Friday, December 31, 2010

Halter Wedding Gown And Bolero?

Dieta dimagrante con il kefir di latte e il kefir d' acqua

Dieta dimagrante con il kefir latte e kefir d'acqua - é una dieta indicata per chi vuole imparare a nutrirsi in modo sano, purify and gradually lose the extra pounds.
The week begins with a cleansing day on which there is a drastic reduction in calories (only 600). In the following days until the Saturday following controlled diet based on food choice and common sense, but without the need to weigh all foods with the menu bilancia.I Sundays are free. And so for two months. It is called the diet on Monday and its main purpose is to purify the body, but also to lose weight in a BALANCE, learning to eat properly.
Calories: about 600 on Monday, on other days of normocaloric settimanaQuanto lost: 4-5 chiliDurata: 2 months to the person is suitable for: those who want to learn to eat healthy, purify and gradually lose the extra pounds.


progromma The diet, consisting of the menu of the day on Monday and dietary advice to follow for the rest of the week until Saturday, to be followed for 2 months. Weight loss expected, about 4-5 pounds, is gradual: the fastest in the first 20 days, then gradually slower but costante.Alla end of 2 months to reach two objectives: the loss of toxins and the acquisition of healthy eating habits that followed consistently, permitted to remain in line for a long time without diets mantenimento.E Sunday is considered a "day off", this means that you can do some digging regola.Come all cleansing diets, particularly at the beginning, even This could lead, in susceptible individuals, symptoms of various kinds such as headaches, rashes, muscle aches. These symptoms should not be alarmed, should be rather interpreted as a sign of effectiveness of the cleaning treatment adopted.

On Monday, the day of purification, the calories are supplied mainly from plant foods and drinks from property diuretic, detoxifying and riequilibranti.Dal Tuesday to Saturday, without weighing their food .. is necessary to avoid certain types of food (sweets and sausages esemipio) and favor the consumption of vegetables, fish and alimenli integrali.La Donen, considered "day off", you can, remove qualcbe whim but not too small, making the always prevail common sense and moderation on here golosità.Di following the diet for 8 Monday and purifying the ground rules for the remaining days: advice on cooking methods and more suitable for general guidelines on the foods to be preferred and which to avoid.

The day of diet provides approximately 600 calorie.I weights are considered to be raw and less any scarti.I condiments are allowed in the day consist of one tablespoon (10 ml) olive oil, for flavor dishes you can use spices and herbs to taste personale.Il morning, just lzate, drink a glass of water at room temperature with the addition of lemon juice.

FIRST MONDAY ' - milk kefir
tea, 2 cups of milk kefir natural 100 grams Snack: a glass of grapefruit juice not zuccherataPranzo: 150 g salad of mixed vegetables of your choice with 120 g of raw potatoes Snack: a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of purifying mieleCena: 200 g fresh fruit stagioneDopo dinner: a cup of tea sweetened with a purifying teaspoon of honey

SECOND MONDAY ' - milk kefir
a jar of milk kefir natural blended with 100 g zuccheroSpuntino an apple without the addition of: a glass of vegetable juice centrifuged Lunch: 150 g of lettuce and 40 g of bread integraleMerenda: purifying a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey Dinner: a bowl full of soup, mixed vegetables without pastaDopo dinner: a cup of purifying herbal tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey


Breakfast: Unsweetened a smoothie of an apple and a pear with water and two glasses of kefir ' s water

Snack: a glass of tomato juice Lunch: 30 g 150 g of boiled rice with boiled vegetables Snack: a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of purifying honey Dinner: 250 g of raw vegetables in either a salad After dinner: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele


Colazione: un vasetto di kefir latte naturale da 100 g frullato con mezza banana senza aggiunta di zuccheroSpuntino: un bicchiere di succo di mela non zuccherato Pranzo: 150 g di fagioli colti in scatola con 150 g di insalata di verdure miste Merenda: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele Cena: 250 ml di frullato non zuccherato preparato con frutta fresca e acquaDopo cena: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele


Colazione: tè; 2 vasetti di kefir latte naturale da 100 g Spuntino: un bicchiere di succo centrifugato di verdure Pranzo: 100 g di lattuga in insalata e 40 g di pane integraleMerenda: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele Cena: minestra preparata con 200 ml di brodo vegetale e 140 g di carote lessate nel brodo, frullare e condire con olio e un cucchiaino di formaggio grattugiatoDopo cena: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele

Colazione: un frullato non zuccherato dì una mela e di una pera con acqua e due bicchieri di kefir d' acqua

Spuntino: un bicchiere di succo di pomodoro Pranzo: 100 g di patate e 50 g di porri cotti al vapore Merenda: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di mieleCena: 200 g di cicoria in insalata e uno yogurt magro Dopo cena: una tazza di tisana depurativa dolcificata con un cucchiaino di miele


Colazione: a jar of 100 g raw milk kefir half a banana smoothie with no added sugar Snack: a glass of vegetable juice centrifuged Lunch: 25 g pearl barley boiled, seasoned with olive oil and a teaspoon of sauce soybean and 100 g zucchini vaporeMerenda: purifying a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey Dinner: 100 g of raw bean sprouts with 2 crackers integraliDopo dinner: a cup of purifying herbal tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey

EIGHTH MONDAY '- milk kefir

Breakfast: a jar of milk kefir natural 100 g smoothie with no added zuccheroSpuntino an apple, a glass of apple juice without sugar Lunch: 2 biscuits with a cup of coffee full of barley stained with semi-skimmed milk Snack: purifying a cup of tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey Dinner: 2 slices of fresh pineapple (250 g) After dinner: a cup of purifying tea sweetened with a teaspoon of honey


facilitates the treatment of liver and intestine. Ingredients: 50 g buy herbal nettle leaves, 50 g of artichoke and 50 g of plantain (these doses are sufficient for different teas.) Preparation: Take a teaspoon of nettle leaves, a teaspoon of artichoke and a teaspoon of plantain leaves. Put them in a saucepan with a quart of cold mineral water, bring to a boil and let simmer over low heat for 3 minuti.Tenere the pan covered until the tea becomes lukewarm, then strain and drink as indicated in the diet.

FROM TUESDAY 'A Saturday Kefir d' drinking water to purify and strengthen your body

Although there are set menus as for Monday, for the success of the diet Tuesday-Saturday è indiapencabile seguire alcune regole alimentari di base. Si tratta di semplici norme di corretta nutrizione che in generale dovrebbero essere sempre seguite da tutti.Masticare lentamente e a lungo, tenere in bocca ogni boccone almeno 7-8 secondi. Bere circa 1 litro fuori pasto di kefir d' acqua .Per dolcificare utilizzare solo per il periodo della dieta dolcificanti ipocalorici. Dopo la dieta dolcificare con moderazione con zucchero, fruttosio o miele.Alcuni alimenti sono da evitare: zucchero, dolci e dolciumi ,alcolici, gelati, olive, sott'oli, bibite, salame, coppa, mortadella, patatine fritte, cracker e grissini, formaggi stagionati e fermentati, fritti e snack salati.Moderare il consumo di: pane bianco, pasta e riso raffinati, patate, formaggi, condimenti, panna, frutta fresca dolce come uva, cachi e fichi, legumi, carni, prosciutto crudo, cotto e bresaola.Tra gli alimenti quelli da preferire sono: latte scremato, yogurt magro, cereali e derivati integrali in modiche quantità (biscotti secchi, fette biscottate, crostini, riso, posta e pane integrali, pesce, uova, insalate, ortaggi come biete, spinaci, pomodori, carote, cetrioli, sedano, zucca, zucchine, porri e verze, frutta fresca, in particolare gli agrumi.Per condire sono permessi 3 cucchiai d'olio di oliva al giorno. Per insaporire si consiglia l'utilizzo di spezie ed erbe aromatiche, come aglio, peperoncino, basilico, salvia, origano eccetera.


Anche il modo in cui si cucinano i cibi può influire sul loro contenuto calorico,sulla ricchezza di nutrienti che rimangono disponibili e sulla leggerezza del piatto finale.Per questo motivo è bene preparare carni e pesci alla piastra o ai ferri, al forno o in pentole dove è possibile cuocere senza l'utilizzo di condimenti grassi, al vapore, al cartoccio oppure con il forno a microonde.Le verdure in generale dovrebberoessere cucinate al vapore non immerse nell'acqua oppure stufate.


To facilitate the selection of foods and vary the menu that is balanced, here is a simple and practical list of foods to favor among cheese, meat, fish and salumi.Formaggi: cow's milk ricotta and mozzarella, smoked cheese, primosale, robiole and fresh tomini of fine latte.Carni: all meat should be eaten with no visible fat, the chicken is preferred over the chest to the thigh, and skin must be eliminated, avoiding meat selvaggina.Pesci: hake, cod, sole, trout, dogfish , octopus, squid, snapper, squid, seafood mare.Salumi: they can be incorporated in daily diet, only the defatted raw or cooked ham and dried beef.

BENEFITS OF DIET assisting with Kefir
Research and medical experiments have shown that, by maintaining the correct weight limits you get a drop of diseases (degenerative soprottutto those as Partmiosderosi) and an average increase of the vita.Per this conditions for the diet program proposed here allow you to learn to give preference or healthy foods, rich in elements which contribute to maintaining health and that is just minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins and essential fats and here the rich in vitamins and kefir minerals and 'very important to keep the body in full and in good physical efficiency salute.Alcuni food, poor because of these substances, or too rich fat or sugar are not recommended. A maximum allowed them occasional consumption, and they are: sweets, soft drinks, spirits, fermented cheeses, fried foods, preserved and horns offumicate as hot dogs, canned and cured meats.

After two months under the proposed diet is important not to resume old habits, returning to eat incorrectly, choosing the wrong foods or quantities superflue.Lo purpose of this diet program is also to teach definitively to change their eating habits, ie eating more healthily low in fat and sugar semplici.Due mesi di alimentazione equilibrata e calibrata hanno abituato l'organismo a bruciare ogni giorno un certo numero di calorie: ritornare a mangiare male e troppo, significherò dunque recuperare peso velocemente, accumulando adipe nelle cellule.


Può accadere che dopo un primo calo significativo, pur continuando il regime alimentare, il peso non vari più così tanto, anzi sembri essersi stabilizzato.Se si stanno seguendo con attenzione le indicazioni date si tratta solo di un arresto provvisorio. La pazienza e un po' di attività fisica aiuteranno a far scendere ancora l'ago della bilancia.Qualora non not operate at all can be changed for a few days at most 5, his weekly power favoring protein foods, namely meat, fish and eggs to force your body to draw from adipose tissue, ie the fat mass, the energy needs. These days you must be careful to drink water kefir more than usual because the animals produce larger amounts of protein metabolic waste tossiche.Il block weight, sometimes, can be determined by a period of constipation . In this case, you should try to regulate bowel function through a given stricter consumption of kefir d 'water, whole food, higher amounts of fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked as well as liquids (water and herbal tea) taken during the day. And increase physical activity.

probiotic foods - the potential 'of kefir

The man lives with a variety of microorganisms that inhabit their digestive tract, where they are in their natural "dynamic equilibrium", it produces a biological barrier can to effectively prevent, for "competitive exclusion", the settlement of harmful microorganisms, usually unrelated to this particular ecosistema.Inoltre this set of micro-organisms through the expression of their biological activity, account for almost one organ to supplement the physiological potential of the human digestive system, through the production of a variety of enzymes and metabolites can, in particular, to reduce the unfolding of processes that produce putrefactive accumulation and subsequent partial absorption of tossiche.Queste latter are able to affect the proper functioning of the 'digestive system and can initiate degenerative cellular processes with serious reflections on the health of the human organism. From then highlight the significant stimulating action of the system immunitario.L 'alteration of this delicate balance influenced by inappropriate diets, to states of tension and stress, assimilation di inquinanti d'origine ambientale, può compromettere il benessere complessivo dell'uomo.L'assunzione di alimenti ricchi di opportune associazioni di benefici fermenti vivi ed attivi, rappresenta accanto a diete equilibrate, il mezzo più efficace per la salvaguardia ed il rafforzamento dell'ecosistema microbico presente nell'apparato digerente e lo mette in grado di esprimere al massimo le sue potenzialita'.

Facendo riferimento a queste premesse che noi abbiamo brevemente richiamato, riteniamo che il kefir rappresenti l'alimento probiotico più adatto ed efficace. Questa bevanda , ricavata dal latte, con fermentazione acido-alcolica, veicola infatti una molteplicità di fermenti benefici costituiti da lattici, lieviti, acetici in associazione naturale stabile da millenni ed in grado di automantenersi in questi naturali equilibri se opportunamente governata . Tali caratteristiche rendono questa coltura adatta a presidiare l'alimento che avanza durante il progredire del processo digestivo;si rendono inoltre disponibili oligosaccaridi e polisaccaridi che sostengono lo sviluppo delle componenti microbiche saccarolitiche presenti nelle sezioni più distali del tubo intestinale, capaci di produrre un' efficace attività di contrasto dei deleteri processi putrefattivi.In sintesi i fermenti attivi presenti nel kefir, con la loro azione facilitano e stimolano alcune fra le fondamentali azioni svolte dalla microflora dell'apparato digerente:· Effetto "Barrier" against pathogens and potentially dangerous. · Effect of stimulation of the immune system located in the digestive tract, with effects on general immunity. Putrefactive • Control processes with the effect of reducing the absorption of toxic waste for the body. But the benefits do not stop there, since 'the release of specific enzymes, is produced on the components of milk, improved digestion, which makes them perfectly tolerated and advantageously assimilati.Vogliamo recall notice as an emblematic and evocative as the kefir will probably have been the drink that the patriarch Abraham gave three notable pilgrims, welcoming them under his tent in the desert Negev.L 'interest in the role dei lattobacilli nella salute umana risale almeno al 1908, quando Elia Metchnikov osservò che il consumo di latte fermentato aveva effetti benefici sulla popolazione umana. La sua teoria si basava sull’idea che i lattobacilli fossero in grado di eliminare i microrganismi produttori di tossine normalmente presenti nel tratto intestinale. Da allora, molti studi hanno prodotto risultati contrastanti riguardo al beneficio derivante dal consumo di latte fermentato con batteri lattici. Alcuni di questi contrasti sono dovuti molto probabilmente all’uso di tecniche microbiche inadeguate. L’intuizione di Metchnikov sull’uso di microrganismi nella dieta alimentare si è evoluta in un concetto più ampio, detto probiosi, che comprende quell’insieme di azioni positive per la salute svolte da colture batteriche vive e vitali, generalmente appartenenti ai generi Lactobacillus e Bifidobacterium, ingerite in quantità sufficente a superare la barriera gastrica e insediarsi nel tratto intestinale. (Fuller, 1989; Morelli 1998). I probiotici sono definiti come integratori alimentari costituiti da microrganismi vivi che apportano benefici all’animale ospite migliorando l’equilibrio della microflora intestinale. La flora protettiva che si stabilisce nell’intestino è infatti molto stabile, ma può essere perturbata da alcuni fattori alimentari e ambientali, quali la dieta, l’eccessiva igiene, la terapia antibiotica e lo stress. I probiotici risultano potenzialmente utili in quelle conditions involving an imbalance of microflora naturally resident, their beneficial effects may be direct, due to their metabolic activity, or mediated, due to an antagonistic effect towards specific groups of organisms or to stimulation of the immune system. The probiotic microflora during growth in the various places of the intestinal tract accumulates metabolites of considerable biological significance. In particular, we can mention the production of lactic acid, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, enzymes, antibiotics, bacteriocins that determine, among other things, a change in the redox potential and a lower pH value. The probiotic strains selected for use must be safe from the point of view hygienic and sanitary. Finally, caution must be extremely dutiful attention both from academia and industry in the use of genetically modified food, as probiotics in food. Currently, there are only a few bacterial strains with probiotic properties are well documented, which are used in milk products, yogurt for the bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) It is argued that any probiotic activity, contrary to popular pensato.I probiotic bacteria are resistant to gastric acid and bile and thus arrive in more distal sections of the digestive tract. Once in the digestive tract they can adhere to epithelial cells in order to provide a physical barrier that also prevents the adhesion of probiotics patogeni.Ceppi any well documented (Lee and Salminen, 1995):
effects reported in clinical trials
Lactobacillusacidophilus LC1
Improvement of immunology; adjuvant in vaccines, adherence to human intestinal cells, balancing the intestinal microflora.
Lactobacillusacidophilus NFCO1748
decrease of faecal enzymes, prevention of diarrhea due to radiation therapy treatment of constipation.
Lactobacillus GG
prevention of diarrhea associated with antibiotic therapy, treatment and prevention of diarrhea caused by rotavirus, treatment of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile, prevention of acute diarrhea, relief of Crohn's disease; antagonistic effect against cariogenic bacteria.
Lactobacillus caseiShirota
Prevention of intestinal disorders, balance of intestinal bacteria, fecal enzyme activity decrease; inhibition of bladder cancer.
Lactobacillus gasser (ADH)
reduction of fecal enzymes, survival in the intestinal tract.
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Treatment of diarrhea caused by rotavirus, balancing the intestinal microflora; treatment of viral diarrhea.
Streptococcus thermophilusLactobacillus bulgaricus
No effect on rotavirus diarrhea, no improvement in immunologic status during rotavirus diarrhea, no effect on faecal enzymes.
Saccharomyces boulardii
Prevention of traveler's diarrhea, prevention and treatment of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile.


potential effects of probiotics on human health have been grouped into three categories. The most reliable effects include: - reducing the symptoms of lactose intolerance - stimulation of the response immunitaria.Tra the likely effects are mentioned: - reduction blood levels of LDL cholesterol - preventive action in relation to colon cancer - increased resistance to infezioni.Vengono considered are potential effects: - a realignment of the microflora of the digestive system through the administration of probiotics - the administration of probiotics patients with autoimmune diseases, may attenuate the manifestations patologiche.Esperienze In vitro experiments have also shown that the inhibitory effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus held in respect of micro-organisms of the genera Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Bacillus and Vibrio


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