Wednesday, June 21, 2006

New Member Church Letter Samples

Nadia ( nome di fantasia NdJ ) è italiana e vive in Umbria. Ha preso i voti da appena un paio d'anni per una vera e spontanea vocazione. Ha studiato a lungo per diventare novizia ed essere Suora ad appena vent'anni è per lei un grande gioia .

Geraldine viene da Manila. Ha preso i voti per una promessa di sua madre, che ottenne la grazia dalla madonna in cambio della consacrazione della figlia ( almeno così sostiene la madre; non abbiamo avuto modo di intervistare la Madonna ).

Lucia ( nome di fantasia NdJ ) viene dal Perù. E giovane e bella, ma ha una vera vocazione e adora essere Suora, perché come maestra dell'ordine di Santa Teresa del Bambino Gesù può crescere tanti bambini pur senza formare una famiglia propria.

Nadia ha sempre amato la Madonna. Non ha mai provato amore o attrazione per uomini di questo mondo e del resto è entrata in seminario appena sedicenne.

A Geraldine non è stato mai permesso di conoscere l'amore, in quanto questo would have broken the oath made to his mother.

The only earthly love that Lucia has proved is that for the children and never asked for more.

Nadia has experienced physical love when he was already dressed. Her lover took her to a convent. Nadia went to confess to the pastor, who advised her to address his confession to a higher authority.

When Geraldine tried physical love, she was wearing her white dress. However he wanted to confess his desire to the pastor before eating pleasure.

Lucia instead he would not confess anything to the parish. Sure he felt bad for his carnal desire and thought that a nun should not do "certain things " but admit it would be tantamount to losing the veil and the love of his children.

Nadia listened to the parish priest and turned to a higher authority. His confession was greeted with great affection and gained full acquittal. So it was not for her lover.

Geraldine was invited to give up the veil. But not dirty his suit never consecrated. It simply anointed another.

Lucia was finally forced to confess. Because of his sin carnale è stata condannata alla clausura e le sono stati tolti i suoi bambini.

L'amante di Nadia non è stato assolto perché la prese contro il suo volere. Nadia fu violentata da un muratore impiegato in dei lavori di restaurazione di rimpetto al convento di Assisi in cui Nadia studiava. Il muratore è in carcere a scontare una pena che ritiene ingiusta. Nadia è in convento con un abito che non riesce a mondare.

Geraldine non ha sconsacrato il suo abito quando ha conosciuto l'amore fisico, perché l'ha fatto con suo marito, il muratore sardo Maurizio Degortes, di tre anni più giovane, del quale si innamorò while he was still madly Sister. It is now a happy woman, although her mother probably hate her for breaking her vow.

The cell enclosure of Lucia is not in a convent, but in a women's prison. E 'was imprisoned on the orders of the Prosecutor of the Court of Vallo for having made the sexual abuse of some children of asylum in which he taught. Sister Lucy loved her children very much.

Monday, June 19, 2006

How To Turn Built In Camera On Mac On In Oovoo

Transgeneris Three Sisters! PINK

The masculine and feminine and they know incotrarsi clash in mysterious ways. In the following passage, the result of my banal rumination, an imaginary boy named Emanuel talks about the second foreign language in high school he has chosen.

" Me and my girl we love to do a dance. Every now call home a couple of friends and then ... you know how it goes: my mother at once haughty and shouts:" Stop with those hooves! You're making a mess! You'll see the nearby salt! ( but if salt is because she wants to do a dance as well ).
So me and my girlfriend likes to move to the rhythm and for this reason, among all the options available to us, we chose English, although for different reasons. My girlfriend prefers English because my language is very close ( and thus is more easily ), simply because I really like. I want to learn English well, and for this I promise a lot, but my girlfriend says it does not matter if we put effort or not, then I get a pacifier. What a disgrace! He put the leash as if I were his dog! Ah women! The thing that she complains that most of my English is that when we get the S . spit ... is stronger than me: I try to restrain myself, but in the end something always squirts in the face to those who are in front and the ugly is that it is still my girlfriend, but it may well be our teacher or any of my classmates with whom I practice. I wonder how will the English real ... My professor gave me comfort me every day the pat ... maybe worse. I apply it, everyone knows that, indeed, now in high school they call me a bookworm "or" thrush "because I was hunched up myself as Leopardi. According to a very good friend of mine ( learned using the language abroad ) the secret lies in swallowing. "If you drink it down then definitely do not spit " he says. It seemed easy! After less than five minutes I have a mouth full! I look like an ox! In fact, when I use the English look a bit 'I have it right by ox. In Internet my girlfriend has found a way to overcome the problem: it seems that before you start drinking a little is enough 'from the inside of the coconut. Mah! She is the darling benesissimo because she likes to be crazy, but I do not like ... I certainly do not sucks ( from time to time, with the excuse that is good, my father gives me strength! ), but I have other tastes. I searched the Internet and I found myself in another way: instead of drinking from the coconut, I drink from the comb ... I rely on bees and honey, in fact. Returning to the difficulties of English, one thing that I would never even suspect that it seemed absurd that it was necessary diaphragm. It seemed impossible that English requires all these precautions. Then, on reflection, I realized that as far as practicable can do a minimum of technique is always needed because something could always run away from his hand. Then the diaphragm did not seem much more weird: English is not just a question of your chest. Should send down from the mouth and then hold in the stomach and then send her out of his nose, as I like my teacher. Basically all that is around is strictly marginal importance: what counts is what he gets an oral test. There just does not matter what you have learned: there is in front of a large envelope and anxiously waiting as it passes from hand to hand. There are bows, hats, and was prepared for everything because you need to know to pass the oral swallow. And I want to do it at all costs, because the English will help me in life and work. Many South Americans beat Italy in the road and it's time for us to do the same. You can make lots of money with open terms to be met. Sure, I'll miss the winter whiteness on my roof and the mountain of my childhood, but I want my girlfriend and I want to give her a future, so I will give myself. And when I come back from her, from my
dancer, and I'll see her mambo button will cry: " me the horn! . His mambo has always played my tango, but not least I feel good: his salsa me drink it! As I said earlier, I will not defeat. English is the stuff of men! The women are trying, do exercises on exercises, operations ... useless. It 's a fact of nature: the English will always be a man than a woman

We have now replaced with Emanuela Emanuele and passed around the track for women.

" I adore my boyfriend and do four jumps. Every now and then to call home a couple of friends and then ... you know how it goes: My father at once haughty and shouts: "Stop with those hoes! You're making a mess! You'll see the nearby salt! ( but if salt is because he too wants to do a dance ).
mean to me and my ragazzo piace muoverle a ritmo e anche per questo, fra tutte le opzioni a nostra disposizione, abbiamo scelto la spagnola, sebbene per ragioni diverse. Il mio ragazzo preferisce la spagnola perché la mia lingua si avvicina molto ( e quindi gli viene più facilmente ), io semplicemente perché mi piace molto. Voglio imparare bene la spagnola e per questo mi impegno molto, ma il mio ragazzo dice che non importa se ci metto impegno o meno, tanto sono una ciuccia. Che disgraziato! Mi ha messo il guinzaglio come fossi la sua cagna! Ah gli uomini! La cosa che lui rimprovera maggiormente alla mia spagnola è che quando arriva lo S . sputo... è più forte di me: cerco di trattenermi, ma qualcosa alla fine schizza sempre in faccia a chi mi sta difronte e il brutto è che non è sempre il mio ragazzo, ma può essere pure il nostro professore o uno qualsiasi dei miei compagni di classe con i quali mi esercito. Chissà come faranno le spagnole vere... Il mio professore mi consola ogni giorno dandomi il pacco... magari bastasse. Io mi applico, questo lo sanno tutti, anzi, ormai al liceo mi chiamano " topa di biblioteca " o " passera solitaria " perchè mi incurvo su me stessa come faceva Leopardi. Secondo una mia amica molto brava (
ha imparato usando la lingua all'estero ) il segreto sta nell'ingoiare. " Se mandi giù sicuramente poi non sputi " mi dice. Le pare facile! Dopo nemmeno cinque minuti ho già la bocca piena! Sembro una vacca! Anzi, quando uso la spagnola lo sguardo un po' da vacca ce l'ho proprio. In Internet il mio ragazzo ha trovato un sistema per superare il problema: pare che prima di iniziare basti bere un po' dall'interno della cocca. Mah! A lui va benesissimo perché la cocca gli piace da impazzire, ma io non la prediligo... certo non mi fa schifo ( di tanto in tanto, con la scusa che fa bene, me la dà mia madre per forza! ), ma ho altri gusti. Ho cercato anch'io in Internet ed ho trovato un altro metodo: invece di bere dalla cocca, bevo dalla fava... mi affido alle api e al miele, insomma. Tornando alle difficoltà della spagnola, una What I never suspected, and indeed it seemed to me absurd that it was necessary diaphragm. It seemed impossible that the English ask all these precautions. Then, on reflection, I realized I can do as far as practicable, a minimum of technique is always needed because something could always run away from his hand. Then the diaphragm did not seem much more strange: the English is not just a question of your chest. Should send down from the mouth and then hold in the stomach and then send him out of his nose, as I like my teacher. Basically all that is around is strictly marginal importance: what counts is what he gets an oral test. There just does not matter what you have learned: there is in front of a big bust and anxiously waiting as it passes from hand to hand. There are bows, a chapel, and was prepared for everything because you need to know to pass the oral swallow. And I want to do it at all costs, because the English will help me in life and work. Many South American beat Italy in the road and it's time for us to do the same. You can make lots of money with the flaps open to satisfy. Sure, I'll miss the winter whiteness on my roof and the mountains of my childhood, but I want to my boyfriend and I want to give him a future, so I'll give it my all. And when I get back from him, from my dancer, and I'll see her mamba button will cry: " to me thrombo! . "His mamba has always played my thong, but not unless I feel good: the sauce me tell me that, as I said earlier, I will not to be won. The English women is the stuff! The men are trying, do exercises on exercises, operations ... useless. It 's a fact of nature: the English of a woman will always be superior to that of a man .

Friday, June 16, 2006

Thesis Pricing Swaptions


Taking a cue from the post of Surimi , I decided to investigate aspects of cosplay more congenial to us.

Cosplay is a word from the translation less straightforward as sembrerebbe. La prima parte, " Cos ", è la contrazione di " Costume " cioè costume nel senso di maschera, solitamente legata ad una determinata cultura, ma nel contesto si riferisce precisamente a personaggi di cartoni animati e videogame giapponesi, anche se ormai il fenomeno ha investito anche personaggi di film e dello spettacolo in generale di qualsiasi nazionalità. La seconda parte " play " è l'avverbio inglese definitivo. Vuol dire praticamente qualsiasi cosa richieda un qualche tipo di attività.

Nel senso più comune cosplay significa recitare/imitare il ruolo di un personaggio, indossando lo same costume. But if you're a Kiss Me Licia Satomi like to dress and play the guitar, his playing a musical instrument would be in costume cosplay (costume playing guitar ). So even a fan of Captain Tsubasa ( Holly & Benji in Italy ) dressed as Mark Lenders play a game of football, would be doing cosplay (costume playing soccer ). And if a fan of Urusei Yatsura (Lum in Italy) to dress for Lum, talking and moving as his heroine, to excite your partner and move a bit 'the usual routine of the thalamus ... she would be doing cosplay .

The link I listed below the title refers only to one of the sites devoted to sex in cosplay, news of the last five years, but really glamorous Japan reissue of our classic European tradition. From this point of view there is nothing new under the sun, while Japan played Misato and Shinji ( characters of Neo Genesis Evangelion ), in Europe we have long enjoyed the version X-RATED "of the classic Brothers Grimm: Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf , The Sleeping Beauty and Prince , The stepmother of Snow White and the Magic Mirror and so on.

In games erotic Europeans was also frequent reference to popular culture ( Santa Claus and the child that good or bad ... it was changed a little gift! ) to satire (The commendation and the waitress ) or Church ( the confessional, sometimes between priest and sinner same nun ess) or even picking up a cue from famous literature (The azzecarbugli Lucia and Mondello, the Nun of Monza and Renzo, Tarzan and Jane etc ...) and history (eg Antony and Cleopatra as well as Napoleon and Josephine ).

It would be wrong to say then that the Cosplay actually born in Europe as fun for adults and is later discovered in Japan as fun for kids e. .. Bozos.

currently cosplay x-rated is the extreme frontier of the customer service travel: worksuit professional escorts in suitcase in the hotel that evening dress up as Sailor Moon ( or other characters) and imitate with great realism in movements and speech, being well prepared on the character and history of the series. Shelling out a figure which has significant ( start from about € 2,000 for a single performance of 4-6 hours) you can try the experience of have sex with any idol dreams, played by an actress like the original in everything: body, mind and personality.

I love the world of eros!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Maroon Volleyball Hair Ribbons


Even we humans happen to occasionally receive some appreciation. The thing is certainly pleased, however, a man is always conscious of not being attractive in itself but for what he stands for and / or transmits, as a woman is aware that to attract the eyes of men is not her personality but her boobs.

boys we said we do that kind of mental blowjobs in their place in an imaginary ranking of desirability unconscious.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, too, I imagine my delight to index of palatability. Follow reasoning and see a bit 'where you placed. The following statement applies only to the considerations unconscious ( or deliberate calculations, as the case ), regardless of the feelings, the feeling and all those things that will become crucial once the censorship of everything else that is not apetite . I would add, if anything, there's the case, that the groups that we will gradually discarding are not discarded as being less preferable, but are subtracted because they are generally preferred less.

7.9% of Italians (4'582'000 )
For historical reasons, cultural and, above all, employment, the graduate is more popular with the worker's qualifications lower. The degree is an external element that groups a set in which it is more likely to find concrete reliability. When women say that a man looking for safety, mainly refer to this, that they are conscious or not. If they relate to economic security, we know that a graduate has a better chance of employment and can draw an average salary of a graduate major ( technically is said to have greater bargaining power ). If it refers to the inner security, by virtue of the above, it is more likely to find a graduate confident rather than an undergraduate, if only for the basics in support of its safety (see also below ).

-50% (2'291'000 )
Although not an absolute truth, it is assumed that the majority of women are mainly interested in people of different sex from their .

31.5% of the remaining (721'665 )
Given an age range between 22 and 79 years (life expectancy of Italian), then within 57 years of life, it is reasonable to assume that the "male" more appealing in this broad band are those between 27 and 45. Generally children under the age of 27 are considered less reliable both simplistic considerations ( the typical cliches about guys who just want to have fun or immature ) or statistics ( hardly a graduate under 27 is already well underway in a clear career ). Men over the 45 are considered too old or or "suspicious" ( married, divorced or perhaps already the second worst single

less 10% (649'499 )
Statistically in Europe this is the percentage of homosexuals.

less 40% (389'699 )
At this point we have to imagine, alas, that something that clicks for women is to consider people with sensitive health problems " only good friends ", unless it is clearly in love! Here we are talking about even very mundane and material considerations. I deleted the first obese in Italy are slightly more than 25% of the population (the overweight are about 38%, but these obviously are not considered: a little 'belly is an aesthetic problem, certainly not health ), then I proceeded to steal the disabled, even with low rates ( such as a person who lacks the index finger ) , chronic illness, dwarfs and giants etc ...

minus' 80% (77'939 )
So che molti di voi se la siano già fatta in partenza questa considerazione: " non tutte le lauree sono uguali ". Non parliamo di professionalità conseguita né di valore intrinseco del corso di studi. Parliamo di spendibilità del titolo . Di logica, una laurea in economia e commercio apre più agevolmente la strada verso carriere ben remunerate rispetto a lauree in lettere e filosofia, in giornalismo o in scienze della comunicazione. Talune altre lauree hanno percorsi di inserimento nel mercato del lavoro abbastanza tortuosi ( o sono percepiti comunemente in questo modo ) o ancora molto settoriali, per cui il neolaureato è indirizzato verso un unico seppur buono sbocco professionale: se it is fine, otherwise ... It is obvious that, having to groom in the caldron in which there is a greater chance of finding the nugget, all that could be pitted lead is trashed.

less 50% (38'969 )
in that pile that was left could be everything from the greatest good and evil, extreme, including any variable in the middle. We have thus eliminated all single , assuming, very arbitrarily, which are about half. What is the best way to know if a product works without trying it? Many kids observed that significantly increase their courtship when they are engaged than when they are not. This is due to the fact that a man is coupled with a product that another buyer has tried and appreciated (as if he keeps ). So it's a good product. Besides, if you are a man of 35 years, with a good job or good chance of being ( with a title that opens the door to many possible careers ), you're heterosexual and you also lucky enough to be "healthy " and you're single, are three things: either you have tried and are not proven to be a convincing, or is seeking the 'impossible "or simply enjoy yourself too much like single.

less 50% (19'484 )
We left the beautiful girls. I know you're wondering how I did it and especially because so many are so beautiful ( half of the total). I used the razor "is a nice guy . If you notice, when you ask a girl is not interested in talking about a guy and this includes this sentence in the description, this is always pointed to the "Where's My Car" but to all those people who do not have characters that distinguish them as generally bad. And 'in fact typical of the expression " is a nice guy, but I do not like "that can be easily related to Fabrizio Frizzi, but I doubt it is equally attributable to Raoul Bova. In short, according to our calculation are potentially cute guys all those for whom you can say" it's a nice guy " without causing any astonishment.

At this point I stop: last we arrived at the cauldron, which involved individual choices, tastes, preferences and, above all, feelings. Among these people there are 19,484 people who want to form a family ( or have even already made ) and people who hate children. There are many priests and missed whoremongers. Meticulous and messy. Temerari e sedentari. Alti e bassi, magri e grassi, superdotati e microdotati, calvi e capelloni, maiali e puritani, machi ed efebici, malati di lavoro o artisti della fuga. Ci sono i geni 152 di QI (minimo del MENSA) e i tizi da 75 punti di quoziente intellettivo (proprio così: laurea e intelligenza non vanno di pari passo). Ci sono persone di varie religioni, razze, culture, credo politico. Biondi, bruni e rossi. Tanti gusti e storie diverse.

Il punto è un altro. Se rientrate in questo gruppo fate parte dello 0,033% della popolazione italiana. Siete quell'1 su 3'000 per il quale migliaia di donne sarebbero pronte a darsi battaglia con le unghie e con i denti .

E le donne sono le creature più pericolose sulla faccia della terra.

State attenti, cari i miei campioni del genere maschile !

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Can I Work Out During An Outbreak??

crime of passion

Charles e Antony ( nomi di fantasia NdJ ) sono due allegri compagnoni che condividono da anni la passione per i cavalli. Comprano riviste specializzate, vanno alle corse, visitano maneggi e allevamenti e montano nelle chiare giornate d'estate.

Che animale meraviglioso il cavallo ! Alto, fulgido e possente, rapido, elegante e maestoso, solido, dominante e muscoloso... ci sono mille ragioni e modi to love the horses and our two heroes and praticavanol knew them all. And when I say everyone, I mean ... all.

And so a few days ago the two friends had a brilliant idea. " Charles, immortalized on film because our love for horses so that the rest of the world will be participating? " Anthony did not need to repeat it twice!

They organized everything to the smallest detail. Taking advantage of the owner of a beautiful stallion black as night ( the photo of the animal footage and does not relate the story ) named Furia ( anche questo nome è di fantasia NdJ ), Charles ed Anthony si intrufolarono nella stalla per fare amicizia con lo splendido esemplare.

L'amicizia si fece presto più tenera , anzi... direi focosa . Così, mentre Anthony ed il suo nuovo amico Furia consumavano frettolosi e audaci preliminari, Charles, in pieno visibilio, montò il treppiede della sua videocamera professionale, preparandosi ad immortalare l'amore per i cavalli.

Con fare malizioso e gesti di navigata esperienza , Anthony denudò lentamente il suo corpo, under his eyes filled with desire for Fury. The horse kicked pretty impatient, eager to possess the soft body r dares biped friend of his, but Anthony, was amused to prolong cleverly waiting for the pleasure of Fury.

L ' expectation of pleasure is itself pleasure, a pleasure that adds to the invigorating energies and increases desire, as every woman knows.

Anthony But perhaps I exaggerate a bit 'too tickle the fancy of the Fury and missed even more granted after waiting so long .

Le donne sanno anche che un colpo di reni un po' troppo forte, una spinta passionale un po' troppo profonda da parte del proprio compagno può dare talvolta più dolore che piacere.

Ma, care amiche, nella maggior parte dei casi , i vostri compagni sono bipedi di circa 70-80 kg mediamente dotati. Provate a immaginare cosa può rappresentare nel vostro deretano la spinta di un pene di oltre un metro di lunghezza e dal diametro equino, spinta effettuata da uno dei mammiferi più possenti della terra, per giunta infoiato come un quindicenne.

Oh oh cavallo oh oh cavallo oh oh così Roberta Flack sang, but unlike the protagonist of Samarkand relying on the horse that fled the son of the wind black lady, poor Anthony eschewing the ladies and instead relying on the kindness of Fury death met her once.

internal injuries caused by the heat of the horse were so serious that to Anthony there was nothing to do. This has turned into a movement Snuff movie zoophilic and Charles, who got away with a conviction for trespassing, not being able to talk about animal abuse since it was established that Fury did not report any physical trauma from ... accident, in other words.

Anthony And so, like thousands of men before and after him, was also killed by his inordinate passion for horses.

Friday, June 9, 2006

Meralgia Paresthetica Treatmentblog

sipping a whiskey (of which name I will not post pictures but ...)

With this history of "Italian mammon" have truly broken the old balls. They do not really understand why in Italy the average age at which children leave the parental roof to start a family is aged over 35 years. They are there to wave to the fact that 24-27 were already parents ...

... but go to hell! Have you Started your life "adults do it yourself" at the turn of the 70s and mid 80s, when with a lousy salary worker you lived by just fine, you pay the mortgage and progressed well enough grit in sfrusciare bullshit. My parents (one second of three children, the other third of four) my grandparents paid wedding, bought a house and well furnished with furniture of choice. Those of my generation must make do with polls, criticism and kick some ass.

counting on a fixed wretched. The euro has sucked away my soul as well, but my drive is still what it was: a fixed, precisely. Last year I stopped smoking (June 27), estimating that I saved in one year about 1200 €, to put in the bank for a small investment or a trip. There was the oil crisis: the € 1,200 if they are smoked in my car. Those and many others.

The other day, laughing and joking, I tried to make me the math on how much money should be REALISTIC to a childless couple to live together as a lease or mortgage, utility bills and basic fees, charges for the machine and their livelihood and clothing. € 2,700.

Question: How many children between 24 and 30 years you know who earn more than € 1,300? Exactly.

But the older generation complains. They say we are born comfortable that we can not make sacrifices ... if so leg because the old are not a good thing, like go all out chestnuts by leaving home, car and a small fixed and they do not start from scratch? Where is their spirit of selflessness and sacrifice? Those comfortable they are.

say that we do not have a sense of responsibility because they do not start a family. It turns out that they were responsible for churning out children burst field on state subsidies or worse procreated just to get the job. Fuck that responsibility!

The Church criticized the married couples are limited to 1 or 2 children ... but those who churn out eight babies are good parents! But how can care for a child a parent who has eight works? E 'already so if you have a vague perception of these dwarfs running around the house! Birthdays should mark them on the agenda! Then, let's be serious, even if a couple earns € 5,000 per month, how to fuck them fields eight children? How did you study? How will you help them merge into society? These two assholes are just there to fuck, take the pats on the back from the sexton and thicken the lower strata of society.

Let them go to hell, too.