagus from Mexico , Artichokes from South America , strawberries from Lebanon , sea bream from Greece, apples from China , oranges of Brazil, lemons from ' Argentina.

One of the most interesting in recent years is the use local agriculture, which on one hand enhances the local agricultural work, which sees in the markets and local markets the main sales channel. For several years there are so-called farmer market in almost every city, also if you go to many markets in England, Switzerland and France, there are rows of stalls in markets with local produce only fruit fresca.Questa and vegetables brought a new air of freshness of flavor but mostly because with the passing of time the fruit had become almost tasteless plastic.

Opposing local agriculture all over the lobby of the food companies, companies selling fertilizers and seeds, the distribution companies that have made globalization of their business model, but most also carry a mark up of 1000% on price. We are all well aware of the fact that local production is not sufficient to cover all needs , not the solution but can get products from local production, it never starts and never evolves.

But not everyone thinks so, here in Switzerland to start last year, the famous chain of supermarkets Manor, has wanted for its policy give space to local products, the success has gone beyond all expectations so that requests for local products increased by 300%, so the first local producers have been added several new in each area, Manor wanted to photograph them because there is no better advertisement for a product that the face of those who do and those who produces, someone has also put the photo on the product.

From experience I can say that every producer I know, makes such a passion at what he does, which often reflects the character of the producer, from wine to cheese, cold meats to desserts, all these faces are a source of unlimited confidence.

But, if these faces do not convince you why eating fruits and vegetables in season and possibly local

- To the taste, nothing like the natural fruits ripened in the sun, its taste There will never be the same as the fruit matured in refrigerators, try it!

- To live longer laboratory tests on animals have shown that consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in season you live longer.

- To be healthy
One of the main means of prevention against cancer development is the regular consumption of fruit and vegetables. But the ripe fruit in refrigerated containers or loses 70% of the vitamins and nutrients and to 70% chance of prevention. The irradiation, the system extends the life of fruits, in guinea pigs decreased the life time, caused intestinal damage and increased cancer risk.

- Because they are less expensive transport costs ...

- pay less for gasoline The transport of fruit and vegetables increases the demand for gasoline and thus the cost.

- Per fare una buona azione Frutta e verdura sono coltivati fuori stagione per la maggior parte in Africa, dove c'è poca acqua, i contadini sono sfruttati e in condizioni misere e le già poche terre coltivabili sono dedicate alle colture per i paesi ricchi, una povertà che cosi diventa infinita.

Acquistare prodotti locali perchè non contengono fungicidi , uno dei trattamenti chimici più importanti che vengono applicati dopo la raccolta per assicurare il loro trasporto e stoccaggio.

Ricordate sbucciare la frutta rimuove alcuni pesticidi (contatto cosiddetto), ma non quelle che entrano nella linfa della pianta, è consigliabile acquistare biologico. Many experts also recommend the purchase of organic cereals to prevent cadmium.

I eat them because they are good, I would put my picture there.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Boston Marathon 2009 Official Jacket

L'angolo del gobbo 54 / Il Brivido Sportivo

The psychological subjection existed, now I have proof.
premise, as I think about the Calciopoli Roberto Beccantini, not by chance was targeted by fans (?) Juventus, but this should not be rest assured to those who still fills the mouth of those words and those pictures, because my spirit is not legalistic to Squadramia, but to calcium.
Let me explain. If, as all antijuventini (ergo, not all Italians Juventus cheering, you know, Italy is the country of envy and rooting against) Calciopoli was a system that allowed Juventus to win in spite of the saints (including these, however, not even a sports manager) for that system has paid and the Juventus team has ever paid any other company in the history of world football (who claims otherwise è un idiota o come minimo un ignorante!).
Dalle mie parti quando si paga un conto, senza sconti, si è in pari con tutti e si ricomincia da zero. Invece con Calciopoli e con la Juventus no, perché fa comodo a molti, cosa?
Be’, poter nascondere le proprie nefandezze e le proprie incompetenze dietro l’idea prostituita che i bianconeri sono potenti, che contro di loro si rischia sempre oltre i propri demeriti sul campo, che è sempre la stessa Juventus, quella da offendere e infamare, nonostante Calciopoli.
Detto tra noi, se fossi nella dirigenza bianconera denuncerei per diffamazione (e incompetenza regolamentare) quei tifosi (?) del Cagliari che hanno gridato «ladri, ladri!», dopo che their team has lost soundly against Juventus 'just' found.
Who behaves like this (opposition fans, Zamparini, Delio Rossi, etc..) Inherently denies the existence of Calciopoli, because if that system existed Juventus have paid and paid dearly for all this if there is a new Juventus (a provincial Luxury Simon wrote on Stenti, if this is a new Juventus has nothing to do with different loyalties.
It is quite evident that there was psychological subjection. Just cover Chievo-Juventus, Juventus-Roma Coppa Italy, Palermo-Juventus and so on, in short, the Bianconeri are now a team like the others, and like the others complain degli errori (non torti, ma errori) arbitrali.
La sudditanza psicologica esisteva ieri non tanto per i macroscopici errori a danno della Juventus oggi, quanto per l’atteggiamento che gli arbitri hanno nei confronti dei giocatori bianconeri, diciamo esageratamente autoritario, quasi a volersi far vedere, a voler dimostrare che loro no, loro mai…
Se ragionassi come un romano o un laziale qualunque, se ragionassi come un fiorentino o un antijuventino qualunque, da Chievo-Juventus in poi dovrei dire che si è chirurgicamente eliminato i bianconeri dalla corsa al titolo, ma io a queste dietrologie non ci sto.
L’Italia, però, è il Paese dei sudditi pronti a pestare a sangue il dittatore una volta disarcionato, I think that is happening here is the same thing ...
1. continues