Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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Il calcio ad Haiti dopo il sisma / l'Unità

Football as medicine, intensive therapy that can revive the desperate souls of a country torn apart by the earthquake and even before by endemic poverty and bloodthirsty dictators.
A dream or perhaps utopian folly of those who do not want to give evidence, that on January 12 this year has run in the form of an earthquake, magnitude 7.3, razing Haiti and its people : 300,000 victims recognized one and half million internally displaced persons, deprived of what little or nothing that marked their existence in the ghettos of Port-au-Prince.
that day, the Haitian Football Federation had organized two meetings and has lost 36 members, including Philogène Labaze, coach of the Under 17 World Cup 2007 in South Korea, won by Nigeria, Haiti where he picked up a historic draw against France.
on synthetic turf, which opened in 2004 against Brazil's Ronaldinho, Sylvio Cator stadium lived 7,500 people, including makeshift tents and makeshift stoves coal. Same situation Léogane, 30 km west of the capital, and in all areas affected by the earthquake. Many players have been saved because almost all the clubs were working out outdoors when the shock came from this tiny miracle and the Federation has put the point again. The first step was the most painful to leave the stage by the displaced con l’aiuto della polizia che, visto il passato sanguinario al soldo della famiglia Duvalier, da queste parti non riscuote grandi simpatie. Insieme alla promessa di una tenda a famiglia: «Il calcio – si è giustificato Yves Jean-Bart, presidente della FHF – deve riprendere i suoi spazi e aiutare la gente a distrarsi».
Con l’aiuto della compagnia telefonica Digicel, che sponsorizza anche la Ligue Haitienne, il massimo campionato nazionale, a Port-au-Prince ha preso il via un torneo giovanile al quale hanno assistito 2.500 spettatori. Una passione contagiosa che si è sparsa per il Paese dando vita a mini tornei nelle città più colpite dal sisma. Durante i Mondiali, l’ONG Viva Rio ha organizzato un campionato the parallel world in the Martissant slum, called the neighborhood of the bandits, with 32 national teams such as in South Africa, made up of children of 11 and 12 years, a prize scholarships and access to education of the non-football school government.
In this paradise forgotten by God and men are more for fans of Argentina and Brazil, an exasperated that typhoid caused four deaths on the Elimination of training coached by Dunga, died of heart attack, suspected suicide or homicide.
posters praising the two South American for about a month covered those with slogans against President Rene Preval of the Republic and then the question arises whether the kick serve, once again, to make you forget everything else. As the revolt of 2004 that forced the resignation and exile, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide who had in turn defeated Jean-Claude Duvalier, and then dissolve the army and organize a corps of civilian police. After an interim government ruled by the President of the Supreme Court, Boniface Alexandre, René Préval was elected in 2006, including protests and accusations of electoral fraud by his opponents.
Haiti is the least developed of all the northern hemisphere. In 2008, according to the World Bank, the GDP was 6.69 billion dollars. In the Human Development Index ranking is 153 ° out of 177 countries, 80 percent of the population lives in conditions of abject poverty and 54% have an income of less than one dollar a day. The earthquake was the latest, in chronological order, a great torment that Haitians are forced to endure.
Despite all the news of qualifying for the National Women's Gold Cup, which has won five games out of five, eliminating among other even Cuba, has aroused great enthusiasm. While the Under 15 men participated in the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. Even as a testimonial Emilio Butragueno and Emmanuel Petit have moved to revive football in Haiti, the FHF has received $ 300,000 from FIFA after the quake and another 4 million have been allocated for a five-year program, 2011-2014, more far-reaching.
The first stone was the resumption of the league, which began on 1 August, with sixteen teams, including one called Don Bosco, in the name of the founder of the Congregation of the Salesians. The last sample in the Clausura 2009, was the Racing Club Haitien and it is from here that shares the island's football, with 60% of the population under twenty-five years and hope that the reconstruction, even the football, is a economic driver to bring the dreams into the hearts terrified by the earthquake.

1937 Year of birth of Haitian football league, 10 times he won the Racing Club Haitien, 6, Violette AC, 5 to FICA, 3 tied Aigle Noir AC, Etoile Haïtienne, Excelsior AC SC and Baltimore.
1974 The only participation of the Haitian National Championships World Cup, the current captain Frantz Bertin, francohaitiano, play nell'OFI Crete and is also passed from Juventus.
The 52-year life expectancy in Haiti, 74 deaths per thousand babies born make it one of the countries with the highest child mortality.
The 16 teams playing the Ligue Haïtienne, 4 relegation, the first four of the Clausura and openness will play the Super Eight, also known as the Digicel Cup, the sponsor.


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