Monday, November 29, 2010

Leaf Green Cheats For Mac


During last July, I was invited to participate in ECOPINK at the splendid setting of the Asti Area 17 in Milan.
Staff, Linda Schailon, Caterina Misuraca and Paola Sammarro in the mail saying "We find your work and your passions in perfect harmony with the philosophy of the project. E 'for That's why we are glad to have you among our exhibitors. Hoping to have you among our "pinks", I salute you thanking you for your attention and making you a big good luck for your lavoro.Continua to make us dream ....."

I accepted with great joy and emotion and I immediately began working on the project .....

In the time it was more important than it seemed, a real event which immediately achieved great interest from the press.

This is the first Page pinks with the first 10 selected:

How exciting !!!!!

Then sono aggiunte altre, fino ad arrivare a 30 espositori e ben 39 creative .
Protagoniste indiscusse, le PINKS sono donne accumunate da una forma di progettualità che affonda le radici in un pensiero etico-ambientalista.

Il progetto è un percorso espositivo che mette in risalto oltre alla filosofia, che è alla base delle loro opere, un altro fattore che acconuna le “pinks”: la strordianaria abilità manuale, l’artigianalità, l’inventiva e la genialità nel trovare soluzioni tecniche e ottenere nel contempo l’ eccellenza della forma. Dai monili agli arredi, dagli abiti alle sculture, dalle installazioni alle suppellettili, la creatività femminile raccontata a 360 gradi.

In Ecopink le questioni etiche, sociali, ambientali sono priorità incondizionate. All'inaugurazione il 25/11 anche l'intervento di Sonia Forasiepi - Amnesty International Milano e di Daniela Fantini - Associazione "Usciamo dal silenzio" e a seguire nei giorni fino al 30/11 tanti altri interventi di donne impegnate nel mondo Ecopink. Programma completo qui
Così il 25 novembre io e Francesco siamo partiti per Milano, anche questa volta condividendo l'avventura con la nostra amica e compagna di viaggio Chiara Chimajarno .

two days were really beautiful, so many new experiences, a lot of satisfaction .... I know I repeat myself, but every time these experiences give me so much in terms of professional and human.

Exposure to the Asti area is truly amazing, what a thrill to see my necklaces on display in that frame and among the many artists that I admire.

A moment of the inauguration

Left Daniela Fantini - Association "We emerge from silence," Valerie Martin Space 17 Asti, Sonia Forasiepi - Milan Amnesty International, Caterina Misuraca, Linda and Paola Schailon Sammarro.

Ten are the creations all'ECOPINK Caracol, 3 other visions on display at the request .... and of course they are also affordable.
"Disc Pink"

"Pink Pink"  

"NGR Pink"

"Tris Pink"

"Ics Pink"

"Pink Feather"

"Stonehenge Pink"

"Porcupine Pink"

"Stonehenge bracelet Pink"

"Porcupine Bracelet Pink"

until 30 November 10 Caracol on display and sale all'Ecopink Asti Area 17 Milan, then any info my email address.

After all this talk of pink in my personal view of life
What better time to be an event dedicated to women and their work ... a dedication to my Francis is one of those wonderful people who understood the value of sharing of life with women ...

With my love of the support, encouragement, cooperation continued .... the journey side by side close to hand!! ♥

hug Chiara first but also to all the wonderful women to meet ECOPINK
And a big thank you to Catherine, Paula and Linda

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wedding Countdown Desktop


Flight Venice / Rome, November 19, 2010 at 8:50 am .... Francis and Clare
I leave for the inauguration di BIJOUX d'AUTORE 2010.

Con grande emozione ci siamo imbarcati per vivere quella che poi si è rivelata una giornata bellissima, appagante e piena di gioia per i nuovi e vecchi incontri.
Finalmente abbiamo avuto occasione di rivedere persone speciali già incontrate in altri eventi e con cui siamo sempre in contatto. E poi abbiamo avuto anche occasione di conoscere altre persone davvero uniche con cui da un po' abbiamo un'amicizia virtuale, fatta di risate e condivisioni....una ricchezza che internet ci da e che se usata bene porta davvero tanto nella vita di ognuno di noi......

"Joya" selected .... my necklace ...
than happy!

The jury at the opening from the street and announces the winners .... complimentissimi to 4 selected !!!!!

WHITE HAT Historic Jewel of the ancient and contemporary
SILVIA CERRONI Goldsmith Sculptor
FABRIZIA RENELLETTI historian and art critic
VALLI MARINA Designer jewelry and gifts

UNDER DE LUCIA for the Association Meetings and Events

wonderful speech presentation of Bianca Cappello, who is also possible to read the catalog Bijoux d'Autore must-read to understand clearly the meaning of the Competition B'JOUX COPYRIGHT and the meaning of this field is very often not properly understood and evaluated.

E 'was a fantastic experience that I carry inside along with the smiling faces of all the people who have been involved.

These days it also released the motivation premium "BEST SHOW - Autumn Festival 2010" that it was awarded last November 30 in Jesolo.

"Eleanor and Francis Battaggia Bernardin have preferred a version of 'atmosphere. A" suggestion autumn ", which refers to the gray tones, illuminated only by the warm light of seasonal fruits and leaves red. Exploring natural for the exhibitors, natural wood, and the trays made with logs of wood. Evocative reminder of the fog, created with a light voile caught between the deadwood. These undertones are perfect to bring out the stones and contemporary forms of jewelry on display. "

We are very pleased to be able to convey the impression of" our "Autumn, thanks again to Ace. The Step.

And now we prepare for the next adventure ....
.... we are leaving for Milan !!!!!

...ecco un'anteprima di uno dei 10 Caracol/Ecopink/Pezzi in esposizione....

....dal catalogo Ecopink 2010...
vi presento
Collana realizzata con scarti sartoriali, copri cd e rame da scarti industriali....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tepee Tent Buffalo Hide

Pac Man / l'Unità

The way Kibawe, Philippines, in Arlington, Texas, is as long as eight laps of the world, those that Manny Pacquiao has made about himself and the history of boxing, becoming the record- world championship in as many categories at the speed of light, gaining the nickname Pac Man
The face of the boy raised in General Santos, Philippines island of Mindanao, is a book which is printed in the destiny of a winner, since day ran away from home boarding for Manila, after seeing the death of his close friend Mark Peñaflorida.
Ne ha fatta di strada Pacquiao da quando è diventato professionista, 1995, e l’ha fatta risalendo la china della povertà come nella più classica tradizione pugilistica, ne ha fatta così tanta che oggi i soldi non sono più un problema, permettendogli di realizzare l’altro suo grande sogno: entrare in politica e aiutare la propria gente.
Ci ha provato la prima volta nel 2007 senza successo, ma la sconfitta per Manny è solo un mezzo per imparare la lezione e puntare dritto l’obiettivo, così nel maggio di quest’anno è stato eletto in parlamento sconfiggendo Roy Chiongbian, membro del clan di Sarangani che occupava il seggio da trent’anni. «Anche se è molto popolare – ha detto Reynaldo Constantino, mayor of one of the seven municipalities of the province, which received $ 1.6 million from Pacquiao in three years to invest in projects - without his money would not have won the election, determining factor to succeed in the Philippines. " Fast
to fight, quick to learn, Manny Pacquiao has set in motion the electoral machine two years ago, a car full of money and promises: "I want to help people, especially in my province. There is a lot of poor people. I'd like to be remembered not only for my business in the ring but also for having served my people. "
Beating the Mexican Antonio Margarito has grossed $ 15 million, excluding revenue from the pay-per- view. In 2009 the Time dedicated its cover, but only two meetings, one with Mayweather, separate him from the credits of a career out of reach.
His story is similar to that of the Nicaraguan Alexis Arguello, world champion in three different categories, who committed suicide on July 1, 2009. Considered one of the strongest boxers of all time, was the Sandinista guerrilla. Dispossessed of their property and exiled in the United States by his own comrades, for marrying anticommunist views, passes through the Contras and Miami became the idol of Castro. In 1990 he returned home after the victory of Violeta Chamorro and in 2008 he was elected mayor of Managua in the ranks of fellow once. A life da romanzo terminata precocemente in circostanze ancora tutte da chiarire.
Ma Manny Pacquiao ha scelto per se un finale diverso, figlio di uno degli slum più poveri di Mindanao, con la licenza elementare e un inglese approssimativo, ha trovato nella boxe il riscatto sociale e nei soldi uno strumento per realizzare qualcosa di più concreto che l’eterea gloria di un ring.

Monday, November 15, 2010

How Much Haircut On Bench Fix Salon

exhibition and shop at Livorno CRUC PRJ

Since Caracol is November 13 in Livorno in CRUC fantastic!!
22 pieces from the collection "Jeans2010" made exclusively for the occasion, as Cruce is dedicated to Denim. Many thanks to Laura
Tagliafraschi, who wanted to Caracol between participants in this wonderful experience ....

CRUC coworking is a lab, a creative place, not the usual multi-brand that we usually see in Italy. The area is home to creative people from all over Europe, a space where everyone will provide their expertise and their work. The products we present are the result of careful CRUC research, selected products that alternate between known brands in Europe (but not in Italy) and an emerging brand products.
CRUC is: fashion, art, photography, music and crafts.

Here are some pieces Caracol, as usual, only registered and protected , which can be found at CRUC

Here other photos of the pieces and exposure to Cruce.

I also have another good news to give ....

Caracol was honored as one of the three best adapted for the "Autumn Festival 2010" was held on 30 and 31 November in Old Town Jesolo Ve !!!!!

Happy !!!!!!
Thank you so much Axis. Organizer of the event and the step of the competition.